spy ace

Chapter 2251 2 kicks

Chapter 2251 Two Kicks

As soon as he came out, he encountered the same situation as the two devils in front of him.The smoke and flames made it impossible for this devil to open his eyes...

Under the influence of so many factors, the security bureau agent with the gun can see what the opponent is doing, so he just raises his hand and shoots the opponent down, and then stops shooting.He said in his mouth, "Burn to death you bastard."

Another agent immediately said: "Let's go, hurry up. It's delayed for a while."

In fact, it is very slow to say, but it is actually very fast. After doing the calculations, a total of more than ten bottles of incendiary bombs were thrown.How slow can you throw things? It's like shaking your hands forward a dozen times in a row.Of course, there must be an action of taking out the burning bottle before.But so what.Still very fast.Therefore, the exchange of fire between them and the devils may have lasted more than ten or twenty seconds in total.

In other words, the two security bureau agents who were driving also wanted to come down to help, but they couldn't come down directly from the cab.What they thought was to go around from the co-pilot, and then suddenly appear directly behind the car, so that even if the devil came out, he could beat the other party and rub his hands.But when they came to the back of the car, they struggled to see the devil come out, and they were knocked down as soon as they came out, so they just held their guns quietly, and they were escorted behind the water spray car.But it never made a move.

At this time, it didn't take long to see that the battle was over, so the two turned around immediately.Go back to the sprinkler.Almost got into the car with the two agents who just fought.

The sprinkler itself didn't go off either.So the driver stepped on the accelerator and drove directly to the front road.While driving, the driver said: "That car just now must be devils, I heard them shouting Japanese in it. They were able to appear here in such a short time, I was really told by Brother Tai, devils are in the entire high-end area , be prepared."

"Grass. As expected of a devil. Ghostly." The agent behind with the gun distributed his Molotov cocktail to his companion.You must know that the companion just smashed out more than ten Molotov cocktails in one breath, and gave some of his own to the other party.In case it will be used later.

The agent of the co-pilot said: "Don't underestimate the devils, this time we took the lead, we were directly outside, and the devils were in the car. It was like boring them inside. Now Brother Tai's instructions have been proven, as long as we don't If you leave Shanghai, there is still danger. Be vigilant, don't turn your head back, you won't be able to get out. You will be dragged to death by devils."

"No." The agent who was still using Molotov cocktails said while putting the Molotov cocktails in his pocket, "We move very quickly. The high-end area must be smaller than the urban area, but it's actually quite big. I don't believe in little devils." The entire area can be blocked instantly. As long as we don't get stuck in a sudden, such as the car just now. Otherwise, we can definitely get out."

"I hope so."

By the way, Professor Schneider, last night, after dinner.I was chatting with Da Zhengxiren while wandering around the train station.At this moment, I suddenly heard, bang, whoosh, bang!a few sounds.Followed by a similar sound.

Da Zhengxiren waved his hand and said, "Go out and see what's going on." As soon as he finished speaking, two of the devils behind him immediately left.Go to the big iron gate of the train station.

Schneider smiled and said, "It's firecrackers, Mr. Dazheng didn't hear it?"

"Hahaha." Dazheng laughed happily: "I can hear it. But the New Year has passed for a while, and there are few people who set off firecrackers. However, I also feel that it should be fine. One way for them to stay on their toes, and there's no harm in seeing."

After saying this, touch, whoosh!The sound of bumping sounded again.Da Zhengxiren continued: "In Chinese firecrackers, this is called Er Tijiao. First it exploded once, then the firecrackers flew into the air, and then exploded again. It may be that the big family had not finished setting off the firecrackers during the Chinese New Year. The firecrackers were taken out by the children to play again."

Schneider nodded and said, "Well. Do you doubt that this kind of firecrackers can also be used to convey what information?"

Dazheng Xiren directly admitted, saying: "That's right, the professor really understands me. But...it's unlikely. Besides, this kind of firecrackers explode in mid-air. It's hard for me to hide, but after I let it go, I will Expose yourself. Under normal circumstances, it is unlikely to be a tool for conveying information. However, it is still the same sentence, and there is no harm in taking a look. It is a means of keeping vigilance for the people under you."

After a while, the two devil spies returned and reported that it was two young people who were setting off firecrackers for fun.Not only Er Tijiao, but also small fireworks in hand.Next to it were a few girls in school uniforms.It seemed that the nearby residents were setting off firecrackers to play. The two of us observed for a while, but found nothing special.

Listen, Dazheng Xiren doesn't care anymore.Turning his head, he walked with Schneider and said, "Professor, do you think the ghost will be caught in our plan?"

"Not at this stage." Schneider said: "When we studied the past, it may be the case file of the ghost sitting down, I found a small rule, that is, the actions of the ghost are often very sudden. But so suddenly, there is no There is no warning, but every time you act, you will reap great results. Therefore, I have reason to speculate that the ghost's actions, in the early stage, have sufficient preparations, and then they can achieve such a big effect when they act suddenly The results of the battle.

So this time is likely to be the same. Now we don't notice anything, but it doesn't mean that the ghost has no action.Maybe, he is planning, or conducting a secret investigation, which is uncertain.But, the reason why I say, not at this stage, is because the ghost's early actions are too secretive, and it is difficult for us to catch the ghost directly under such circumstances. "

"Yeah." Dazheng Xiren nodded in the middle of the hearing, and said, "Yes, I can understand what the professor means. I can feel it when you say that. Ghosts always attack without warning. No one I can always complete every task in an adaptable way. At least there will be a certain plan in advance. But the ghost's plan, the premise action, is too hidden. It will only show up when he starts. At that time , is our real opportunity.”

"Yes, that's what I mean." Schneider said, "Mr. Dazheng's plan is actually..."

(End of this chapter)

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