spy ace

Chapter 215 Inquiry

Chapter 215 Inquiry (3K for Subscription)
Zunshi Guanyue and Wu Wei are sitting at the table in the square hall.Holding the rice bowl in his hand, he ate and drank the food and wine he bought back, and discussed about tomorrow's affairs along the way.Suddenly there was a clicking sound, and a group of people broke into the door and rushed in.

Because it was too sudden, and there was still a job in hand, there was no rush to react.Especially Guanyue Zunshi, who immediately wanted to flip the table to block the opponent.But just as his hand reached the edge of the table, one of the big men had already swooped up, regardless of anything on the table, jumped over the table, and pressed him to the ground.

Wu Wei on the side, his first reaction was to draw his gun directly, but before he could aim back, another man almost took the same method, jumping over the table and throwing him to the ground.

Then, the follow-up troops led by Zhang Zhikai swarmed up at the same time, one after another, they overwhelmed Guanyue Zunshi and Wu Wei on the ground like arhats stacked on top of each other.

"He's got a gun!" cried the bottom man.

Zhang Zhikai rushed up with a big stride, raised his foot and stomped fiercely on Wu Wei's wrist twice.Followed by a side kick, kicked the pistol aside, and shouted: "Cuff them all."

Soon, the two agents at the top pulled out their handcuffs, twisted their arms and handcuffed the two spies behind their backs.Zhang Zhikai waved his hand and said, "Take it back."

Zhao Hongliang looked through the rooms one by one, and said: "Old Zhang, you are responsible for leading the brothers to search the house. I will report back to the section chief."

Zhang Zhikai stood up and said, "Yes!"

Zhao Hongliang went downstairs with several agents, and ordered them to take the two spies back to the prison for custody.Just about to go to the restaurant to report to Fan Keqin.But saw that Fan Keqin had already walked over.

Zhao Hongliang stood up and said, "Section Chief, everything is going well. There are only these two people in the room."

Fan Keqin said: "Okay, you personally escort these two spies back to the office. Immediately make a surprise interrogation and pry their mouths open."...

At the same time, in a coffee shop at No. [-] Jialingjiang Road, Hua Zhang was sitting behind a table with a captain and officer, ordered two plates of snacks and coffee, and was drinking slowly.

Huazhang put down his cup and said, "Mr. Hou, are you sure about what you just said?"

Captain Hou said: "Of course, the Japanese hadn't occupied Shanghai at that time, but spy activities were also very frequent. It was also because of this that the boss personally presided over the establishment of the spy training class..." When he said this, he suddenly paused, Said: "Captain Hua, what I said, I hope you will help me keep it a secret."

Huazhang nodded and said, "Don't worry, just like what we said when we first met, the investigations I'm doing now are all authorized by our intelligence department. You can go to our section chief to verify in person. Of course, I also hope that You can keep the same secret."

After hearing this, Captain Hou felt relieved, because what Huazhang said had substantive content, such as: "You can check with our section chief yourself."

Speaking out this content is proactive, so it doesn't matter whether I will verify it or not.But if the other party speaks out so proactively, it is basically certain that the other party has no ghosts in his heart.Besides, this is Chongqing. The fact that Huazhang dared to enter the headquarters in a big way and ask him to meet here is more evidence that she is indeed authorized by the Intelligence Department.

Thinking of this, Captain Hou smiled and said: "Captain Hua, don't worry, we are all in this line of work, and we understand the rules."

"Okay." Huazhang said: "Then please tell me, sir, the more detailed the situation of Xiao Gu in the training class, the better."

Captain Hou took a sip of coffee, sorted out his thoughts, and said: "Her grades have always been among the top ones. Except for her slightly weaker fighting skills, she is excellent. The main reason is that women's natural strength is smaller. In terms of skills, she is still very good. Strong. Of course, I mean the whole training class, including all the male students."

After Huazhang heard this, he frowned and said, "Mr. Hou, you mean that Xiao Gu was excellent from the very beginning?"

Captain Hou nodded and said, "Yes, not long after entering the training class, her talent and quality have already surpassed most of the students."

Huazhang asked suspiciously: "Could Xiao Gu be an art investment teacher? Oh! I mean, she has been professionally trained before."

Captain Hou shook his head and denied it, and said: "That's impossible. Whether she has practiced before or not, you can still tell after she has been in contact for a while. Let me give you an example. For example, if our veterans often use guns, the position of the tiger's mouth , and calluses will appear on the index finger. Even if you intentionally wait for a period of time, after the calluses fade away, when you practice again, the calluses will grow faster than when you practiced for the first time. According to our medical office who returned from studying abroad The doctor said that this is because our human muscles or skin tissues also have a certain memory ability. This kind of reaction cannot be faked anyway. So judging from my memory, when Xiao Gu entered the spy training class, He is also a newcomer, and he must have not received relevant training before."

