spy ace

Chapter 219 The Big Tail Wolf

Chapter 219 Big Tail Wolf (3K for Subscription)
As soon as he said this, Qian Jinxun laughed happily beside him, and said: "You really dare to say it, if your team leader is here, you won't be punished later."

Jiang Bin also looked a little embarrassed, and said: "Virgin, deputy seat, humble job, to be honest, Team Leader Zhao's overall ability is indeed much better than humble job, but what humble job is talking about is just tracking this point. This... In fact, humble job is really Pretty confident."

Fan Keqin looked at Sun Guoxin with a smile, and said: "President, this kid is really top-notch in the entire intelligence department in terms of tracking and tracking."

Sun Guoxin nodded and said, "Okay, Jiang Bin, there is a secret mission that you need to do this time, and you must not mention it to anyone except these people in the room."

Jiang Bin immediately became extremely serious, and stood up and said: "Yes! Don't worry, Virgo, the lowly position is very strict."

Sun Guoxin waved his hand at Qian Jinxun, and the latter understood, saying: "Jiang Bin, Chang Nuo, the confidential deputy director of the Chinese translation office, is the target of your follow-up investigation for this mission. You need to take everything you see, The people he has contacted, where he has been, and even what he has said, must be recorded as much as possible."

"Yes! I understand." After Jiang Bin took the order, he frowned suspiciously: "Senior seat, you just said that you even need to record what he said. These humble officials will try their best to do it, but it takes a risk to fully understand it. Ah. For example, the humble official needs to lurk into his home and install wiretapping equipment. And he works in the Central Unification Bureau. If it is inside the Central Unification Bureau, he also needs to use some means in his office. This may take a long time to plan and operate. If it’s just one person in a humble job, it’s too difficult in a short time. Can you apply to find a few more reliable people to help?”

After Sun Guoxin listened, he took up the conversation and said: "Our military commanders don't deal with them in the first place. If we install bugs inside them, this operation is almost impossible. He doesn't use them at home either. If he finds out, On the contrary, it’s a bad thing. I just look at conventional means. If you can listen, listen. If you can’t do something, don’t force it. But as your deputy director said, where did Chang Nuo go, who did he meet, when and where? There must be detailed records, I will greet the general affairs department later, and get it yourself, and it is best if you go to get a high-end camera, and anyone who comes into contact with him in private will be photographed."

Jiang Bin stood up and said, "Understood!"

Sun Guoxin nodded and said, "Well, you can go."

"Yes!" Jiang Bin led the way out.Sun Guoxin raised his hand, grabbed the phone, called the General Affairs Section, gave some instructions, hung up the phone, and said, "Now we'll see how Chang Nuo behaves later."

Qian Jinxun nodded and said, "Keqin, if he has a problem, what do you think he will do next?"

Fan Keqin thought for a while, and said: "It depends on his previous life trajectory. If there is something different from his previous life trajectory, even a little bit, it is suspicious."

After hearing this, Qian Jinxun glanced at Sun Guoxin and said, "Oh, that's really difficult. I haven't been in touch with Lao Chang for quite a long time."

Sun Guoxin said: "It doesn't matter, let's look at his current life. I believe that if people have ghosts in their hearts, they will definitely show it."

Fan Keqin nodded, and said: "Virgin is right. In fact, we don't need to worry about it now. A person has ghosts in his heart. In theory, he will show it no matter what. No matter how firm his willpower is, or how big his heart is, , are useless."

Fan Keqin pointed to Qian Jinxun, and said: "For example, the vice seat's heart is extremely strong. If he wants to hide something from me, he will deliberately pretend to behave as usual. The key lies in the word intentional. As long as he conceals it, he will cover it up on purpose. And if he deliberately covers up, he will do some seemingly ordinary actions when he confuses the other party. For example, he crossed his legs and acted very relaxed. Or joking a few words, happy Happy. It seems normal, but in fact, it's the opposite."

Qian Jinxun nodded and said, "Then what about Lao Chang's performance in the restaurant? Wasn't it intentional?"

"I don't see it." Fan Keqin said: "Because you are gone, who is he showing it to? And he did three actions in succession, finished the steak, drank coffee, and lit a cigarette when he went out. There is no audience for the three actions, so I judge that his three actions are naturally normal behavior."

Qian Jinxun nodded as if enlightened, and said, "Ah, I kind of understand what you mean."

Sun Guoxin smiled and said: "Okay, let Jiang Bin follow him for a few days to observe this matter carefully, and we will discuss it when we report back." He stood up and said: "I still have to go Go to the General Administration. Report the matter of the poisonous snake team."

Fan Keqin and two accompanied him to leave, Qian Jinxun said: "Well, this time the establishment has wiped out another spy team, ha, it's worth celebrating, Virgo, if you come back early at night, let's go Where are you celebrating?"

