spy ace

Chapter 2270 Personnel Transfer

Chapter 2270 Personnel Transfer
That is to say, even if Wang Zhaohai is not dead, the negotiation between Wang Puppet and the little devil has been stopped, at least it has been stranded, and it is almost impossible to reach a second negotiation in a short period of time matter.

And if Wang Zhaohai is dead, that's even more impossible.Once Wang Zhaohai dies, there will inevitably be a period of chaos within the Wang puppet, and internal struggle for power and profit will almost inevitably appear.Of course, it is impossible for the little devil to continue this situation, and he will inevitably intervene forcefully.This is even more serious than the matter of Wang Puppet declaring war on the American family, Yinggualan and others.

Therefore, if the little devil doesn't care about it and allows the civil strife, then the little devil will definitely be severely affected, and his interests will suffer a huge blow, and even accelerate the decline of the devil.Therefore, it became an inevitable choice for the little devil to intervene forcefully.

However, even if there is a strong intervention, the little devil will still pay the price, but the loss may not be as great as the internal chaos of the Wang puppet.But no matter how you say it, if Wang Zhaohai is dead, it will be a great thing for the confrontation.

Just as Sun Guoxin was thinking of this, his secretary said through the buzzer, "Director Qian, Director Qian is here."

Sun Guoxin immediately replied, "Okay, let him in."

Immediately after the sound of knocking on the door, the door was opened. Qian Jinxun walked in wearing a military uniform. After closing the door with his hands back, he quickly walked up to him and said, "Boss, I have a problem here. It seems that I want to Get me a job."

Hearing this, Sun Guoxin narrowed his eyes immediately and asked, "What's the situation? Transferring work? Where are you going to be transferred? Tell me in detail." As he spoke, he pointed to the sofa next to him and motioned him to sit down.

Qian Jinxun was not polite, and said directly after sitting down: "Boss, there have been a lot of information from Shanghai in the past two days. Keqin made a lot of noise there, and even Wang Zhaohai seems to be dead. This Do you know something?"

"I know." Sun Guoxin didn't take it too seriously, after all, the intelligence department was originally for intelligence.There are many eyeliners in a metropolis like Shanghai.Furthermore, after I received the information from Shanghai, I checked several pieces of information with Qian Jinxun, so it is not surprising that Qian Jinxun knew about it.

Qian Jinxun said: "I guess it has something to do with this. A friend of mine from the Ministry of National Defense contacted me today and said he asked me to treat him. I asked what was going on, and he said: Boss Dai went to visit this morning. They said they wanted to give me a promotion and transfer to the headquarters of the Military Control Bureau as the deputy director."

Speaking of this, Qian Jinxun paused, and said: "You said, is this possible? Keqin made such a big noise, but the credit is also due to the Security Bureau. And as soon as the noise came out, it happened in the next day. I don't believe this. Why don't I believe it?"

After hearing this, Sun Guoxin pondered for a moment, and said, "Is the information that your friend said accurate? You didn't say where he knew about it?"

Qian Jinxun said: "My friend is the Deputy Secretary-General of the Ministry of National Defense. He is in charge of personnel files. He saw my name when he saw Boss Dai submit several reports on work and promotion and transfer. Among them, my report The above is a promotion report, and I want the Ministry of National Defense to approve me to be promoted to the deputy director of the Military Command. So this matter is probably accurate, at least Boss Dai must have submitted such a report."

Sun Guoxin nodded and said, "It's a good thing for you to be promoted, but in the end, what will you be in charge of after you are promoted. If there is a sudden promotion..."

"I'm also worried about this kind of thing." Qian Jinxun said with a frown.The issue of security bureau and military command may not have existed before, but when Fan Keqin really killed Wang Zhaohai, it would suddenly break this situation.To put it bluntly, the ancients have already mastered the phrase "Gao Gao Zhen Zhu".In the past, Boss Dai's control over the entire intelligence community was stable.But if the Security Bureau kills Wang Zhaohai, the balance will be broken all of a sudden.

Juntong has been faintly overtaken again.Although for a while, Boss Dai and Juntong are still the bosses, and they still have a great influence on the Security Bureau.But if the Security Bureau really took the lead, it might not be able to get out of Boss Dai's control.If that's the case, how could Boss Dai not let him go?
But to fight against the outside world, you must first settle down inside. Boss Dai responded so quickly and directly sent a promotion report to Qian Jinxun, asking him to transfer Qian Jinxun to the bureau headquarters to serve as the deputy director.It's a very simple reason, put Qian Jinxun by his side, and in this way, wouldn't he regain [-]% control over the intelligence department in an instant?In this case, the internal affairs must be settled first, and Boss Dai completed it almost instantly through the transfer of one person.

Of course, although Boss Dai is very powerful in the intelligence community, he certainly hasn't really pushed the Security Bureau out at this time, and it is impossible to take drastic actions.Because the action of this person's mobilization is also Boss Dai's need to see the reaction of Sun Guoxin's Security Bureau. Do you really want to take the lead, or is it the same as before?If it is the same as before, then everything is easy to say, even if Qian Jinxun becomes the deputy director, then I can let him take charge of some important tasks, such as intelligence.

But if your security bureau takes the lead, or even gets out of your control, then although Qian Jinxun becomes the deputy director, but after work becomes in charge of the internal industry, Sun Guoxin can directly lose Qian Jinxun's position in the military command an important right to speak.Then Boss Dai can also complete the situation of fighting against the outside world and securing the inside, freeing up his hands to play games with you, Sun Guoxin.After all, Boss Dai's military command has a solid foundation, no matter how quickly the Security Bureau takes the lead, it is impossible to surpass the military command for a while.So Boss Dai still has an advantage.

Qian Jinxun has a very high emotional intelligence, especially Zhengzhi, which is really good.When his friend "tipped off" him, he quickly understood what was going on.

At this time, Qian Jinxun couldn't stand in the middle, otherwise, he might face pressure from both sides.So he quickly made a choice and went directly to the Security Bureau.And he appeared to meet Sun Guoxin in a safe situation, which in itself represented the choice he made.

Qian Jinxun is really very keen in this regard, he knows it.It's useless to choose Boss Dai, because everyone knows that the relationship between him and Sun Guoxin is too deep. Even if he chooses Boss Dai, Boss Dai may be very magnanimous on the surface, but the core things still won't let him touch.You know, who did you originally belong to?Why did you come here?Why should I trust a traitor.Even if you are sincere, do I have to guard against it?

So Qian Jinxun, who understands these principles, doesn't even hesitate...

(End of this chapter)

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