spy ace

Chapter 2091

Chapter 2091
Shinoda Toshizo glanced at Shida Shuichi proudly.The latter rolled his eyes at him, said without saying a word, and mouthed: "Childish." As a result, Shinoda Toshizo became even more proud.

After Saeiko Hashimoto entered a private room with a sliding door with Shinoda Toshisan, he turned around and went out, and after a while, he brought up the previous things, as well as the new food and drinks. , Then he knelt at the door of the sliding door, bowed again, and said: "You two, please take your time. If you need anything, you can call at any time." Then, he got up, put on his shoes, and bent over to close the sliding door .

"Ah." Shinoda Suizo said: "It looks really virtuous. And the most important thing is..."

"Pretty." Shida Shuichi said, "Isn't it? Ah, Shinoda-kun is really lustful."

"Hahaha." Shinoda Suizo said: "Aren't you the same? It's agreed, we two should compete fairly with Ms. Hashimoto Saeko. But I won't talk about that today. Ah, what did I say just now?" ? Yes, it said that you were dismissed and no longer served as the commander of the sweep. What's going on? Tell me."

"What was dismissed?" Shida Shuichi said, "I never said that I was dismissed, okay? And don't you know that the frontline troops are fighting, and they may not be able to withdraw immediately because of the needs of the war. But in the area we occupy like this, it is impossible to let only one army attack. Should the meritorious service also take turns to win. Commander Okabe also considered this, so that the next raid was replaced by Ninja Castle The captain and his unit are in charge."

Shinoda Suizo said: "That's good, I thought you made some mistakes, which led to the replacement of Minister Oka. Well, it looks like you said, in the local garrison headquarters, Works great."

Shida Xiu said: "Of course. Can I still lie to you?"

Shinoda Toshizo asked: "Then where do you live now? Don't tell me that you still live in the officer's dormitory at the headquarters."

"Uh... that's right." Shida Osamu said together: "Although in the occupied area, the requirements are not as high as the front line, but I feel that it is better to be in the officer's dormitory, and there is no need to toss back and forth from both sides."

Shinoda Suisan nodded and said, "Okay, then you obviously can't compete with me."

Shida Osamu said, "You... what do you mean? Are you talking about Ms. Saeko Hashimoto again?"

Shinoda Suizan said: "Look, if Sha Rongzi really wants to choose one of the two of us, you live in the officer's dormitory of the headquarters, and there are all imperial soldiers there, and there are no women. What do you think? Will Sha Rongzi be with you unconditionally? It’s different for me. I have a house in the local area. Although it is a building, the area is not too big, more than [-] square meters. But it is definitely enough for two people.

If you think about it, Sha Rongzi had already lost her husband, so she must know how important family stability is.If he had to choose between the two of us, he would choose you, the man who lives in the military dormitory full of men for a long time.Or me, the guy who owns his own house and only works [-] to [-] and can come home on time anytime?Well, Shuichi, to be honest, you're doomed.Hahaha. "

Shida Osamu glanced at his mouth, and said: "You are really... I haven't lost yet. And I can buy a house at any time."

"Are you rich?" Shinoda Touso said, "Is your military salary enough? How much per month? This is Shanghai...the financial center of Asia. Look, Sha Rongzi, she relies on her husband's inheritance , opened such a big high-end izakaya. If she finds it again... a man, it can't be too shabby."

"Ah, you really know how to hit people." Shuichi Shida said, "I admit that my income is not too much, but I am a soldier of the Empire, so I have honor. Besides, I can't afford the big ones, wouldn't I buy them?" A smaller one."

"I'm not hitting you." Shinoda Toshizo said, "I'm helping you. Do you know what I'm doing?"

Shi Tianxiu nodded, and said: "I guessed a little bit, but... what do you do, does it have something to do with helping me? You want me to work in your... Tsuruta Mansion? That's not okay. , I will not be a spy. I have only received formal military training, but in the past I know nothing."

After finishing this sentence, Shida Shuichi couldn't help but asked again, "Did you send a lot of money?"

Shinoda Suizan said: "Are you talking about regular moon rings? Of course there are not many, but... why am I telling you these things? I want to help you. Do you know? There is a two-storey building on Dongpushi Road. Although it is some distance from the local garrison headquarters where you work, the house is really nice."

Speaking of this, Shinoda Suizan lowered his voice, and said: "This is the residence of a member of the central government, which was sealed up by us. There are all kinds of furniture in it. The two floors have a total of more than [-] square meters for use. Mask. And the furniture is very high-end, you don’t need to bring anything, you can just go in and live in it. It was supposed to be digested internally, and I was also very tempted, but it’s too far away from the mansion where I work, so... and I’m an insider , there are still many opportunities in the future. How about it? Do you want to think about it."

"That big?" Shuichi Shida understood that Shinoda Toshizo couldn't have lied to himself, so if he said yes, it must be true.And he is really tempted, men, houses, cars, tickets, beauties, who doesn't love these things?But he still showed hesitation on his face, and asked: "And it's as good as you said...it costs a lot of money?"

"You really told me that it's a seized house." Shinoda Toshizo said, "And we are best friends. If you really want it, I can get it for you at a very cheap price." But I can't harm you, this house was used by the Zhongtong people after all, so if you, an imperial officer, live in it, you really have to think carefully about safety."

Shi Tianxiu said, "How could I be afraid of this. If I want...will it be too much trouble on your side?"

"How come." Shinoda Toshizo said: "You are my own, and this house itself is under my management, I just need to say hello to the people below. How about it? Do you want to think about it? In fact, you can also go Take a look and then make a decision.”

At this time, Shida Shuichi seemed very decisive again, he waved his hand, and said: "Don't look... How could I not believe you. Then please ask Shinoda-kun to help me operate, please. I will give you the money tomorrow .”

(End of this chapter)

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