Huazhang nodded after listening, and said: "Well, then, she performed so well in the training class, she must be very popular, do you have any friends you can talk to?"

Captain Hou waved his hands and said: "This is basically impossible. Although there were a few women in the training class at that time, we considered that they would be put into work immediately after graduation, so not only are men and women separated, but women are also trained separately. , the courses between each other are all staggered. I don’t see each other a few times. Therefore, except for the instructors and management instructors, female students basically have no contact with others.”

Huazhang listened, and said: "Mr. Hou, who were the instructors and management instructors at that time?"

Captain Hou said: "I can't tell anyone the names of these people. I hope Captain Hua won't take offense. And most of them have already died for their country."

Huazhang was a little helpless after hearing this, and she also understood what the other party meant, that is, these people might still be active on the secret front.Unless the relevant authorization is obtained, an investigation order from the Intelligence Department is not enough.So he could only give up, thought for a while, and said: "In the training class, do the students have the opportunity to contact the outside world?"

Captain Hou nodded and said: "There is a chance. Because of the training subjects, some classes and training are not enough, and they need practice. At that time, they will go out to contact the outside world."

After hearing this, Hua Zhang said, "Xiao Gu has been out too? Do you know who she has been in contact with?"

Captain Hou said: "That's not clear. Although we will review their training results in the end, when we go to the outside world, we cannot fully grasp the practice process, especially the details."

Huazhang felt that this seemed to be a dead end again, because other than Gu Xijun himself, I am afraid that it is impossible for others to know all these details.So he said again: "After Xiao Gu graduated, he used to be active in Shanghai for a period of time. Does the waiting officer know the situation during that time?"

Captain Hou shook his head and said: "I don't know, their whereabouts, work, and any information is confidential."

After hearing this, Hua Zhang had no choice but to stand up and said, "Okay, thank you for your cooperation, Chief Hou. If necessary, I may trouble you."

Captain Hou smiled and said, "It's my honor to be in touch with Captain Hua." As he spoke, he extended his hand and shook hands with Hua Zhang.

After Captain Hou left, Lian Mingli and Wende came over.Lian Mingli said: "Sister Zhang, Chief Hou has not clarified many things. I guess we will encounter the same situation in the future. This investigation is too difficult."

Wende also nodded at the side, and said: "Yes, why don't you go back and talk to the section chief, can you apply for a warrant from the headquarters?"

Huazhang waved his hands and said: "This is impossible. The section chief told me clearly that we should try our best to control the leakage of information. The smaller the scope, the better." At this point, she paused, and then said: "How about this?" , You can ask if there are any local people who have studied or taught at Beiping Girls' School. These people are relatively educated, and the scope is not large, so it should be easy to find."

Lian Mingli and Wende nodded, "Understood."...

After Fan Keqin returned to the intelligence department, he looked at his watch and said, "Old Zhao, arrange a surprise interrogation for these two people, and try to pry their mouths open as quickly as possible. I'll go out to do something, and I'll be back in the evening."

Zhao Hong nodded and said: "Yes, I will personally interrogate the white shirt in a while, and let Lao Zhang and the others be responsible for the other. After obtaining the confession, they can also confirm each other." After taking a puff of cigarette, he said: "Chief, if Did they spit? Do we need to act overnight? Or wait until you come back?"

Fan Keqin thought for a while, and said, "Let's wait until I come back. We have just arrested these two spies, and the news will not spread. It depends on the situation when I come back."

Zhao Hongliang said: "Understood, that lowly post has gone." After speaking, he saw Fan Keqin nodding, turned around and left the section chief's office, heading for the basement floor.

In fact, Fan Keqin didn't have any big things to do, but Lu Xiaoya and her father moved to a new house today, so it wouldn't be good if they didn't go.And basically you don't have to do the interrogation work yourself, unless you encounter very difficult characters.Furthermore, just like what he said to Zhao Hongliang just now, the news cannot spread so quickly after he was captured.According to his inference, these two people are still the leaders of the spies. As long as they pry their mouths open, the Japanese spies under them will definitely not be able to escape.

Looking at the time again, Fan Keqin went straight out with the intention of going early and returning early, passing by the market and buying some melons, pears and peaches, and went directly to Lu Xiaoya's new home.

After entering the house and speaking politely to Lu Suiyun, he asked for the phone number of his new home, and then called the intelligence department, and asked the field duty officer to tell Zhao Hongliang that he could call him anytime if there was a situation, and Fan Keqin was really relieved.

Seeing this, Lu Suiyun asked, "What's the matter? You're still busy at work?"

Note: "The second update is coming, brothers, vote up, vote up!!"

(End of this chapter)

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