spy ace

Chapter 2253 Get up

Chapter 2253 Get up
Before Schneider finished speaking, he paused and continued: "As for the second point that the ghost has not moved. I think it is possible, but it is really unlikely. Unless he is really not in Shanghai. But I feel that he It is indeed here, though not sure, and there is no proof.

Because of several explosions some time ago, I still tend to be ghosts.And these explosions were done beautifully.It is impossible to find ghosts just from these few explosions.In other words, the ghost is safe, and as such, unless he is somewhere else and has other things to do.Otherwise, he would not have to leave Shanghai.This is my reason. "

After hearing this, Shinoda Toshizo said: "I agree with the professor's point of view. We don't care whether the ghost is there or not, so we have to treat him here. Otherwise, once the ghost makes a move, it will cause even greater losses. And we This opportunity will also be missed.”

Yan Xingwei didn't say much, and said: "I also agree. Although there is no news feedback now, it is actually like what the professor said, the ghost may be moving. We can't mess around."

Dazheng Xiren nodded after listening, agreed, and said: "Then do we need to adjust our tactics? Let me talk about my point of view first. I had a chat with the professor after dinner yesterday. I feel that we must be stable. , at least we can’t be impatient. Because if we don’t move, the ghost may find out. In other words, it increases the possibility of him finding out that we exist and we are dealing with him. So my feeling is not to move.

After all, we have already arranged the means, and it is better to be still than to move.And we have no reason to be more anxious than ghosts.What is he facing now?It is Wang Zhaohai who is negotiating with our negotiating delegation, and no one can guarantee when the negotiations will reach.So no matter how calm the ghost is, due to objective factors, that is, the negotiation will end suddenly at some point, so he will definitely move.Compared with us, he is the one who should cherish time and be anxious. "

Schneider lit a cigarette and was smoking it slowly. After listening, he said, "Very well, I agree with you. I won't say more." Then he looked at Suisan Xiaotian and Yan Xingwei, and asked : "Where are Mr. Xiaotian and Mr. Yan?"

Shinoda Suisan and Yan Xingwei looked at each other, but nodded at the same time without speaking.

Seeing this, Dazheng Xiren nodded, and said: "That's it, let's continue to observe. We really can't worry about dealing with ghosts." He said, took a sip from his teacup, and said: "Several, since this is the case, today we Just be on duty normally. If there is anything, I will contact you."

Soon, time passed and it was night.Still nothing happened.So Shinoda Suisan and Yan Xingwei are going to go back.Yan Xingwei also suggested that everyone should go out for a drink.

But Schneider refused with a smile, and Da Zhengxiren saw that the professor didn't go.So he won't go out, after all, at this time, he is the person in charge of this matter, and it's not easy to leave.

After Yan Xingwei and Xiaotian Suisan left, Schneider and Da Zhengxiren went to the cafeteria for a meal.Then he returned to the cabin inside the office again.Schneider and he each poured a glass of wine and drank slowly.This little habit was just formed during these days.

After eating, have a drink before going to bed.Then go back to the house to rest. If something really happens, the subordinates will wake them up immediately when they are on duty in the office.

The room where they sleep at night is also in this building.The conditions are okay, the room is not big and not very luxurious, but it is definitely enough for sleeping or something.Sleep is also very comfortable.

After Schneider entered his room, he glanced at his watch, it was past nine o'clock.Don't worry, you have to stabilize yourself.So Schneider didn't take off his clothes, but just lay on the bed and closed his eyes to rest.

That's it, around ten o'clock, Schneider got up from the bed.He took the coat from the coat rack, and touched the money in his pocket, yes.here I am.This is enough.

Then Schneider stood in front of his door and listened quietly to the situation outside the door. There was no sound, so he stretched out his hand to open a crack in the door, and opened it slowly. With the opening angle, Schneider, with a little probe, opened the door. The situation in the corridor outside also depends on the income fundus.That's fine, no one.

So Schneider flashed out, took out the key, gently inserted it into the lock hole, and locked the door.Then, using a normal walking posture, but making no noise as much as possible, walked towards the other end of the corridor.

At the other end is the room of Dazheng Xiren.During the time in Shanghai, Schneider naturally entered the room of Dazheng Xiren.So the structure inside is relatively clear.

Inside is a single room, which is the same as your own room, with an independent bathroom, which is on the right hand side as soon as you enter the door.Go straight to the room, and then a double bed with the head of the bed against the wall on the right.Basically, there are no other decorations. From a psychological point of view, there are several possibilities.The first is that this person is very adaptable, and such a person has outstanding psychological qualities.The second possibility is that this person is very simple, or looks indifferent, but at the same time, he is very firm in certain things, and his psychological quality is also very outstanding.

Of course, there is a third possibility, that is, this person has no money to buy anything.But this may not be true here in Dazheng Xiren.He must be rich, and he can get more without spending money.But Dazheng Xiren didn't let him get more things over.

Schneider came to Da Zhengxiren's door and looked at the situation in the corridor again.There was still no one, so he gently put his head on the door of Da Zhengxiren's room.Very good and very quiet inside.

Schneider was actually a little tangled before, and he had already thought of the time to do it.But how to enter depends on the situation at the time.First, use your own means to quietly unlock the door and sneak in.After succeeding, it came out silently.

The second is to knock on the door of Dazheng Xiren generously.Then he got it, and came out quietly in the same way.

The two programs are similar, with some minor differences.But after arriving here, Schneider no longer struggled, he wanted to go in big and square.Because he felt that if he used technology to open the door, as long as someone found out, there would be problems immediately, and there was almost no room for mediation.So, standing behind the door, Schneider raised his hand generously and knocked on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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