spy ace

Chapter 1972

Chapter 1972
Zhan Ruide came to the door with Zhang Shan, another shareholder of Star Entertainment Company.Fan Keqin used to work for Zhang Shan, but now he has become a partner.But Zhang Shan is still a very good person. He used to respect Fan Keqin very much. Teacher Wan's name came from him.So much so that everyone later called Fan Keqin Teacher Wan.

After looking for the door, Zhang Shan smiled and took out a small square box, which was only one bundle long and ten centimeters thick.Like a large rectangular box, made of wood.He directly put the wooden box in front of Fan Keqin, and said: "A friend who is doing business in Mexico brought it back. It is said that it is a Mexican hand-rolled cigar, last year. It is said that last year's leaves are very good. Bring it back for me to taste. Taste, but you know I don’t smoke at all, so I just happened to be a favor and bring it to you.”

Fan Keqin nodded with a smile, and said: "Thank you, I really like this." After speaking, he opened the box, took out one from it, cut it on one end, lit it and took a sip.Um!Chun!

While smoking a cigar, Fan Keqin made a cup of tea for the two of them, sat on one end of the sofa, and said, "You two are looking for something for me, right?"

"Yes." Zhang Shan nodded and said: "Director Zhan came to me this morning and talked about the script. After I heard it, I felt that there was a lot to do. Although I appreciate that a movie is still in theaters, this killer is biased, preparing, shooting , Post-production and so on, it will take a while to get it all together, and it will be almost done when it is finished. So how about I start this project now?"

Shooting a one-step movie these days is quite troublesome.So what Zhang Shan said was right. Fortunately, he had the previous movie as a base, otherwise, it would have been very troublesome just to set up the crew for this movie.Of course, it is also a good thing to let Zhang Shan participate in becoming a shareholder of Star Entertainment.His contacts in this area are still very broad.Otherwise, it may take a long time just to form a crew.

Fan Keqin nodded and said: "No problem, I have to think that it should still be filmed as a color and sound movie. How about it?"

"Yes." Zhan Ruide said next to him: "When I talked with Boss Zhang, we had a brief communication, and we both thought the same way. In the future, it is best for our movies to be color and sound movies, which will become ours. A signboard. It just so happens that the owner of the color film Zhang has a way, and the equipment is relatively complete."

In fact, Zhan Ruide is the director, and he is also a rookie director.When he was studying in Europe before, he worked with many film crews, and also worked as an assistant director many times, following him to learn.But strictly speaking, the deadlock of the last movie was the first time he really took charge of the director.That feeling was so cool, it made Zhan Ruide almost intoxicated.If possible, he wished he could never stop filming one scene after another.

And such a newcomer director's acceptance of new technologies, color films, and sound films is actually much higher than that of some well-known figures.For example, Chaplin, in this era, it's awesome.But his acceptance of sound films and color films is very low.But this may also have something to do with his style.But to put it bluntly, it is still not enough to accept new things.

Fan Keqin nodded, and said: "Well, very good, I can watch it. After all, the times are advancing, and there are color films and sound films. The audience must prefer this kind of film. Silent films, black and white films, in the future. We will be eliminated. We make color and sound movies, although the cost is high, but it is also for long-term consideration.”

After a few words, it was settled. Zhang Shan was still in charge of preparing the crew.He knows a lot of people in this area. In fact, Miss Tong can handle this matter. After all, compared to contacts, Miss Tong can beat him by eight blocks.But Zhang Shan felt that Miss Tong was the real daughter, how could she let others do this job.Besides, if the work is done by others, then as a shareholder, isn't it a bit dispensable?You know, with Miss Tong's strength, she can actually play without her.If I don't work hard, Miss Tong and Wan Heng are prospective couples, so it must be fine.But I will definitely be passed by Pass.

After settling down, nothing happened for the time being.Fan Keqin smoked a cigar and asked, "How's the box office for Dead End?"

"My teacher Wan." Zhang Shan smiled and said, "You don't know about this? I wanted to say it when you said the cost was high just now. Our movie has caused a sensation in the whole Shanghai Bund. Don't It didn't take long to watch the show, but it's definitely a hard-to-find scene now. Many newspapers report spontaneously every day.

In the past two days, I have talked about two more theaters in Shanghai, adding another ten venues.Although the scale of these ten movie theaters is not very large, the coverage rate of our screenings has definitely reached nearly half of the movie theaters in Shanghai.Now... the box office figure was just reported three days ago, and it's almost [-].Three hundred thousand, how long has it been?Less than half a month!After removing the share of the movie theater, the cost has already been paid back, and the rest is pure profit.

Also, this is just the box office in one place in Shanghai. I plan to send people to those places in Beiping, Tianjin, the three northeastern provinces, Nanjing, Wuhan, and Guangzhou.With the quality of our films and our influence in Shanghai, it is not easy to show several venues in each place.This movie will definitely earn at least several million. "

After hearing this, Fan Keqin nodded with a smile. In fact, he knew that this result was caused by the lack of entertainment industry in this era.Almost every film, as long as it passes, can basically be screened.How many years has it been since the story of the gold rush, how can he continue to make money when it is released.This is not to say that it is only in Huaxia, even in Meidi's house.He is not like a later generation, who will be screened on a large scale for a month, and then basically there will be no ghosting.

The film screening period in this year is very long. It may be one year, or even two or three years, and it is still showing.And even if it is released, after a while, it may be re-screened again.

Hearing what Zhang Shan said now, the dead end of the movie must be making money, and it is not a sign of making a small profit, but a big profit.No wonder Zhang Shan came to the door directly after talking with Zhan Ruide in the morning.Can't wait to move on to the second film.

(End of this chapter)

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