spy ace

Chapter 2060 Wake Up

Chapter 2060 Wake Up
The ghost agent in a student uniform obviously hadn't changed back yet. He pointed to one of the torture rooms, indicating that it was ready.Tsuruta Ichiro immediately took Shinoda Toshizo, opened the door and walked in.

In the interrogation room, there was a wooden cross against the wall, but it was just a horizontal wooden shelf with an iron ring at each end.The human hand is inserted into the iron ring, and when the screw is twisted, the human arms can be fixed.

There is also a chair next to it. Similarly, the armrests on the chair and the legs of the chair below have iron rings.But this chair is a bit special. How should I put it, the overall feeling is a bit like the kind used by dentists to see patients.There is also something like a helmet on it, and on the back of the chair, there are two smooth metal.There are also a few wires next to it, and there is a metal clip on one end of the wire.

In fact, anyone who knows a little bit about electricians will be able to understand that this thing is actually an electric chair.No matter where Fan Keqin stayed in the intelligence department or the security bureau, there was no electric chair in the capital.But there is electric shock, and it is hand-cranked to generate electricity.But the electric chair of the Tsuruta Organ is different. It has a bit of technological content, because there is a transformer next to it and an adjustment knob.How much current you want, as long as you adjust it, close the switch and you're done.

In addition, there is a bed next to it. It is said to be a surgical bed, but it does not look like it.But definitely not the kind for sleeping.Because this kind of bed is relatively high, it is convenient for the narrator to stand by the bed and do things to the person lying on it.There is also a trolley next to the bed, which is the kind with a shelf on the top and wheels on the bottom.On the shelf, there are pliers, tweezers, scalpels, chisels, planes, crochet hooks, etc., etc., all kinds of utensils.

At this time, a comatose person, whether it was the electric chair, the suspected operating table, or the wooden shelf, was not on these places.Instead, he sat on a bench with his legs straight, and his body and the upper half of his thighs were tied round and round with ropes to the iron backrest and the chair surface.On the ground at the foot of the stool, there are a few blue bricks and a few wooden squares randomly placed. Most people who look at it may not know what they are for.

There is another person in the house, very strong.The sleeves of the white shirt were rolled up and the buttons were half unbuttoned.On a wooden table next to a wall, he was inspecting various instruments of torture, such as knives, whips, steel brushes and the like.

Seeing Tsuruta Ichiro and Shinoda Suizo coming in, the strong man stopped what he was doing.Turning around and bowing, he said, "Your Excellency Tsuruta, Your Excellency Shinoda, the prisoner hasn't woken up yet. But I checked it just now, and there is a clear reaction in the pupils, so it should be soon."

"Very good." Tsuruta Ichiro replied, first he and Shinoda Toshizo came in front of that person, he also looked at the person's eyelids, then he turned around and sat on a few chairs placed by the entrance, facing each other. clean wooden chair.Shinoda Suizan consciously sat at a small desk for one person.Keep your notebook and pen away and ready to take notes.

After about five minutes, the man tied to the bench obviously took a deep breath.But soon stopped.

Seeing this situation, Tsuruta Ichiro smiled, spoke fluent Chinese with a Peking accent, and said: "Mr. Woolen cloth?"

When the man named Mr. Qu heard this, his eyelids moved, and finally he opened his eyes and raised his head.He first looked towards the source of the sound, saw Ichiro Tsuruta and Toshizo Shinoda next to him, and then took another look at the burly man with his buttons unbuttoned.Then he looked around at the surrounding environment and the instruments of torture.

In the end, Mr. Ou looked straight at Tsuruta Ichiro again with a calm expression, and said, "When I fainted, what you gave me was a medical anesthesia needle, right?"

"That's right." Tsuruta Ichiro said with a smile on his face, "Mr. Ou is worthy of being an excellent member of the Red Party. We also want to save Mr. Ou from suffering, and I know that the Red Party is conscious, just like our big box The warriors of the Ming clan have the same spirit and are ready to sacrifice themselves at any time. Therefore, we used an anesthetic injection on Mr. Ou."

Mr. Ou sneered disdainfully, and said, "Is this a special high school? Or the Mei Agency? Or is it the detective department of your devil's army?"

Hearing the word devil, Tsuruta Ichiro and Shinoda Toshizo didn't react at all.The burly man next to him immediately stood up straight, but he stopped his movements very quickly, and just looked at Mr. Ou with fierce eyes.

Ichiro Tsuruta still had the same smile on his face, and replied calmly: "Neither, Mr. Ou is indeed an old Red Party, and it can be seen at a glance that we are not No. [-] or the Municipal Stability Maintenance Office. Since this is the case, let's stop playing around in circles. We are the Tsuruta agency, and I am Ichiro Tsuruta, the head of the agency. Mr. Ou, you Ou Qingning, the identity of the Hualian Daily's outreach reporter, should be a cover-up, right? Can you teach me your real name?"

Hearing this, Ou Qingning glanced again at Tsuruta Ichiro, and said, "Since I've been caught, that's my own problem. But if you want to get something out of me, let me tell you, you're daydreaming. In addition, I need to remind you that the anesthesia needle takes effect very quickly from the injection to the effect. However, some of you covered my mouth and nose, making me suffocated and unconscious. But from this time, and this It is speculated that I should have been in a coma for about four hours, right?"

Ou Qingning looked at the surrounding environment again as he spoke, and said: "This should be the urban area of ​​Shanghai, not to mention whether you escorted me here, whether it was secret or not, just talking about the time, four hours, you are already in vain It's time. My companions have already left. Hehe, so, it's better for you to save trouble, and I can save trouble, give me a shot, and everyone will be happy."

"Hehehe." Tsuruta Ichiro was still smiling, and listened to what Ou Qingning said patiently, then smiled and said, "Mr. Ou, there are many people in your Red Party who would rather die than surrender. In fact I have seen quite a few, no matter what punishment I use, in any way. They don't say a word.

Yes, not saying a word, not even humming, is no different from being dumb.And you, first despised us, and then accurately judged the environment you were in through language.This is called showing your own strength, ah, I was just a little bit, just a little bit, and I was about to be deceived by you.But you shouldn't have said the last word..."

(End of this chapter)

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