spy ace

Chapter 2275 2 people who disappeared

Chapter 2275 The two people who disappeared
Another person who also disappeared, has not yet been judged.Or simply that both of them are traitors.

So the traitor wanted to report to the Japanese puppet immediately, and then let the Japanese puppet make arrangements quickly.So that he can wipe out his own assassination team.Or at least be able to sabotage his own assassination plan.

But what he didn't expect was that there was a time difference when the members of the assassination team notified before entered the formation in the blueprint.Because the blueprint considers that the high-level area itself has a high security situation. Once the notification is for a certain time, at a certain moment, when there are too many people, it will be too conspicuous.

As a result, this move saved the entire assassination team.And he was lucky.The team involved in the accident was earlier in time.Therefore, the absence of this team made the drawing immediately feel that something was wrong.Immediately gave up this action.Otherwise, it's really hanging.

In this way, the blueprint basically already knows who the traitor is, and it is nothing more than one of the two disappeared people, or there are problems with both of them.At this time, it is impossible to say, and there is still time to investigate who is the traitor between these two people, how and when they betrayed.Instead, he said to start a self-examination to see if there are any traitors among the remaining members of the assassination team, or there are undercover agents of the Japanese and puppets.

As for self-examination, it's not just a matter of talking about it.The assassination team of the blueprint, from the day of its existence, the main task is of course to kill Wang Zhaohai, the No. [-] traitor in Tianzi.But it's impossible not to do anything else.Because Wang Zhaohai is not so easy to kill, sometimes there is no chance at all for a year or so, so why not just eat rice?Impossible.

Besides, there is such an assassination team.Although, yes, they were all joined by the elite of the military command, after special training.However, after the establishment, can you do it without any actual combat?How to test tacit agreement?Do I have to do some work, so that while increasing the actual combat ability, it can also cultivate the tacit understanding of the assassination team.In addition, many Japanese puppet elements can also be killed.

Therefore, although the highest mission of this assassination team was to kill Wang Zhaohai, the number of Japanese and puppet elements killed was not a minority.Moreover, the guy in the blueprint is really courageous, high-profile shot to death in the street, blown to death directly in front of everyone, precise sniping across two streets, silently sneaking into the throat and cutting the throat, collectively dispatched to quickly attack the fortifications, etc., etc. Assassination methods and combat methods, he led the team and let his assassination team try.

Therefore, the combat effectiveness of this assassination team is really not low. If Wang Zhaohai had a substitute who fit him very well last time and changed his life, Wang Zhaohai would have died at that time.It can only be said that the assassination team was really unlucky that time, and Wang Zhaohai happened to be lucky too, and he really picked up such a good substitute.

This assassination team, after so many assassinations, fought.It's not that the assassination team is still the same people.Several of the special missions, including the one where Wang Zhaohai's double was killed, caused some losses to the assassination team.Especially the time when he almost killed Wang Zhaohai, he had put all his eggs in one basket, otherwise, that chance would have been lost.But Cheng thought that their success was success, but it was Wang Zhaohai's double who killed them.But although he didn't kill himself, he still lost a lot.

When they entered, five brothers died on the spot, and when they broke out, nearly ten people voluntarily broke the rear, which allowed the others to come out smoothly.But the ten people after that period all died.

After that operation, the assassination team also had a change of blood.Added a lot of newcomers.The blueprint suspects that among the people added that time, there are undercover agents or traitors.

After this self-examination starts, it must not be stopped, because the internal threat is definitely the greatest.Are you going to stop and continue to assassinate Wang Zhaohai?Then on the premise that you can't guarantee internal security, doesn't that mean courting death!So the drawings have been self-checked.

Fortunately, the results of the self-examination showed that it was okay, and the others had no problems.But at this time, the drawings can only be customized again.At the same time, Wang Zhaohai and the little devil's negotiating delegation have conducted several consecutive rounds of negotiations, which shows that the negotiations themselves have entered the right track and may end suddenly at some point.As a result, his assassination this time may be too late.He even thought of putting all his eggs in one basket and attacking once.However, the success rate of storming such a mansion is really too low.Therefore, I can only calm down to plan the second action.Hope time will come.

But at this time, suddenly one night, a big explosion occurred in Wang Zhaohai's mansion.A series of explosions also occurred on the third floor of the Shanghai Hotel where the little devil's negotiating delegation was located.

After the blueprint knew about this, he immediately knew that it must be his contact person in Shanghai who acted.Because only Fan Keqin knew the exact address of Wang Zhaohai.

After he finished speaking, Fan Keqin thought for a while and asked, "Can you guarantee the safety of your assassination team?"

The blueprint said: "It can't be [-]%, but after I checked myself and sent a fake mission to several teams, the results showed that it was good. The reason why I dare not say it is [-]% is because, out of this It is impossible to be cautious without being cautious. At least it will take a period of observation before such a judgment can be made.”

"En." Fan Keqin understood what he meant.For example, you have several subordinates, but one of them has a mutiny.After you check carefully, you find that the rest of the people should be fine, but you dare not [-]% guarantee that they are fine.You are willing to observe carefully again for a period of time.In other words, the internal danger is always the most troublesome and troublesome.

Fan Keqin said: "You asked me to come this time just to ask me if I caused the explosion some time ago? Is there something else?"

"That's right." The blueprint said: "The two disappeared people, I don't know if they are all traitors, but one of them is called Haiyang...he is called Haiyang, not some code name. He is our One of the members of the assassination team when it was established. Although I still don’t believe that he is a traitor in my heart, he disappeared after all, so... for the safety of other brothers in the team, I can only treat him as a highly suspected traitor.”

Having said that, the drawing paused, and then said something...

(End of this chapter)

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