spy ace

Chapter 2263 find traces

Chapter 2263 find traces
It is also impossible for him to be a prophet, who could have foreseen the entry of a negotiating team several years in advance.But looking forward from the explosion now, especially the time was a few days ago, he asked for leave, and then the explosion happened today.Regardless of whether he has a problem or not, we must first treat him as if he has a problem.

As soon as this situation was mentioned, Qiudao Dingci listened, and immediately raised his hand and ordered a few people, and a few people from the police station, to investigate the maintenance master together.In fact, Choji Akimichi also felt that something was wrong, because this was hardly a special case among special cases.Therefore, it is definitely not enough to listen to it all, you must check it out.

After several people left, Akimichi Choji immediately led his men, and then went down, and soon entered the basement floor.Akimichi Dingji ordered: "Look around scatteredly to see what are the ventilation openings on the lower floor, and check them all to see if there are any special marks, such as pedal marks on the wall, and the edges of the ventilation openings. If there are any footprints, scratches, etc., you have to take a look at them all. Besides, you!"

While talking, Akimichi Dingji pointed to a police officer who came later, and said, "Go find the hotel security personnel who guarded the parking lot on the basement level today, yesterday, and the day before yesterday. In addition, you must also ask clearly, the guards are responsible for one Who are the security guards on the upper floor. Then bring them all over."

"Yes." The police officer who rushed over turned around and went to execute it immediately.

The subordinates separated in four directions, and each went to the edge of the four-turn wall on the basement floor to check the situation.Originally, Choji Akimichi thought that even if there was any situation, he would need to look for it for a while.It didn't take long for one of his subordinates to come back and said, "Director, we found some traces at a vent. If there is no accident, it should be left by the person who planted the bomb when he entered."

Choji Akimichi immediately said, "Take me to see it!"

Following this subordinate, Choji Akimichi came to a corner of the underground parking lot, but it was not a complete corner, because the most corner was a water pump room.

The place they checked was an air vent not far outside the pump room.At this time, these subordinates had found something to step on, which was a small wooden table for one person.Maybe it's for the security downstairs.

After Qiudao Dingji came over, he looked at the vent and asked, "What's going on?"

"Director." A subordinate reported: "Look, there are no screws on the four corners of the blinds of the vent. I just stepped on the small table to check and found that there are traces of screws on the four corners. And The scratches from the recent screwing indicate that someone unscrewed the screws at the four corners of the shutter, but did not screw them back on, and took the screws away, leaving traces.”

"En." After hearing this, Akidou Dingji responded, and immediately raised his legs and boarded the small table for one person.He just moved his face closer, and checked the four corners of the blinds without using his hands directly.It may be that after his subordinates discovered the situation, they didn't act immediately, but notified themselves first.

After checking all the four corners, it turned out that there were no screws at the four corners of the shutter, as my subordinates said.But looking closely at the hole and the traces around the hole, there must have been screws before.Furthermore, this kind of shutter, especially the shutter of the air vent, may not have any problems for decades, not to mention a few years.So under normal circumstances, after the building is built and the shutters are closed, it will never move again.

The blinds that have not been moved for such a long time will inevitably leave traces after the screws are turned.It's just that the trace is too small, and you have to get close to see it.

Akimichi finished the inspection with a serious face, and then checked the entire perimeter of the blinds again.There were indeed no other traces, and then he looked at the fences one by one.Um?Just when he saw the bottom fence, that is, the bottom frame embedded in the wall, he suddenly found that the middle section was different from the other traces.

It seems to be something that no one has touched all year round, but after someone gets it, the dust traces here are completely different from the dust traces in other places.As long as you take a closer look, you will be able to see it.But if you want to walk through it normally, or even stand below to watch, it is basically impossible to find it.

Even if you look from below, you can see that the screws at the four corners of the shutter are gone.But now you have an explosion, and you suspect that someone has entered from here.Conversely, when there is no explosion, do you still think there is a problem?
Therefore, when Qiu Dao Dingji saw this, he immediately evaluated it in his heart, and the player who played this hand was a master.Even the number one mortal enemy of our own intelligence community, the ghost did this.

After checking that there were no other traces around, Akimichi Choji took the gloves handed over by his subordinates, put them on for himself, and then pushed back the edge of the blinds, and with a click, the entire blinds had been removed.He handed it to one of his subordinates casually, and said, "Take this back and see if you can collect fingerprints, handprints and other traces."

Following him, regardless of other things, he began to check the situation in the ventilation duct again.It's more obvious now.As for the ventilation duct, no one has touched it all year round, so one person got into it. If someone touches the dust, there will definitely be traces.

With Akimichi Choji's level, it is easy to see that this must be the trace left by someone after he got in.After observing for a while, Choji Akimichi was basically sure that this person not only got in from here, but also returned from here.

Because from the situation of dust formation, it is impossible to deceive people.It's like walking alone on the dusty road. The traces you leave when you walk forward are definitely different from the traces you leave when you walk backward.Even if you walk backwards, the traces left are different, because the forward and backward action of force itself cannot be faked. If you push forward, it must be the force of the dust in front.It will be the same from now on.

Although the dust in this ventilation duct is definitely not as good as the dirt road with a lot of dust.The traces are not so heavy, but the reason is the same.After careful observation, Choji Akimichi can still confirm this point.

Qiudao Dingji got down from the small table and fell into deep thought again: "This is the place where the person who planted the bomb entered and came out, so it means that he must have been to the negative floor before. But the negative floor... Where did he enter or exit from?"

Choji Akimichi turned his head and looked around the parking lot.The other end is the entrance and exit of the parking lot vehicles.Did this person drive in?But drive in...

(End of this chapter)

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