spy ace

Chapter 2022 Shun Qi

Chapter 2022 Shun Qi
Xiru immediately went to the toilet at the station again to change clothes.After a while he was already wearing a new coat and came out.

It took less than an hour to wait with several agents in the waiting hall.Everyone stood up and entered the platform with their tickets.After boarding the train, Xiru's heart was really at ease.Although he has a big heart, he is a novice after all.A novice, except for someone like Fan Keqin who has a real iron will, who doesn't feel anxious.

This bus is from Shanghai to Hangzhou. The straight-line distance between the two places is about [-] kilometers.If it is the high-speed rail of later generations, the speed of hundreds of kilometers will be soaring, and it may take less than an hour to arrive.But in this day and age, trucks are not too advanced.Basically all of them are old-fashioned trucks. If they run, they can reach a maximum of [-] kilometers per hour.But all the trains in the country, the vast majority, are more than [-], [-] kilometers per hour.

Of course, Shanghai itself is an important economic center, and Hangzhou has been a very famous city since ancient times, so the distance between the two cities is not too far. In addition, there are many long-distance travel between the two cities, and there are many mutual business transactions. Even if the train between the two cities is relatively advanced, the average speed can reach more than forty kilometers per hour.Sometimes it can reach fifty kilometers.

Therefore, it takes four or five hours to travel from Shanghai to Hangzhou, and it is after three o'clock in the afternoon, and it is almost four o'clock in the afternoon that we have arrived in Hangzhou.

After getting out of the car and out of the platform, Xi Ru couldn't help asking: "Is it safe this time?"

"Be quiet." An agent next to him said: "I can tell you in charge, I can only say that the safety factor is higher than in Shanghai. But safety is far from being considered."

Xiru said: "Okay, then let's stay here for one night, and leave quickly tomorrow."

"What are you thinking?" said the agent. "One more night? Let's get out of the station for a bite to eat and then go back to the station right away. We're leaving now."

"Ah?" Xiru said, "Where are you going at the next stop?"

The agent said: "Nanchang, this is our plan. Let's find a way to go to Nanchang first. When we get there, the safety factor will be higher. Then we will take a short rest somewhere, but it can't be too long, and then we will take the waterway. "

Not to mention, Xiru and the others rushed to the rear to accompany the capital.Fan Keqin received a message from Bai Fengtai, saying that Xiru had succeeded, and that he and the few agents who participated in this mission had successfully left Shanghai.I couldn't help being very satisfied.Judging from the current situation, the banknote printing plate can still be transported back to the capital smoothly.

I believe that with the counterfeit currency printing version of the pseudo-government, at least there is a means of counterattack.Even if you mess with my economic system, then don't even think about it.We also have the ability to fuck you.

And the cause of the entire incident of stealing the money printing plate of the pseudo-government was a sentence that Tong's father had inadvertently said back then.I didn't even hear a word, because Tong's father just went upstairs to answer the phone.Everything else is analyzed, and then step by step to the present.

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo on piss, piss off me.

Fan Keqin hugged the other party's waist with a smile, let her sit on his lap, and said, "What's the matter? This is the first time I've heard you say you're angry. Does anyone here dare to be angry with you?"

"Why not." Miss Tong still said angrily: "It's not here, I answered the phone, it's really annoying. Lian Qingyun said, invite me to the New Year's banquet on New Year's Day, tell me what I use Did he invite me? Why is this person so annoying? If I want to go, I will go, why does he invite me. "

Seeing that Miss Tong was so angry, Fan Keqin quickly gave her the air, rubbing her chest and slapping her back.Especially when you rub your chest, it's smooth!

Fan Keqin gave her comfort, and asked, "No, I don't know the person you mentioned. You start from the beginning, I don't understand. That is to say, you hate Lian Qingyun, and then don't you Are you willing to let him invite you to the New Year's Day banquet? Is that what you mean?"

Seeing Fan Keqin's bewildered expression, Miss Tong was happy again.Said: "No, I didn't make it clear. Lian Qingyun is a famous flamboyant young man, relying on his father to be the mayor of Lian who is promiscuous everywhere. Back then, before I met you, he always asked me out, and I kept ignoring him He stopped pestering him later, but just now he called again. Brother Heng, you said, I would go to the New Year's Eve party if I wanted to, but I didn't want to go because of his invitation. Why is he so annoying. "

"Hey." Fan Keqin said: "This is my rival in love. I have to go. I will fight him when the time comes."

"Hey." Miss Tong put her arms around Fan Keqin's neck and said, "You want to fight him for me?"

Fan Keqin looked innocent, naive, and innocent, and said: "No, I'll just talk about it casually."

"Hey." Miss Tong was even happier, and the floor was tighter, and said: "You hate it too. You can coax me."

Fan Keqin pursed his lips and said, "I can't, I haven't been coaxed yet. All rivals have appeared. Huh?"

Miss Tong chuckled and said, "He can't be your rival in love, I can make you win."

"Oh?" Fan Keqin said: "Then what are you waiting for? It's here. Hurry up and help me defeat him."

Miss Tong slapped Fan Keqin lightly with a smile, and said, "Speak seriously. Brother Heng, let's go to the New Year's Eve party too, so that Lian Qingyun will die. Otherwise, I will continue to pester you in the future. Hearing his voice makes me sick."

"Okay." Fan Keqin said: "Let's go. I'll accompany you when the time comes. Before I go, I'll have a beauty treatment, make a release, aim at the eyebrows, put on makeup, and directly use my prosperous beauty to crush him."

Now Fan Keqin can be regarded as really grasping Miss Tong's pulse. Fan Keqin can't say he knows what Miss Tong's temperament is like, but he definitely knows it well.Coupled with the added halo of the hot love period, Fan Keqin's own charismatic halo, based on what Fan Keqin said and did, it seemed that he would feel happy and secure with Miss Tong.The same is true now.

Miss Tong also knew that it was Fan Keqin who agreed, but Fan Keqin coaxed himself, but at the same time agreed to accompany him.Such a loving lover can really be with him, and Miss Tong just feels that falling in love is really... so beautiful.

Fan Keqin said: "It's not long. When is the banquet and where is it?"

Miss Tong continued to say something...

(End of this chapter)

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