spy ace

Chapter 2025 New Mission

Chapter 2025 New Mission

Although it's impossible to love, but I just don't care about my father at all, and just take it home... There's really no way to do it.So when Miss Tong got off work, she seized the time to cling to Fan Keqin.

The two had a meal outside, and it took only half an hour to finish eating, and then went directly to Fan Keqin's house by car.As for what?Of course it's fun, and how fun this kind of thing is.Much more fun than taking it outside.

Fan Keqin and Miss Tong lived together until nine o'clock in the evening.Fan Keqin sent Miss Tong to the car, then went home and began to sleep.

The next morning, after going to work, Miss Tong came over with breakfast, and got bored with Fan Keqin for a while.Jared came to the door.

As soon as he came in and saw Miss Tong, he nodded, then turned to Fan Keqin and said, "The post-production of the film has been completed. Do you want to go and see it?"

Fan Keqin said: "I don't want to go, you can tell Boss Bai to watch it. And then leave some surprises, and I will watch it again when it is released."

"No, don't you really want to take a look?" Zhan Ruide said: "I just finished it, although I have read it once, but you should go and take a look too. If there is any problem, we can modify it."

Fan Keqin waved his hand and said, "I fully believe in your ability, and I still want to keep a surprise. I will take a good look at Feifei and I when it is released."

Miss Tong stood up and said, "Okay, you can study it. I'll go upstairs first."

After Miss Tong left, Zhan Ruide stalked Fan Keqin.This guy really likes to make movies to the extreme. Seeing him like this, Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Okay, have you brought the copy? Let's go to the screening room."

"Bring it." Zhan Ruide said: "Before I came to you, I sent it to the screening hall. Let's just go there. I'll call Boss Bai first. You go first and wait for me."

Saying that, Zhan Ruide left in a hurry.Fan Keqin also immediately left the office and came to the screening room.In fact, it is a screening hall, but it is also a multi-functional hall.It's okay to hold a meeting, or even tidy up and turn it into a classroom, or a rehearsal room.

There is a big white cloth next to the wall, as long as you set up the projector and project it over, you can watch movies.

After a while, Zhan Ruide also found Bai Fengtai, and began to show the first film made by Star Entertainment after its establishment. This killer is not too cold.

In the beginning, it was the conversation between Li En and the owner of the tavern, which was shot in a montage way.Follow the killer Li En to sneak into the building where the target is, and use all kinds of awesome tricks to kill the target's subordinates one by one.A series of action scenes, dazzling skills.This opening can be said to be very eye-catching.

Fan Keqin felt that with this title, it meant that James Ruide had grasped the essence of the film.Sure enough, Fan Keqin was even more satisfied after reading it in full.It can be said that the filming of this film is absolutely no worse than the original film that later generations watched.

Whether it's rhythm, acting, or storytelling, this film is very well shot by Zhan Ruide.Fan Keqin patted Zhan Ruide and said: "Director Zhan, congratulations, this movie will definitely cause a sensation. It is even more sensational than Dead End. You created a precedent for a genre movie. I believe that both men and women will like to watch it from a movie."

In Zhan Ruide's heart, Fan Keqin is a real master.Whether it is screenwriting or filming, it is definitely a master.According to others, Zhan Ruide might not care.But this compliment came from Fan Keqin, so Zhan Ruide was really happy.

Zhan Ruide said: "Mr. Wan, what shall we shoot next?"

"No." Fan Keqin said with a smile: "You are too anxious, wait until it is released." Then he looked at Bai Fengtai and said: "Boss Bai, the movie is finished and it is very good. Let's start notifying several theaters For those of you, organize a viewing party. This way, you don’t have to watch it separately. Director Zhan has the foundation laid in the dead end of the previous film, and I believe the theaters will be very interested.”

"No problem." Bai Fengtai said: "I will hurry up and get in touch later."

"Success." After Zhan Ruide answered, he looked at Fan Keqin again and said, "Mr. Wan, please take a look at your next book, when..."

This Zhan Ruide is really a drama lunatic, a director lunatic, someone else would definitely have to rest for a while, but he is not, he really turned his interest into a job.Shooting one film after another, that is enjoyable for him.

Fan Keqin said: "Let's do this. When the movie is released, I'm writing a script for you. We'll study it together. Don't worry, I'll definitely give it to you when the script is finished. Don't worry."

After receiving Fan Keqin's affirmative reply, Zhan Ruide finally fell to the ground and said: "Okay, that's it, it's settled."

Fan Keqin smiled and said, "It's settled."

After sending Zhan Ruide away, Bai Fengtai said, "I have something to do, why don't you go to your office and talk?"

Hearing what he said, it must not be the company's business, but "business" so he nodded and said, "Okay, let's go." After speaking, he took Bai Fengtai out of the screening room and returned to his office.

After the two sat down, Fan Keqin asked, "What's the matter?"

Bai Fengtai lowered his voice and said: "The headquarters has sent a secret message. Please take a look!" As he spoke, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Fan Keqin.

It has not yet been free-translated, and it is full of codes. Fan Keqin took this telegram, went to the back room, quickly deciphered the codes, and copied it down with a pen.

Followed Fan Keqin out, and said: "You don't have to worry about this matter." As he spoke, he threw a cigarette to Bai Fengtai, lit it himself, and then used the lighter to burn all the original documents and free-translated papers. Lit and thrown in the ashtray.

Why not use Baifengtai?After deciphering the telegram sent by the headquarters, Fan Keqin felt that he could complete it, even easily, so naturally there was no need for Bai Fengtai.

The content of the telegram is very simple, without beginning and end, that is to say, there is no reason.There is only one content.Under safe circumstances, explore the internal structure of Tong Fu Hotel.

Tongfu Hotel, the day before, Miss Tong had just finished chatting with him.The New Year's Day banquet held by Wang Puppet was at the Tongfu Hotel.And I promised Miss Tong the day before that I would go to the New Year's Day banquet with her, so I could check the internal structure of the hotel on the spot.

For the headquarters, it was really dozing off, and someone just happened to send a pillow.As for why the internal structure of Tongfu Hotel was investigated, it is not clear.But Fan Keqin didn't have that much curiosity...

(End of this chapter)

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