spy ace

Chapter 2051 Leaving

Chapter 2051 Leaving
But what does it mean when people nearby see someone jumping out of a hotel window?Immediately call the police?Even if someone is so enthusiastic, it will take a while for the police to arrive.As long as Chao Hanhan doesn't wait around foolishly, he will leave this area soon.With the movement of people, Chao Hanhan's movement will become concealed in a short time.

When he came to an aisle, in fact, no one could look at him anymore.After walking along the sidewalk and entering the alley, Chao Hanhan still didn't look back.Almost at a turning point, Chao Hanhan turned in calmly.But at this time, he stopped, looked at his watch, and after waiting for a few seconds, he turned around and looked at the entrance of the alley quietly.Well, fine, no one.This basically shows that there is no tail behind him.

Turn around and continue walking, and when walking out of this alley, Chao Hanhan stayed for a few seconds again, then looked back again.Soon, there was still no one.

So Chao Hanhan no longer hesitated, and started to set off at the scheduled time according to the established route.It took about seven or eight minutes.When I came to the place where I parked my car again, I found that my bicycle was still there.So he stepped forward generously and pushed the car out of the frame.Slipped two steps, and rode up with one leg.Go forward at a slightly higher than normal speed and start riding.

About five minutes or so, when he rode into a small alley where there were basically no people, he stopped the car, quickly took out the pistol and other things outside, hid them in a coal shed next to him, and then took off his coat down.There was still no one left or right, so he raised his hand and threw the clothes on the roof.

Then ride on the bike again and go forward.In fact, the place where the outermost layer of camouflage is taken off and thrown away is random.There was no one in that alley, so he threw away his clothes there.

After waiting for fifteen minutes, when Chao Hanhan turned into a complex of buildings, he rode his bicycle into a bicycle shed.This is not a predetermined location, but random.Then he stopped the car and walked out of the buildings instead.

In this way, even if someone is following him behind him, not to mention completely impossible, but also quite difficult.Even if it is found here in the end, it will definitely take a long time to complete.

Chao Hanhan walked out of the buildings calmly and headed towards the train station.Well, the train station is not blocked yet.After all, the city of Shanghai is too important.It is impossible to block the train station once when two people die, and Tiantian really doesn't have to do anything that day.Just block the train station.

Chao Hanhan glanced at the train timetable, half an hour later, there was a train leaving Shanghai.In fact, it doesn't matter where the train is going, as long as you can leave Shanghai, it's all right.All we need now is safety.

So Chao Hanhan bought a ticket and didn't wait in the waiting hall.Instead, he went out, found a small restaurant across the street, and walked in.

Although he ate breakfast, that's how it is in this business, and sometimes it's just a bite.He likes the full feeling of being ready.If you are full, you will definitely starve yourself, which will prolong the time for physical decline.So he asked for a faster food, noodles.Started snoring and eating and drinking.At the same time, take a look at the situation at the train station from time to time.

Very good, when I finished eating, there was still no movement at the train station.But this is also normal.Where is Shanghai?A large city with a large population.Moreover, it is one of the main underground battlefields for the Japanese puppet forces and various anti-Japanese forces.Not to mention that people die every day because of this incident, but one thing is certain, that is, there has never been complete peace.Therefore, it is impossible to block the train station immediately after two people die.

In addition, those two people died in the Tongfu Hotel, although the hotel is a foreign affairs hotel of the puppet government.But this hotel is also open for business.Even if he was shot, the waiter found out and called the police, how long would it take for the fake police to arrive?After arriving, can you confirm the identity of the other party in an instant?So there is no need to apply, and the railway station is blocked at lightning speed?If they really wanted to be this efficient, they would still cooperate with the little devils!

In fact, it was indeed similar to what Chao Hanhan expected.By the time he got on the train, he had already left Shanghai.The owner of Tongfu Hotel just came to check the scene of the shooting.

The continuous gunshots were first weakened by the silencer.Then it passed through the barrier of the house wall and weakened again.In addition, there are many people in the dining hall outside, and the voices and conversations are very noisy.So when Chao Hanhan shot, no one even noticed.After all, there are not so many coincidences. It is impossible to say that there are several professional spies eating in the box next door, and it is immediately heard that a gun is being shot next to it.The chances of this are extremely small.

When did I find out? It was about twenty minutes after Chao Hanhan jumped out of the window and left.The waiter went in and wanted to ask if he needed to take the food now, but no one responded when he knocked on the door. He knocked again for a while, thinking that the customers inside had left.So when I opened the door and went in, I found the window was open.At the same time, two dead men were lying on the ground, and the ground beneath them was covered in blood.

The waiter was so frightened that he staggered back, but he didn't fall down.Ran upstairs in a panic, first found the manager on duty today, and told about the discovery of the dead body in the private room.

After hearing this, the manager was a little dazed, seeing that what the waiter said didn't look like a lie.So he immediately followed downstairs, and when he went to the private room to see it, he was also shocked.Quickly asked to close the door of the private room, and went to call the patrol room by himself.

After waiting for a long time, the people from the patrol room came, and there were two ordinary patrols who came first, and they were numb when they saw it.Immediately, he called the meeting again, and then called the people from the criminal investigation unit to start the formal criminal evidence collection and investigation.However, after an afternoon of investigation, there was no progress, and the information of the two deceased was confirmed. After all, they had documents on them, and they should be overseas Chinese.Then the murderer was identified. After shooting and killing two people, he escaped through the window of the house.

I asked all the waiters who were present at the time, and there was only one person, who probably had a little memory.But not sure at all.Because the waiter just remembered that there was a person who was slightly taller than him, who seemed to be wearing a beige coat.

But the appearance is not clear, and it is not clear whether this person entered the box where the incident happened.How do you check this?Maybe he escaped by jumping out of the window, but where can I find witnesses?Even if someone jumped out of the window and was seen, the witnesses would stand still and wait?This is impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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