spy ace

Chapter 2034 Don't be afraid

Chapter 2034 Don't be afraid
That being the case, it is impossible for him to blame himself.So why should I worry about myself?
Little black house?Just stay there, the room is smaller, no one talks to me.But so what?If no one talks to yourself, don't talk.Is it a thing?
In fact, Chao Hanhan totally looked down on the small black room. Those people were locked in the small black room for a few days, and after they came out, they seemed to have a great sense of fear of the small black room.In his eyes, how is it possible?How weak these people are.

In the training class, there is anti-torture training.A type of torture includes a small black room.In addition, other tortures, such as pain tolerance training.Chao Hanhan also felt that it was nothing, what he was afraid of was his physical disability.If he just endured the pain, he wouldn't have the slightest fear in his heart.

For example, if Chao Hanhan was arrested, what would make him feel afraid?A very simple method, the torturer took a large pair of scissors, and put one of his fingers between the two blades of the large scissors.At this time, if I told a lie, I cut down the scissors, and with a click, a finger fell out of my palm and fell to the ground.This kind of injury will make Chao Hanhan feel fear.But it's definitely not pain, but because the finger is gone.

But, with a barbed whip, each whip has a bloodstain, and then I brush my body with salt water.Chao Hanhan can only say that he is a little worried.What are you worried about? I’m worried about the other party’s patience. If the other party whips and whips non-stop, the flesh will be wiped out. For example, a large piece of meat on the back will be whipped bit by bit The thorn was gone, exposing the bone.Chao Hanhan would feel fear for such a crippling injury.But before, to be precise, before the bones were exposed and the real disability, he was only worried about causing this kind of typhoid fever, but he still didn't feel any fear.

Whipping, in fact, is only a medium punishment in terms of various instruments of torture.

So what is a big punishment? In terms of punishment, electrocution!Definitely one of the big punishments.However, the electric shock, which almost made everyone's voice change, had almost no effect on Chao Hanhan.Because in Chao Hanhan's heart, he felt that electrocution could not cause disability to himself.In fact, if the electric shock is a little longer, it is likely to burn the internal organs, and it will also cause disability.However, during electrocution, whether the internal organs will be burned or not is completely invisible from the outside.

No, to be precise, it is hard to see from the outside, even if the electrodes touch the skin, the skin will be burnt even if the current is high.But whether there is anything wrong with your internal organs, it is impossible to fully judge only through this piece of burnt skin.

And Chao Hanhan knew that his internal organs were still there, even if the internal organs were being burned, he would not have them.Why, because I can't tell, if a certain internal organ is really burned, does Chao Hanhan also have the slightest fear, because at that time, he is already dying.Chao Hanhan is also not afraid of death.

So, Chao Hanhan's point of fear is actually quite strange.Because most people can't see his fear point at all.He will be very concerned about the loss of fingers, or arms and legs.However, if the pain caused by any punishment does not make him disabled, Chao Hanhan is confident that there is nothing he can fear.

At the end of the training class of the military command, he immediately got a perfect score when the quality evaluation sounded in his heart.The main reason is that during the anti-torture training, it is impossible to really hurt these students during the training. If they are really carrying out torture injuries and are performing tasks, they are likely to be discovered before doing anything. up.Therefore, it is impossible to injure people during training, but it will make people feel painful. For example, use a pliers with a relatively large force-bearing area to clamp the flesh of the student's armpit.

This is a nerve-intensive area, and the pliers are also special, with a relatively large force surface, so they won't really hurt the opponent.However, it will make the other party feel the pain.

With this kind of training, Chao Hanhan can feel pain, but because he is not afraid at all psychologically, he doesn't even have a normal pain reaction.Facial expressions, what they were before training, will be what they are during training.The teacher who taught the class at that time was stunned, thinking that the pliers were not strong enough, so he added a little more force, but Chao Hanhan was still expressionless and didn't respond at all.

So the instructor thought it wasn't enough, and continued to work harder, but fortunately, he found out in time, otherwise, the area under Chao Hanhan's armpit would have been truly tortured.But the teacher at that time felt that he had found a good seed, and immediately responded to the above. The pain he endured at that time has definitely reached the level of a few cups of ordinary people.It is more than two to three times that of other students, and there is still no response, far from reaching the limit of tolerance.

In fact, this incident alarmed Dai Yunong at the time.Come over to see Chao Hanhan in person.Then he sent someone to question Chao Hanhan.Just ask him, do you have any special constitution, such as not feeling pain.Chao Hanhan also told the truth: "I just don't fear pain. But I can still feel pain."

From then on, Chao Hanhan left a name in the heart of the big boss Dai Yunong.As a result, when Chao Hanhan graduated, he actually killed the trainee instructor.Although Chao Hanhan was kept in a small black room for more than half a month, he was then transferred to an ordinary cell and stayed there for more than half a month.In the end, it was because Dai Yunong personally intervened at this time.

And Dai Yunong's character is that the people in the training class are all his students.So he naturally wanted to know the truth.In addition, Dai Yunong knows exactly what the exams for graduation from the training class are like.Even if the people below want to fool him, it is impossible.

So the matter was finally found out, that is: Chao Hanhan thought that there was a mission for him, so the assassination was successful.Although the instructor died, it must be a loss.But there is a saying, the dead are gone.Now that he is dead, it is impossible to bring him back to life, and Chao Hanhan is really successful, this is a talent.

So Dai Yunong settled the matter himself, and paid a large sum of pension to the instructor's family.Then Chao Hanhan was directly transferred to the military command action team, and specialized in this kind of activities.To put it bluntly, he is the killer of the assassination team.Specialized in assassination, assassination.

After that, Chao Hanhan became a very low-key killer.He can say, unlike Chen Gongshu who is so famous in the military, the number one killer...

(End of this chapter)

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