spy ace

Chapter 212 Identity

Chapter 212 Identity (3K for Subscription)
Fan Keqin took a look, and the first row on it read: Housing Lease Contract;
The second row is: I, Kou Tao, will now own the property under my name, No. [-] Yanfu Street... Looking down, the renter's signature reads: Wu Xiangdong.

The handwriting, or handwriting, of this contract is very similar to the small piece of paper that Fan Keqin found.The writing format of the first two lines and the thickness of the ink are also the same. Obviously, this is a copy of the contract in duplicate.

Fan Keqin handed it to Zhao Hongliang and told him to take it back as evidence, then looked at Kou Tao and said, "He rented it for such a long time, are you afraid that you won't get the money?"

Kou Tao said: "No, this person paid half a year's rent at once, and after half a year, he mailed me a check."

Fan Keqin said, "A check? Where's the voucher for withdrawing money?"

Kou Tao shook his head and said, "No... I didn't bring it."

Fan Keqin said, "Which bank?"

"Oh, there are quite a lot." Kou Tao said, "There are HSBC, Citigroup, Dagong, and Minsheng."

Fan Keqin understood that this was a deceptive method used by the spies, and the purpose was to prevent investigators from seeing any patterns from it one day.

Regardless of these, Fan Keqin continued to ask: "When renting the house, how many people were there?"

Kou Tao said: "Just one, dressed in a foreign style. And if you are willing to pay half a year's rent at once, I agree."

Fan Keqin frowned, and said, "A person? Describe him, how tall is he, what accent does he speak, and are there any characteristics?"

"How tall...it's about this high." Kou Tao gestured in front of his eyebrows with his hand, rolled his eyes again, and replied while thinking: "It seems to be the accent of the Peking side, and the characteristic...is ordinary. A person with no features, with parted hair and a western style in a suit."

Fan Keqin asked doubtfully, "It seems to be a Peking accent? Are you not sure?"

Kou Tao said: "Yes. At that time, he spoke a mishmash of words. Sometimes he used Peking dialect, and sometimes he used a half-baked local dialect. So I must have heard Peking dialect. I remember it very heavily."

Fan Keqin turned his head and glanced at Zhao Hongliang, and said, "I'm sure it's this guy. He's [-] meters tall and has a northern accent. The evidence collection is over here. Find him as I told you just now."

Zhao Hongliang immediately stood at attention and said, "Yes!"

Fan Keqin waved his hand at Huazhang, and said, "Come with me." Saying this, he ignored the others, and went downstairs with Huazhang and got into the car.Fan Keqin didn't start it either, handed Huazhang a cigarette, and said, "There is a task that needs you to complete."

Huazhang took the cigarette, helped Fan Keqin light it first, and said, "Section Chief, what is the task?"

Fan Keqin exhaled smoke and said, "Go and check Gu Xijun's background."

Hearing this, Huazhang felt that his section chief was too courageous, and he had to resort to tricks for the two secretaries of the office.But Huazhang was very smart, so he didn't ask too many questions.Who knows if the Virgo asked Fan Keqin to do it behind the scenes?I was just following orders, so I nodded and said, "Yes. I will start investigating from now on."

Fan Keqin said: "I just checked her file, let me tell you. Gu Xijun is from Peiping, and his father is a university teacher, with a scholarly family. He once went to a girls' school..." His memory is excellent, and Mastered the image memory method.He repeated Gu Xijun's file almost verbatim, and finally said: "Gu Xijun's file resume is very clean, and I don't see any problems, so your workload is not small. You need to have each period, if During the girls' school period, the period of the secret service training class, the period of the headquarters' internal service, etc., you have to check it, can you do it?"

Huazhang took a puff of cigarette, thought carefully, and said, "It can be done, but the girls' school is in Beiping, and the spy training class is in Shanghai. You can check if she has any classmates, or if the instructor is in the local area. Use these people to verify Gu Xijun's situation."

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "It's a good idea. After moving the capital, there must be some old acquaintances in the local area. You can even send someone to Beiping to check the school's files and so on."

Huazhang exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "Understood. Then... to what extent?"

Fan Keqin said: "As long as there are conditions to verify, we must investigate. If there are no conditions, we must create conditions. In these situations, you can only be responsible to me alone."

"Yes!" Huazhang said: "Don't worry, if there is news, I will report it to you immediately."

Fan Keqin started the car directly, took Hua Zhang back to the intelligence office, and followed him to his office.

Now that the two spies are at large, he is not worried, because as long as they are still in this city, he will be able to hold them down sooner or later.

But what about Gu Xijun?What is the purpose, there is too little intelligence support, and it is impossible to speculate for the time being.So how about changing the direction and guessing her identity?

The first is Fan Keqin's most hated person, the spy.The file said that Gu Xijun had been active in Shanghai for a period of time, and he was excellent in his work and had won awards.Although due to the principle of confidentiality, she did not write what specific jobs she had done, but the level of chaos in Shanghai at that time was probably not much more than it is now.

