spy ace

Chapter 1987 Security

Chapter 1987 Security
Sheng Jiang said: "Can I have one?" He took the cigarette Fan Keqin handed over, lit it and took a puff, and then continued: "Most of them have been trained, and it is said that the training is very intensive. I once talked with the head of the security department. He was born...in the security department of a police station in Nanjing.

As for the origins of the other people, there is no intersection. Although they are staying in one place, they are limited to nodding when they go to work.Say hello, say it's coming, hey, it's coming, etc.

But according to my observation, there are four groups of people in the entire security department.About twelve in each group.I really don't know the specifics.One group of people in the lobby each day.All are one-day classes.The treasury on the basement floor is also a group of people, who also work every day and night.As for the two groups of people in the underground vault, it could be seen that they were well trained.At least they are much better than those in the upstairs lobby.This can be seen from their demeanor.

In addition, the equipment guarding the underground vault is better than the people in the lobby.Just take what I saw recently, that is, yesterday when I followed Lin Shengbin to inspect.The security guard of the underground vault, I saw four submachine guns, but I don't know if they are dead submachine guns.The rest, including the security guards in the lobby, all had pistols and batons, and the pistols were all revolvers. "

Fan Keqin said, "Have the two groups downstairs never changed with the two groups in the lobby?"

"No." Sheng Jiang said: "I've been in the central bank since I established it. Anyway, I've never seen it. The security guards in the underground vault have changed from the security guards in the lobby. Never."

Fan Keqin said: "That is to say, every day, there are twelve people in the lobby and twelve people in the underground vault, all with guns. There are twenty-four people in total."

"Yes." Sheng Jiang said: "But you have to know that there may be only one building next to the Central Reserve Bank, which is the office of the Jiangguan Inspection Office, and the straight-line distance is only about [-] meters. If there is any movement, the other party will definitely Will come to support. Although the Jiangguan Inspection Office is in charge of smuggling and contraband on the river, it is also a semi-military department. There are a lot of guns and ammunition, and there are also a lot of manpower. It has its own operation department. If you use the most Considering the fast response speed, it may take less than half a minute to come over. Of course, this is almost impossible, and you have to gather, or call for specific inquiries, or even send someone over first to see It depends on the specific situation. But how long will it take for a distance of [-] meters?"

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Well, can you draw me the map of the underground vault and the lobby on the first floor?"

"I knew you needed it." Sheng Jiang looked around and saw that there was nothing wrong, took out an envelope from the briefcase with his left hand, and pushed it in front of Fan Keqin.Said: "Street map, I have drawn up the layout of the first floor and the first basement of the Central Reserve Bank. I also drew a rough outline of the second floor. But the second and third floors are office spaces, and the layout is the same. It's just that the departments are different. Same? Do you need it? If so, I can draw it for you now."

"No need." Fan Keqin said: "This is enough. Have you marked the various security positions inside?"

"It's marked." Sheng Jiang said: "I marked it clearly, but I want to remind you that I am not very familiar with the situation on the basement floor. I observed it yesterday. Because other times, I don't not go down."

"Understood." Fan Keqin said: "For reference only, but it may not be 100% the same."

"Yes." Sheng Jiang said: "But the lobby on the first floor, I can guarantee that it will never be wrong. Because I pass by it every day."

"Okay." Fan Keqin said: "It's all right. Well, in addition, I will also give you a guarantee. You gave me this information. If something happens later, the other party may notice you after the investigation. However, you Don't worry, we will find a way not to implicate you. So, as long as you don't panic, there will be absolutely no problem. "

"Understood." Sheng Jiang said: "To be honest, I'm really afraid that after the news I gave you, you don't care and only care about your own actions. Because although there were many people who inspected yesterday, I was among them. So really If something happens, the investigators after the incident suspect that it is an internal leak, and I must be one of the suspects. You can help me think about this, I really appreciate you."

This aspect is true, especially the latent personnel in the government, they really don't care about these things in the early stage.For example, lurking in, let you inquire about the pattern of a place.Then you go, and after the investigation is complete, report the pattern.As a result, a person was killed in that place the next day.But this kind of thing, you will inevitably be implicated.Because they didn't consider you at all when they acted.Check it out in time, oh, you have been to this place, and you went there beforehand.Then you are not suspicious, who is suspicious?

This is also the reason why, once the lurking personnel are activated, they are basically all caught shortly after the activation.

It must be said here that the best protection for lurking personnel is the Red Party.When there are some tasks and actions, the problems that potential personnel may be exposed will be fully considered.So when you act, you will take this into full consideration.Protect potential informants.For example, provide a list, but when targeting the people on this list, deliberately make a few mistakes.Or, make things look like they found out by themselves.Step by step investigative behavior, there are steps.Therefore, after the investigation, it will be considered that the Red Party has found out step by step.Rather than information provided by someone inside.

But the people in the government are not like this.Except for those very important latent personnel, the rest are basically disposable items.This phenomenon gradually improved after Fan Keqin came.

Fan Keqin stubbed out his cigarette, looked at his watch, and saw that it was almost eight o'clock, and said, "Okay, I have no problem. Let's go."

"Well. Contact me if you have anything to do." Sheng Jiang said: "I may react a little slower, after all, Lin Shengbin is competing for the president now. I may not be available immediately. But I will definitely reply."

"Understood." Fan Keqin said, "I'm going to treat me, and I'm leaving." As he spoke, he took out a banknote and put it on the table.Then he got up and walked out of the cafe.

(End of this chapter)

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