spy ace

Chapter 2032 Executor

Chapter 2032 Executor

"Wait." The shopkeeper said, "I've prepared everything for you. It's nothing more than some clothes and luggage that suit Shu Tianyou's status. Do you need to prepare anything else?"

Shu Tianyou stopped and said, "Don't prepare, I like to prepare by myself. You just need to provide my ID card."

Hearing the words, the shopkeeper thought for a while, and finally nodded and said: "Okay, that's it."

Shu Tianyou didn't say a word, just walked out with his briefcase in his hand...

Sun Guoxin was with Qian Jinxun at this time, Qian Jinxun was silent for a while, and said: "Secretary, why didn't you hand over this matter to Keqin? Other people, will there be extra problems? It really doesn't work, use the Shanghai branch People can do it too."

Sun Guoxin waved his hand and said, "Keqin has another identity in Shanghai. It is enough to ask him to inquire about the situation of Tongfu Hotel. If Keqin is also given the task, there may be a greater risk. As for the lurking in Shanghai The other brothers can be used, but it can be said that this time the assassination will definitely show up. Why don't we send someone, and it doesn't matter if you show up. If you leave Shanghai with a time difference, you will be fine.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even after the assassination, he was caught by the Japanese puppets.What he can explain is also limited.There will be no situation where the radish is pulled out to bring out the mud. "

"Well, that's right." Qian Jinxun said: "Boss, I'm actually afraid that the people from the Overseas Anti-Japanese War Rescue Committee are admitting their mistakes. Is that person named Xuan Chengjiao sent by the little devil? After all, the members of the Overseas Anti-Japanese War Rescue Committee are not professional agents, so can they confirm the situation of Xuan Chengjiao?"

Sun Guoxin said: "Actually, I am also worried about this. But think about it carefully, although the people in the Overseas Anti-Japanese War Aid Committee are not professional. But, after all, they can work in foreign countries, and their experience is not shallow. In addition, overseas anti-Japanese aid In the committee, there may not be very few talents of all kinds. Presumably, there should be some major discovery that made Xuan Chengjiao an undercover agent of the Japanese puppet.

The last point is, this kind of thing... would rather be killed by mistake than let it go.A single rat droppings can spoil a whole pot of soup.It doesn't matter if the opponent is rat shit or something else, just kill him.Don't forget, this is what the other party told us, we have to believe it.Otherwise, I thought I couldn't trust them.Under such circumstances, even if the other party reported the situation to us, even if the killing was wrong, that is their business, and we only trust the Overseas Rescue Committee.In this way, no one can say anything. "

Qian Jinxun said with a smile: "The bureau is brilliant, that's what happened."

Sun Guoxin also smiled and said, "You have almost arrived in Shanghai now, right?"

Qian Jinxun said: "There is no reply yet, but calculating the time is two days, we sent it in advance. If there is no reply today, there will be a clear message tomorrow, at most the day after tomorrow."

Sun Guoxin glanced at the calendar hanging on the wall, and said, "On the [-]th, we will meet at Tongfu Hotel. There is still time."

"Yes, in time." Qian Jinxun said: "The other party has made arrangements, right? It's in the Tongfu Hotel, and the choice is not very good. After all, it is Wang Puppet's foreign affairs reception hotel in Shanghai."

Sun Guoxin said: "There is a high probability that there is no problem. As for the choice of Tongfu Hotel, it is because the Overseas Anti-Japanese War Rescue Committee had already made a decision when they didn't find out that Xuan Chengjiao was rat shit, and who to meet. They want to use the dark trick. The Tongfu Hotel is similar to the Huangshan Guest House, and it is usually open to the public. So it should be safer."

Qian Jinxun said: "Boss, Keqin sent back the message of Tongfu Hotel. When our people arrive in Shanghai, I will send it to him after we get a reply. Others...then it's nothing."

Sun Guoxin said: "Brother who is in charge, what's the situation? Tell me."

Qian Jinxun said: "His name is Chao Hanhan. He is [-] years old this year, and he is especially good at close combat. After all, Chao Hanhan used to be a member of the anti-rape team. He is very accurate with pistols, good with knives, and has a flexible mind. He responds according to circumstances." His ability is also good, and he is good at disguising. If you let him approach, and based on the possible situation at the time, if you are prepared to beat the unprepared, your confidence is still very high.

Coupled with the internal environment map of Tongfu Hotel provided by Keqin, the probability of escaping after the attack is very high.As for whether he can leave Shanghai in time...that depends on Chao Hanhan's own ability and luck. "

Speaking of this, Qian Jinxun paused, and asked again: "Boss, the internal environment map of Tongfu Hotel provided by Keqin only has details on the first floor, and the second floor and above are a bit vague."

"Enough." Sun Guoxin said: "The Overseas Rescue Committee, the people who came over were quite flexible. What he wanted was to invite a few people together in a private room on the first floor. But, at that time, overseas People from the Salvation Committee will not appear in the private room. This time may not be too long. If it takes longer, then Xuan Chengjiao will probably react. Therefore, the timing of the action must be more precise.

Other than that... I think the arrangement is okay.The executor went over and beat the people in the private room to death.and leave.Before, people from the Overseas Rescue Committee would not stay in private rooms.Therefore, the people on the committee are safe. "

Qian Jinxun nodded, and said, "That's fine. It's quite simple, go in and kill him, and then leave."

"Yes." Sun Guoxin said: "Basically that's the case. What Keqin said, in the implementation stage, the simpler the better, I deeply agree. So this seemingly simple matter, I think at least able to achieve the purpose.”

The two of them are discussing here, but Fan Keqin in Shanghai doesn't even know what's going on.But this kind of ignorance is also a good thing. It is not a good thing to know everything.For example, there is a word called shelter.What's the meaning?That is, you knew what the other party had done, but you still helped to hide it.This behavior is called cover-up.

Although this matter is completely different from covering up now.But that's what it means, so it's certainly not a good thing that you know everything.Sometimes it's safer not to know.

On the second day after leaving Tongfu Hotel, Fan Keqin and Miss Tong went to Tong's house again, and this time they had a drink with Tong's father.After all, on New Year's Day yesterday, Father Tong wanted to find them.In the end, because Miss Tong had a childish illness, she went to the Tongfu Hotel and was ruined.

(End of this chapter)

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