spy ace

Chapter 2236 Senior Suite

Chapter 2236 Senior Suite
But climbing straight up like this will take a lot of energy.If it is an ordinary person, there is no time requirement, and if he is very strong, it is possible to climb up.

But Fan Keqin was different, he was not strong enough to describe him.Therefore, Fan Keqin made a decisive decision and directly tied the big bag to one leg with a strap.Then put your hands down to support the sides, slowly move the legs, and also support the sides to prevent the package from making a sound when it hits.Then start climbing up with hands and feet.

After climbing a few steps, Fan Keqin simply stopped using his left foot.Because of the big bag tied to the left foot.It is said that to climb this kind of straight up and down narrow pipe with slippery walls, if you are a strong person, you also need three points of support, one point at a time.And try to rely on your legs to climb up as much as possible.Otherwise, it really won't last long.

But Fan Keqin didn't need it, his strength was too great, he propped himself up with both hands, then propped up with one foot, and straightened again.So is the hands and legs, circular force.So he climbed very fast.

It didn't take long for Fan Keqin to see a horizontal pipe opening again.According to the distance he had climbed just now, Fan Keqin knew that he should have already climbed one floor.I was on the ground floor before, so I should be on the first floor now.In other words, if you climb two more floors, you can reach your target third floor.

Fan Keqin felt that he had climbed one floor, and considering his own physical fitness, it didn't take much effort.Yes, and then began to climb up.After all, he was at the peak of human physique, so he was too powerful. It didn't take long for him to climb two more floors, and came to the ventilation duct of the third floor of the Shanghai Grand Hotel.

From the information obtained from the maintenance worker controlled by Bai Fengtai's subordinates.The guest rooms above the Shanghai Grand Hotel are structured like a corridor in the middle with guest rooms on both sides.

After Fan Keqin came to the third floor, he had to "jump" from the elevator to reach the guest room on the other side.The known information now is that the little devil's negotiating delegation has already booked the entire guest room on the third floor.Therefore, it is basically impossible to place a bomb here, so-called accidental injury.

But Fan Keqin didn't care about this, he didn't jump over the elevator first, but started to move carefully at this end.He pushed up and dragged the big bag, climbed a few more steps forward, and came to a ventilation position. He looked out from the gap in the louvers, which was a position in the corridor, because his head could not be stretched out, so I can't see exactly where it is.

But Fan Keqin came up from the basement floor, so the excellent sense of space still allowed him to make a very general judgment, which should be a little to the right of the entire corridor.If the entire average corridor is divided into five points, then Fan Keqin is probably at the second point from the right to the left.

Fan Keqin was quiet, and listened to the situation outside through this vent. In fact, the third floor of the whole building was relatively quiet.There was no one in sight, so Fan Keqin started to back away again.Came to a "crossroads", Fan Keqin climbed to the right first, regardless of the situation, just keep climbing.After reaching the head, turn left and climb to the head again.

Looking down from the blinds, well, the wall can already be seen on the right side, and the windows can also be seen.This proves that the edge to the right of the Shanghai Hotel has indeed been reached.Therefore, Fan Keqin, who had positioned himself well, stepped back again and started the formal action.

Backed up and came to the intersection. Fan Keqin took advantage of the characteristics of the intersection and just took out two TNT bombs from the big bag, and then climbed to the left. Not far away, he saw a turn on the right. , but this turn is not deep, less than half a meter in total, and there is an air vent at the end.

Fan Keqin turned around gently, and came to the vent at the end. Looking through the gap, it was very good.This is what a standard room looks like.How should I put it, it is a bit like a standard room in a later generation hotel.A double bed, next to a small table, chairs.Then there is a half-open door on the side, and it can be seen that there should be a separate toilet inside this door.

Very good, Fan Keqin checked his watch and adjusted the time slightly.Then a TNT bomb was placed in the middle of the vent.The TNT explosive is a cylinder, so he placed the TNT upright, not upside down.If placed in this way, it can cause greater damage.Because the upper end of the standing bomb is close to the center of the vent, if it explodes, the steel balls at the upper end of the bomb will splash and cover more angles.

After releasing the bomb, Fan Keqin retreated and crawled forward again. After a while, he came to a corner again. After crawling inside, he saw a turn less than one and a half meters away from him again, and the end was the air vent. .

Fan Keqin came to the front again and glanced at the situation outside.Well, this house also looks like a "standard room". Looking at the interior, it should be lived in by someone, but there is no one in it now.So Fan Keqin also placed a cylindrical TNT bomb upright in the middle of the vent.

Returned to the position of the intersection again, took out two bombs from the big bag again, and continued to climb forward, after being placed in six rooms by Fan Keqin in a row.When it was time for the seventh room, Fan Keqin came to the air vent which was less than half a meter away from the room, and took a look, huh?Something is different.

Because the furnishings in this room are obviously more advanced, the sofas are all leather, and the wood of the desk is unfamiliar to Fan Keqin, but it must be very high-grade, and the workmanship is different.From Fan Keqin's angle, he could still see a wine cabinet standing on the wall next to him.Although the angle is not very good, with Fan Keqin's eyes, he can still see a lot of good wine inside.

Judging from the layout of this room, it is not a bedroom at all, but a living room or a living room or something like that.It should be right, this should be a room in a high-end suite. .

There is a saying that goes well, a chief's own style will affect the style of his subordinates.When Fan Keqin's subordinates asked for information, the most important thing was two principles, objectivity and meticulousness.Now this kind of benefit has emerged. The maintenance worker has worked in this hotel for a long time, so basically, he has entered the various rooms of the Shanghai Hotel to repair things.

Therefore, if Bai Fengtai's subordinates asked in detail about the internal structure of this suite, then the maintenance worker would answer in more detail...

(End of this chapter)

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