Sun Guoxin is also very happy now. Although things have been going on in the past six months, the final results are very good.So he slowed down, and said: "Well, okay, if I come back early, let's go to celebrate, you discuss and arrange a place."

Qian Jinxun smiled and said, "Alright, Virgo, then Keqin and I will wait for you."

Sending Sun Guoxin out of the intelligence office building, watching him get into the car, the two brothers turned back and entered the office of the chief of the intelligence department together.Qian Jinxun sat down on the sofa and said, "Hurry up, put me a cigar."

Fan Keqin opened the drawer, threw one to him, took one himself, and said with a smile, "This is basically guaranteed to be available every day, is it beautiful?"

Qian Jinxun lit it, took a puff of enjoyment, and said: "That's right, if I handle this well, I will definitely be appreciated by Boss Dai. It is your business to catch Japanese spies. Both me and Virgo I am very relieved, but the Zhongtong is our deadly enemy. Boss Dai hates the CC group to the bone, if we can severely damage the Zhongtong, ah? Think about it, what kind of quality is this?"

Fan Keqin said: "Well, I think it is, but you should also be careful, don't accidentally smash your hands."

Qian Jinxun said: "I know. I plan to handle this matter with a cautious attitude. If I find that something can't be done, I won't have any fluke mentality, and I will stop when I do. In this way, at least there will be no loss."

Fan Keqin said: "Didn't you say last time that you and the Virgo have reported this matter to Boss Dai? And he agreed. I think you and the Virgo have to report the progress to him frequently on this matter. OK. In this way, even if something happens in the end, Boss Dai won't really do anything to you. "

Qian Jinxun nodded, and said: "Well, Virgo has told me so before, don't worry, I will actively report to Boss Dai." He took a puff of cigarette and said, "Hey, where are you going at night? ?”

Fan Keqin said: "It's not suitable for a place that is too dusty. Hmm...the formal ones, the higher-grade ones...I know the Phoenix International Club, which has food, drink, and entertainment, and it's also a private club. How about it?"

"Yeah." Qian Jinxun nodded immediately after hearing this, and said, "I think it's okay, let your subordinate, Lao He, arrange it."

Fan Keqin said: "Isn't it still not sure if Virgo can come back early? I'll call now when the time comes."

"Then don't rush." ​​Qian Jinxun waved his hand and said: "Your boy is still short-skilled in this area. If the Virgo says so, he will basically be able to come back. Just listen to me."

Fan Keqin said: "Success, then you say hello to the security team at the source seat, and send some good men to follow." After finishing speaking, he picked up the phone and called the Central District Police Station. voice, said: "Hello? Who are you looking for?"

"Old He." Fan Keqin said, "I am Fan Keqin."

When He Jin heard this, he immediately said enthusiastically: "Hey, Section Chief. I didn't help you with the Renci Hospital last time. I heard these boys come back and said that when they arrived, all your brothers had already been dealt with. I am ashamed of my humble position..."

Fan Keqin laughed and said: "It's okay. When I told you, didn't you say that you rushed over to block the road immediately when you heard the noise? Your brother has done a good job." After a pause, he continued: " Let me tell you something, tonight, some friends and I are going to Phoenix International, you can say hello to Shichao for me, and reserve a private room for dinner."

He Jin smiled and said: "No problem, I will inform him now, it's still the private room with river view, don't worry."

Fan Keqin said: "Okay, thank you. Hey, Lao He, tell Shi Chao, don't let him be so polite to accompany us, my friends don't like outsiders around."

He Jin said: "No problem, I will tell him. Section chief, if you need anything at that time, just tell the waiter."

Fan Keqin said: "Thank you, I will treat you to dinner next time."

When he hung up the phone, Qian Jinxun puffed out a puff of smoke and said, "This old He Ting is a good man, ah, if this is the case, if there is anything in the future, I can do it for him. That Shichao Shichao , who is it?"

With a cigar in his mouth, Fan Keqin said, "The full name is Feng Shichao. He Jin's brother-in-law is also the owner of the Phoenix International Club. The cigars you are smoking now are all bought by others."

Qian Jinxun nodded, and said: "Success, let him get more in the future, I think Virgo is very good at this."

Fan Keqin laughed loudly and said, "Are you changing careers to become a bandit?"

Qian Jinxun curled his lips and said, "Bandits are nothing. Let's give them face, understand? When will your kid improve in this aspect. He can't wait for it, do you believe it or not?"

Fan Keqin said: "I'm stupid, it's the first time I've seen such a straightforward person asking for food and drink."

Qian Jinxun still had a reassuring face of a wolf with a big tail, and said: "Do you know how much a nightclub kid will pay me a year if he gets in my way? This is the amount." Then he extended a slap.

Note: "The second update is coming, brothers vote for it!!"

(End of this chapter)

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