spy ace

Chapter 204

Chapter 204 Effective (3K for Subscription)
After Sun Guoxin left, Fan Keqin and Lu Xiaoya lingered for a while, and it was around nine o'clock before he left and returned to the intelligence office.

The intelligence office at night looks a bit weird, mainly due to the shapes of the ceilings on the left and right sides of the office building, which seem to be two diamond-shaped eyes. During the day, they don’t notice anything, but Heitian is like a giant with half of its head poking out from the ground. He was opening his eyes, looking at everything in front of him.

Fan Keqin entered the giant's head, passed by a group of patrolling guards, took the stairs to the second basement floor, and went directly to the innermost interrogation room.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Wei Wei, Hua Zhang, Jin Jia, and an agent from the Operation Department sitting on the chairs in front of the equipment table.They all turned their heads when they heard the sound behind them.Seeing that Fan Keqin had arrived, he immediately stood up and said hello.

Fan Keqin pressed Wei Wei's shoulders and pressed his hands down to prevent them from getting up, and asked, "How is it? Have you confessed?"

Jin Jia replied from the side: "No! After this guy woke up, Captain Wei and the subordinates began to ask him the key points of the interrogation that you explained to the section chief, but they kept silent."

Hearing this, Fan Keqin walked to the one-way mirror, and saw the spy inside, lying on a bed with his legs suspended.It may be because it is easy to sleep when he is lying down, so these people also hung up his two hands, so that his body can be made to look like he is lying on the bed, but he is not lying down.It became very uncomfortable over time, but it didn't make his wound worse.And this kid was indeed not asleep. Although he tilted his head back, the strong light made his eyes narrow slightly, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva from time to time.

Fan Keqin said, "Keep asking."

"Yes!" Wei Wei agreed, pressed the switch, and asked, "What's your real name?" After waiting for a few seconds, the spy inside moved his head slightly, but he didn't. Answered, so asked again: "Who is your superior?"

Fan Keqin looked at the spy inside through the one-way mirror, and he knew that the four large electric speakers inside were very loud, coupled with the strong lights, it was almost impossible for this kid to fall asleep.

Has anyone been able to put themselves to sleep in this situation?Have!But only in theory.Because a person wants to fall asleep, he must meet several conditions, such as moderate light, noise below a certain decibel, and peace of mind, etc.Of these, peace of mind is the hardest to control.

Now in the interrogation room, four sets of very strong lights are shining, even if you close your eyes, you can feel a strong halo hitting the retina.Being asked the same topic over and over again with the electric horn every once in a while, it was extremely boring, but very noisy.In addition, after he was arrested, he had to remain vigilant all the time, so naturally he couldn't meet the sleep conditions.And now Wei Wei, Huazhang and the others thought of a way to hang his arms up, presenting a very uncomfortable state, and it was almost impossible to force him to fall asleep.

After Wei Wei asked the question three times in a row, Fan Keqin waved his hand and said, "Don't we have a tape recorder to record some high-decibel noises, such as sirens and car horns, and record them every once in a while? He plays it once, but not so continuously that he can't get used to it all the time. This way you can save some effort."

Jin Jia nodded, and said, "Understood, let's go to the general affairs department on duty to get another set of recording equipment." As he spoke, he stood up, waved to his subordinate, and turned to leave the door.

Fan Keqin said again: "You two should be in groups, and you will be tired if you are here at the same time. I will go back to the office first." Seeing that Huazhang and the others took orders, Fan Keqin turned around and left the interrogation room, and returned to his office .

There was a small lounge and a small bed in his office. Fan Keqin took off his coat and lay directly on it.After a while, he fell asleep.

After waking up the next morning, he washed up first, and went to the interrogation room on the second basement floor again. When he entered, he saw Jin Jia and one of his agents interrogating the microphone.But the kid inside still didn't answer.

Jin Jia turned off the switch under the microphone and said, "Chief, this kid hasn't said anything all night."

Fan Keqin said, "Didn't let him sleep?"

Jin Jia said: "No."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, when will Wei Wei and the others come to take over your shift?"

Jin Jia replied, "It's time to go to work."

Fan Keqin said: "Okay, you take turns." Then he walked to the one-way mirror again, looked inside, and after making sure that the spy was not asleep, he turned and left again, and returned to his office.

From what he just observed, Fan Keqin felt that this kid was about to speak within today.After being anesthetized in the Renci Hospital, he rested for a while, but before that, plus the whole night of tossing yesterday, if he was tossing all day today, he would basically reach his limit.Especially in an environment that is extremely boring, disturbed by sound and light, and hung up.He believed that even the spy anti-torture training at this time could not have this kind of training.

