spy ace

Chapter 1970

Chapter 1970
And this drama, for a drama lunatic like Zhan Ruide, it's a bit overwhelming after reading the book.

Fan Keqin was smoking a cigarette and drinking some tea, and even started writing songs again to wait for him.It was probably after eleven o'clock, and those who stood weakly had finished reading the script. After moving away from their eyes, they still felt a little unsatisfied.

Zhan Ruide said: "It's really good and wonderful. The character creation, the performance of conflicts, and the tension are all shown. It's just a shootout scene. Maybe you need to think about how to shoot it. Besides, I feel that this It’s perfectly fine to take pictures.”

Fan Keqin admired Zhan Ruide's words.There is a kind of director, no matter how wonderful the script is written, he will not shoot according to it, and he has to change it beyond recognition, as if to show his director's skill.As a result, the finished film after shooting is like a donkey's lip and a horse's mouth. After watching it, people feel like they are sitting on pins and needles, like a stick in their throat, like a thorn in their back.

This is because they cannot tell what is good and what is bad.Even if you know this notebook is good, but it's not your own, you must change it.For example, the quality of the book itself is quite good, and it would have been enough to just shoot according to it.But no, the plot has to be changed, and after that, it will be extended according to the changed plot.So much so that it became a slight difference, a thousand miles away.But on the other hand, if there is indeed a problem with the notebook, if you say you don’t change it and continue to take pictures, you can’t take it.Because of flaws, it doesn't look good when photographed.

What is Fan Keqin's notebook now?Especially the storyboard.For example, the first shot on the first page is the first shot, and the first shot is a close-up:
A pair of somewhat rough hands, black, and the cuffs of a black coat that is about [-]% new are exposed from the camera, roughly reaching the wrist.The background is a white wall, but the whiteness is not so pure. It is naturally yellowed after a few years of painting.In this hand was a coffee mug.The coffee cup is the most common style used in ordinary coffee shops, wide at the top, from the middle to the base, and starts to narrow.

Shoot at a depression angle of about [-] degrees, revealing the pure white drink inside, which can make people see that the glass is filled with normal milk.The coffee is steaming slightly, the hand is steady, and the camera follows the coffee cup until the cup is lifted and takes a sip.The camera is aimed at the protagonist's mouth, and he starts to say the lines: "What's the matter?"

That's right, this paragraph is just a short opening scene of seven or eight seconds. Fan Keqin has written so much, more than [-] words.All the details of the scene were carefully described.And this shot is still a close-up shot. If there are many characters involved in the shot, the background is complicated, and the shot is a little longer, then he may have to write eight or nine hundred words, or even thousands of words, for each shot.

The reason for doing this is because he learned it from a guy named Alan Moore in his previous life.Of course, this guy is a cartoonist, and everyone can know about his masterpieces, such as Deadly Joke, V for Vendetta, Watchmen, and Swamp Thing.Among them, the famous clown, Batman's old enemy in the deadly joke, is known as the most classic clown.Laughing wildly, with a camera covering half of his face, is definitely one of the best representations of a clown.

When this guy draws comics, he is willing to write a text draft like this, a small grid of comics, and he will write down all the details in words.He has this habit, after being guided by a famous film company, he has to buy the manuscripts written by him.Because what he wrote, you can just take pictures directly.Whether it is the plot, or the coherence, or the structure, a proper movie sub-shot and a super-detailed script.You don't have to bother at all, just follow what he wrote, and a movie will come out.

But this guy, Alan Moore, is very proud. At the beginning, he thought that the things he wrote and the comics he drew would definitely not reach the height of his original works.It will definitely be shot in a mess.So I am very opposed to making my own work into a movie.

But then, Zadao showed up, and then filmed an Alan Moore work, Watchmen came out.After Alan Moore watched Zha Dao's Watchmen, he usually didn't say anything. In the past, whether his work was changed to an animated movie or a live-action movie, he would criticize and even scold directly.But this time, after he watched Zhadao's watchman, it didn't happen.It can be said that Director Zha really captured the essence of his work.And that movie, the audience's evaluation is indeed very high.

The model of Fan Keqin's shot script is the model of Alan Moore.Some are very well written.But Alan Moore wrote the text for the comics.Fan Keqin just wrote for movies.This is also the reason why Zhan Ruide can even see the picture in his mind after watching it.

Fan Keqin said: "Thank you, why don't you take it back and have a look? After the film is finished, if you are interested, we will start preparing the crew and discuss it with Zhang Shan first."

"Okay." Zhan Ruide said: "Then I'll take it back and take a closer look. I'll look for you later."

After Zhan Ruide finished speaking, he got up and left directly.Good guy, I really don't want to stay for a minute after I achieve my goal.But it's normal, he didn't know what to talk about for this kind of play lunatic.

After Fan Keqin sent him out, he looked outside the door, but there was no one there.So after closing the door, he gently locked the door, quickly returned to his seat and finished, took a piece of paper from the side, and quickly wrote down his own inferences about Tong's father answering the phone with a pen. superior.Then roll it into a small paper stick.Put it in your pocket.

Then Fan Keqin put on his coat, opened the door and went straight up to the fourth floor, where he found Miss Tong.The latter was not very busy at the moment. After seeing Fan Keqin, he got dressed and went out together.Of course, his four bodyguards are still following.Just not very close.

On Nanjing Road, there is a restaurant run by Tong's family.But the two of them didn't go, instead they pursued romance and went to a French-style western restaurant.That's right, this was also proposed by Fan Keqin.

After ordering the dishes, the two of them ate and drank.On the way, Fan Keqin went to the toilet once.In the last compartment of the bathroom, he hid the small paper stick in a corner above the partition on the right.

This is an agreed upon, one of the ways in which information is conveyed.Someone will come and get it.Then Fan Keqin calmly left the toilet...

(End of this chapter)

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