spy ace

Chapter 1981 Contents of the secret telegram

Chapter 1981 Contents of the secret telegram
Lift the wooden mailbox, and then touch the back of the mailbox with your hands.Well, sure enough, there is a protrusion stuck here.

With a little force, it was buckled down, and after a glance, it was a small paper stick.Fan Keqin confirmed that it was the information passed on.So while going downstairs, he took out the cigarette case.Here is a cigarette that he had prepared a long time ago, with shredded tobacco poured out.He inserted this little paper stick into the hollow cigarette.Insert this cigarette again into it.Put it in your pocket.

In fact, with Fan Keqin's current memory, he can clearly memorize all the content that is not too long at a glance.

The reason why he did this was because when he buckled the paper stick, there was a click of the door opening upstairs.So I can only look for another chance.The hollow cigarette is just to be prepared.If he didn't need it, he would throw the hollow cigarette away immediately.

When he came downstairs, Fan Keqin walked out of the building group, turned to the right, and after a short walk, he saw a medium-sized shopping mall right next to him.

This is not surprising, after all, the residential area here is at least mid-range, and many people have serious jobs.Therefore, the two sides of the street here are quite prosperous.

After walking in, Fan Keqin looked at women's products. In fact, Fan Keqin wanted to buy a set of underwear for Miss Tong, so that she could appear closer to Miss Tong. I believe Miss Tong would like it.

But this year there is no hood, only the vest style.What's more, Fan Keqin thought about it, and from his own eyesight, he should be quite accurate in which model to buy.But for this thing, the more accurate you buy, the more knowledgeable you are.But this aspect is well-informed, but it is wrong, and it does not match my own personality.So, just buy something else.

So in the end, Fan Keqin bought a lady's silk scarf, gloves, and belt at a counter.Later, at the shoe counter downstairs, I saw a pair of new high-heeled shoes that were also very good, and then told Miss Tong the size.Also bought a pair.

Following that, Fan Keqin entered the toilet of the store, locked the compartment door, took out the note and read it.This is his and Sun Guoxin's independent cipher system, so Fan Keqin naturally knows how to paraphrase.

However, if you want to convert it into text normally, you need a code book.So Fan Keqin relied on his powerful memory to memorize all the above passwords in his mind. In order not to make mistakes, he checked them twice.After finding out that he did remember it, he tore up the note and threw it in the toilet together with the hollow cigarette.Followed by a drag, they all rushed into the sewer with a crash.

Follow Fan Keqin around again to make sure no one is staring at him.Then I bought some ingredients on the way home, and then entered the house.

Glancing at his watch, Fan Keqin found that there was still some time left, so Fan Keqin immediately took the password book.The password book is very interesting again, it is a declaration.And three reports.The time is the time he freely chooses after coming to Shanghai again, such as five, six, seven, these three days of declaration.Then tell Sun Guoxin to send a report, the content is the three numbers [-], and Sun Guoxin knows that the code book is [-], a three-day declaration.

Then, Fan Keqin is here, ordering newspapers normally.In this way, he has every declaration.And newspapers, in this year, are not just thrown away after reading.Many people who order newspapers will save the old newspapers they have read at home.In this way, it becomes very normal for the newspapers for the three days of May, Six and Seven, as well as the declarations for other dates, to be kept at home.

Fan Keqin only needs to use the newspapers of the [-]th day as the codebook in the subsequent contact with Sun Guoxin, and he can paraphrase the encrypted message normally.In addition, Fan Keqin also bought some books at home. In this case, even if someone searches his house and suspects that the code book is in his house, they will only suspect the books.And newspapers are accumulated every day, and there will be more and more. Even if you compare them back and forth, it is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Soon, Fan Keqin got all the contents of the free translation.The content was the list of five people and the contact password provided by Sun Guoxin to him.And these five people are all agents lurking in the banking and financial system.

This is very good. At this stage, Fan Keqin has already set his target on the counterfeit money printing board issued by the pseudo-government, and these five agents who sneaked into the financial and banking field to inquire about the location of the money printing board must inevitably It's much easier than myself.

Fan Keqin once again took advantage of his memory and memorized the situation and contact codes of these five people firmly in his mind.Then he lit a cigarette and burned all the free-translated paper, and the ashes were flushed down the toilet.In the end, Fan Keqin carefully put the three newspapers in the mother code back to their original positions.

Well, it's definitely not going to work today.Contact these five people, at least tomorrow.So Fan Keqin took all the ingredients to the kitchen and started to work.

That's right, today's date with Miss Tong is at Fan Keqin's home.After all, they are passionately in love, and Miss Tong likes the two-person world with Fan Keqin very much.Therefore, in order to conform to this psychology, dating at Fan Keqin's home became inevitable.

Fan Keqin brought Dongpo pork and steamed a sea fish.Then I made a vegetable salad and a soup.Even if it is a combination of Chinese and Western, it works together, the main thing is that the vegetable salad is simple, just cut it, put some salad dressing in it, mix it, and it's done.

Fan Keqin also stewed a pot of rice.In other words, rice is now a controlled commodity in Shanghai, and it can be said to be a luxury.It is because little devils also eat rice, so rice, rice balls and the like, become the little devil's army rations.Therefore, we Chinese are not allowed to eat.

But Miss Tong's family is too strict, and it really has something to do with the puppet government.So, it’s okay to get some rice.Besides food, Fan Keqin bought another bottle of wine, red wine.Ladies, red wine has a bit of sweetness in it, so naturally I prefer to drink it.Of course, some red wines can't taste sweetness at all.In this case, women will not want to drink.Unless the wine is very expensive.

Not long after Fan Keqin finished it, Miss Tong's Cadillac had already parked downstairs at Fan Keqin's house.Miss Tong got out of the car and was about to go in, she seemed to remember something, she turned her head and said, "You guys just wait downstairs, go and eat something by yourself."

"Okay, miss." The four bodyguards who got off from another car replied.

(End of this chapter)

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