Because it is impossible for humans to train in this situation.If the training is really hard, I'm afraid people will probably go crazy.Also perform a fart task.

In fact, Fan Keqin built this interrogation room mainly for the kind of stubborn people who can overcome all kinds of torture with mental perseverance.The purpose is to destroy your mental perseverance, but now that this kid is injured, he must be unable to help tossing, just in time, then I can't talk about it, I can't talk about it.

Sure enough, Fan Keqin's estimate was good. After receiving the order, the spy had been psychologically vigilant all the time, and was caught while carrying out his mission, and he hasn't rested until now.In fact, he was already mentally exhausted, and with the way he was doing now, he couldn't hold on anymore after two o'clock in the afternoon.

But this kid hasn't lost his active consciousness yet. He opened his mouth purely because he couldn't stand such mental torture.

At that time, Wei Wei and Huazhang were on duty. When Huazhang asked for the second time, the kid said dryly, "Can...can you give me a glass of water?"

His opening made Wei Wei and Hua Zhang stunned at the same time.Wei Wei immediately waved his hand and said, "Go and tell the section chief. This kid has to explain."

Hua Zhang quickly came to Fan Keqin's office and reported, "Section Chief, that spy has spoken."

Fan Keqin immediately got up, walked outside, and said, "He confessed?"

"No." Huazhang followed behind him, saying as he walked, "But he is finally willing to speak. Captain Wei asked me to report to you immediately."

Fan Keqin said, "This is the first time he has spoken?"

Hua Zhang said, "Yes, it's the first time I've spoken."

Fan Keqin said, "What did you say?"

Huazhang said, "He said he wanted a glass of water."

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "I want water...it's unbearable. Very good."

While speaking, the two of them quickly came to the interrogation room of the second basement. After entering the room, Wei Wei was brushing something written. Seeing Fan Keqin coming in, he pointed at what he had written, and then pressed the button. Pressed the call button and said, "Continue talking."

The spy had obviously opened his mouth, so as usual, he had no scruples, and continued to explain: "Our team leader is called Guanyue Takashi, and the deputy team leader is called Hojo. I met them before I came to Chongqing. But I feel that my online rattlesnake is the deputy head of Hojo. I was ordered to go to the Renci Hospital to carry out the rescue mission, but I received a call, and the voice sounded like Hojo. "

Hearing this, Wei Wei put down his pen after recording, turned his head with some doubts, and said: "Chief, is this kid telling lies, oh... When you didn't come just now, he confessed that he usually only uses dead mailboxes. Passing information, but he just said that he received a direct notification by phone, is this possible? I think he is a bit out of order."

"No, I judge that what he said should be true." Fan Keqin said in a deep voice: "The rescue mission is no different than others. It is very necessary to maintain suddenness. This is not only when rushing into the hospital. The same is true for the other aspects. If I were the leader of the spies, I would also take an urgent and temporary notice. If I summoned these people before, it would not be conducive to keeping secrets, and it would be easy to expose my intentions. Therefore, at the moment before the mission, Giving orders is the best choice."

After finishing speaking, Fan Keqin paused, and then ordered: "Ask him where he received the call."

Hearing this, Wei Wei pressed the call button, and said, "What's your number? I'll call you directly at your home, or where you work? Where's the address?"

The spy inside replied: "It's where I work, Dafangli Education Office, Internal Affairs Division. My office phone number is [-]. My upline said a password. He said he wanted to buy a There are two hundred volumes of primary school textbooks, a collection of thousand-character essays. Our education department is an administrative department, not a bookstore. Therefore, there is no such thing as a thousand-character essay, but when the original agreement was made, the purpose was to deceive people, but it has nothing to do with education. , without being abrupt, I knew it was an emergency when I heard it."

Hearing this, Fan Keqin looked down at Wei Wei's record, and saw that the first line read, Xie Yejushi, alias Xie Jinsun...

After reading it, Fan Keqin said: "You continue to interrogate." He turned around and walked out of the gate.

Upstairs, Fan Keqin went directly to the chief office of the telecommunications department.At this time, Han Qiang was fiddling with several radio stations inside. He looked up and saw Fan Keqin coming in. He immediately put down the tools in his hand and said with a smile, "Keqin is here? Sit down."

Note: "The first update is here. Brothers, please help me get tickets. There will be another update tonight. Huh!"

(End of this chapter)

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