If she can make meritorious deeds in Shanghai, where dragons and snakes are mixed, then who did she make meritorious deeds against?There are only two possibilities, the Spies and the Red Party.As for the rest of the various gangs, it seems that it is not enough.

The policy at that time was not yet unanimously stated to the outside world.If she had dealt with the Red Party at that time, Gu Xijun could never rule out the possibility of being a spy.And the meritorious service at that time was because of dealing with spies?Then there are three other possibilities for Gu Xijun's identity.

First, she is a female military agent.Second, in order to cover up the purpose, the spies deliberately gave her some credit for enabling her to break into the Japanese spies inside the military.Third, the underground party of the Red Party.

Fan Keqin felt that if it was the first or second situation, it would be easy to say.Catch what should be caught and let go what should be released.But if it is the third situation, the underground party of the Red Party, then it will not be easy to handle.After all, he had already started his investigation, so the sudden interruption was very abnormal.

The most important thing is that Fan Keqin had to investigate, let alone investigate without telling Sun Guoxin.After all, he never rubbed sand in his eyes. What if the other party is a spy?Just leave her in the army?Sooner or later, it will become a big problem.

Fan Keqin thought carefully about the possible situation in the smoke, when suddenly the door was knocked several times.He stubbed out the cigarette butt and said, "Come in!"

As soon as Qian Jinxun came in, he let out a "hoo!" and slapped it vigorously with his hands, saying, "Stinky boy, you are not afraid of getting tuberculosis. How much you have smoked!"

Fan Keqin turned around from behind the desk with a smile, and said, "I'm thinking about tactics."

Qian Jinxun asked, "What tactics?"

Fan Keqin said: "I teach the tactics of the nine-member team. Check to see if there are any missing, and if there are any before they leave, hurry up and make up."

Qian Jinxun nodded, and said: "Then you should really hold on tight. These days, I follow your instructions every day, creating time for them to familiarize themselves with equipment and training from time to time. It's almost the same , I plan to tell Virgo as soon as the usual tasks are finished, and let them go."

Fan Keqin said: "Have you considered the safe route?"

"Okay." Speaking of this, Qian Jinxun was stunned, and said: "Okay, you just interrupted, just talking about work, and now I'm off work. Hurry up, the seat is probably waiting outside .”

Fan Keqin glanced at the wall clock, it was already past five forty.So he said: "Let's go! I'm thinking about it, and I didn't pay attention to it."

The two of them left the building of the Intelligence Department, and Sun Guoxin was standing beside his special car waiting.Seeing everyone arrived, he waved his hand.They each got into the car, drove out of the intelligence office compound, and arrived at Sun Guoxin's mansion in a short while.

After parking the car, Lu Xiaoya, Fei Hongxia, and Lu Suiyun probably heard the voice and walked out of the house.Fan Keqin noticed that Guo Meng was still holding Lu Xiaoya's arm, maybe Qian Jinxun asked her to come here directly.

Everyone exchanged pleasantries, Fan Keqin grabbed Lu Xiaoya's hand, walked into the room, and said, "Is it my turn to show my skills this time?"

Lu Xiaoya patted him with a smile, and said, "You still won't be able to reincarnate, and the meal is ready."

"It's my fault." Fan Keqin said, "I wish I had come here sooner."

Lu Xiaoya said: "Can you come out early?"

Fan Keqin didn't answer, but raised his head towards Sun Guoxin and said, "Then blame the eldest brother-in-law for not knowing to take the initiative to give me a vacation."

Lu Xiaoya covered her mouth and smiled for a while. Seeing her daughter chatting so speculatively with her son-in-law, Lu Suiyun felt very comfortable in her heart, and her impression of Fan Keqin increased a bit.So he and Sun Guoxin started to push people on the table.

Lu Xiaoya pulled Fan Keqin and sat on the table with everyone. A glass of champagne was served in front of everyone.Sun Guoxin held up his wine glass, first paid respects to Lu Suiyun, who was in the first place, and then stood up and said, "Everyone, I would like to say a few words. The first reason we are together this time is because my uncle, Xiaoya and the others have found a new house. It is congratulations to settle down here. Second, the location of my uncle’s hospital has been confirmed, which can be described as double happiness. So I propose that we have a drink first, so we can all be happy.”

Everyone raised their wine glasses, and they all had a drink.Then eat vegetables, eat vegetables, chat chat.

At the dinner table, Fan Keqin learned that Sun Guoxin directly won the building on Anning Street at a relatively cheap price through his connections.It was originally a stronghold of the Spies, and it was destroyed by Fan Keqin himself.It was originally seized by the military command, and Sun Guoxin is a powerful figure in the military command, so he will definitely give him face if he wants to take action.

In addition, classmate Lu Xiaoya's book has been successfully submitted, and Sanlian Publishing House has taken a fancy to Lu Xiaoya's manuscript...

Note: "The first update is here."

(End of this chapter)

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