spy ace

Chapter 1978 Ace Liaison Station

Chapter 1978 Ace Liaison Station

Sun Guoxin put down the encrypted telegram he had just paraphrased, lit it with a lighter, threw it in the ashtray, and watched it burn quietly.Wait until the last gleam of fire disappears.He got up and went to the inner room of the office, and opened the double door of a cabinet inside.

This is an ordinary-looking file cabinet, and there are a lot of documents, papers, file bags, notebooks and other things that he normally uses for office work.

Sun Guoxin reached out and removed all the things on the top floor and the second floor from top to bottom, and put them aside.Then pull out the middle partition and put it aside as well.Then he took out the key chain from his pocket, and using a pocketknife on it, unfolded and slowly unscrewed the screws at the four corners.

In this way, the backboard was removed by him.When he took off the entire back panel of the upper floor, the safe door embedded in the wall was revealed.

Align the password and open it with the key.Sun Guoxin opened the heavy safe door. It took a lot of effort just to pull it up, because it was heavy and heavy.To put it bluntly, it may be thicker than the frontal armor of many tanks.

After the safe door was opened, there were some top-secret documents inside, but one of the notebooks with a black leather cover was his target.

After the establishment of the Security Bureau, what is the most important resource?agent!Whether it is an intelligence channel or a training base, it is composed of agents one after another.Among them, a group of top-secret agents are only in the hands of the chief, Sun Guoxin.

Every once in a while, or the normal selection of the training base, after the training, there will always be some people who are not qualified.However, among these unqualified people, there are very suitable talents in Sun Guoxin's eyes.

These talents have been trained, but because they have no talent for shooting.Or the physical fitness is really poor, and after running a few laps, you will be panting heavily.It may also be because there is no talent in language, and the dialect subject is not good enough.thus being brushed down.

However, these people, Sun Guoxin, didn't think that they couldn't become agents, but because they were really bad in some aspects, they naturally couldn't graduate smoothly in the training base.But Sun Guoxin feels very good, because although these people have been trained from the beginning to the end, they have never become real agents.Therefore, there is no trace to be found.

Among these unqualified agents, Sun Guoxin would find some who fit his screening rules very well.For example, it shows on the file that one person economics is very good.Then Sun Guoxin would come to the door secretly, accept the other party as a secret agent, and establish a set of contact codes with this person.Then let the other party break into the economic department of Puppet Manchuria as an undercover agent.

If it is this unqualified person who is good at forensic investigation, then in the same way, after Sun Guoxin accepts the other party as a secret agent, he will let the other party infiltrate the Wang Puppet, or the Puppet Manchukuo, and strive to become a policeman of the Japanese Puppet.

These arrangements seem to be idle chess, but there are too many idle chess, and the quantity becomes qualitative, then it will be completely different.For example, let’s say you cast down more than a hundred people.After all, these more than a hundred people have also undergone formal training, but because of some partial subjects, they did not graduate.Therefore, after infiltrating the enemy, depending on one's own ability, one of them might be able to gain access to very important information.For example, an agent lurking in the Puppet Manchukuo Police Station used his own ability and a clean background to sneak into the Special Affairs Section of the Harbin Police Station half a year later.

If this agent is activated, some information from the Secret Service Section will be fed back by this secret agent, so that other agents operating in Harbin can avoid huge losses, etc. This is very possible.

Therefore, these seemingly casual chess arrangements were actually very delicately arranged by Sun Guoxin.And with this arrangement, it is almost impossible for these people to be suspected.Because in the final analysis, these people never became agents at all.As long as I don't activate them and let them do some high-risk things, it's basically fine.

At this time, Sun Guoxin took out the notebook with a black cover and looked through it carefully.Select a person's information from time to time.Then copy it on a piece of paper.

In this way, Sun Guoxin copied a total of five people.Then put the notebook with black cover back in the safe.Lock it up and put everything back together.He walked out of the inner room, returned to his desk, and then re-wrote the copied things on a piece of paper with an independent password, and destroyed the original.Pressed the buzzer and said, "Wang Kun, come in."

"Yes." During the buzzer, Liao Wangkun agreed.Soon he pushed the door open and walked in. When he reached the desk, he said, "Secretary, what are your orders?"

Sun Guoxin looked at him, handed the paper he had copied to Liao Wangkun, and said, "Give it to the independent trump card telecommunications team, let them send the report, you will watch it yourself, watch them finish sending the content, and then completely delete this document." destroy."

"Yes." Liao Wangkun stood up and answered, reaching out to take the piece of paper.Then he folded it and put it in the inner pocket of his coat.Seeing that Sun Guoxin had nothing to say, he turned around and went out, and got into the car.Came outside a residential area located in the central district.The car didn't drive in. He got out of the car and walked for a while before entering the residential area.

After entering a unit door, he quickly came to the top floor, the fifth floor.Knocked on the door.When someone asked inside, Liao Wangkun didn't answer, but stood back and made a gesture like a gun.

That's right, this door has a door mirror cat's eye, and people outside can be seen from the inside.Soon, the door was opened.Liao Wangkun walked in.

This room has a layout of two rooms and one living room. The north room has been transformed into a telegraph room.An American military radio was placed on the table, and the wires protruded from the corner of the window, and were covered with rain pipes, leading to the roof of the building.

There are people in the two chairs in front of the table.In fact, there are a total of four telegraph commissioners in this secret independent radio station.In groups of two and two, Sun Guoxin personally gave them the order: no matter what they do, they must be together.Eating, drinking, pulling, and spreading anything must be done by two people.Shifts are changed once a day, and those who come off the shift are the same. No matter what they do, they must work together in pairs.In other words, your companions are absolutely impossible and must never leave your sight.The same goes for you, under no circumstances should you leave your companion's sight...

(End of this chapter)

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