spy ace

Chapter 229 Investigation

Chapter 229 Investigation (3K for Subscription)
After thinking about it, Shi Baoguo seemed to be the same. He was not good at other things, but he was an absolute expert in logistics.My subordinates, whether it is materials, equipment, etc., can provide whatever they want. Without the supply of materials like myself, can they complete the raid mission?Thinking of this, I immediately became happy, raised my glass frequently to toast Fan Keqin, and said that when this incident is over, I will immediately send Da Gu and Ouyang Fei to the intelligence office of the headquarters to study.

In fact, the attention Fan Keqin gave him was indeed a bit negative and sabotage.But if the city of Guangzhou falls, Shi Baoguo will still be the same as it is now, with laymen commanding experts, and the consequences are estimated to be even worse.

Shi Baoguo is not really a vegetarian in the corpse position, but also has a certain ability. He has built the Guangzhou station so well, which can be seen.And most importantly, this guy is an expert in logistics.Therefore, it is better to give full play to his professional advantages, not to participate in any specific actions, but to provide logistical support for the operators, so that he will only contribute more to the war of resistance.Isn't there a saying: "There is no inappropriate person, if there is, it only means that you have not arranged him in the right position."

The two chatted until very late, and they separated only after ten o'clock.Fan Keqin got into the car, drunk and drove back to the guest room of the International Hotel.I took a bath in the bathtub and had a good night's sleep.

The next day he still got up early, knocked on the doors of each room, and found that only Hua Zhang, Wang Yang, Yu Dehai, and Wang Xingchao were there.After asking about the situation, it was Zhang Zhikai and others who decided to switch shifts back and forth after investigation yesterday.Let Huazhang and Wang Yang come back to rest first, and change Zhang Zhikai and others today.In this way, the investigation can be repeated without stopping, and the progress can be faster.

Fan Keqin and the others ate breakfast downstairs. Huazhang and the others knew what they should do without Fan Keqin's instructions, and went out directly.Not long after, Shi Baoguo took the initiative to find him this time...

Ono Sancheng finished transmitting, immediately removed the antenna of the transmitter from the main unit, then carried it nimbly to his living room, squatted down and lifted a partition, and put the radio inside.Then close the partition, straighten the carpet, and finally put the coffee table back in place.

Ono Sancheng walked back and forth in the living room, looking at the carpet from various angles.Very good, no flaws.I finally let go of my heart, sat on the sofa, and began to think slowly.

He didn't know how Fukuzawa-kun knew the news, but as a member of the spy team, Ono Mitsunari was able to roughly analyze it.

The content sent by the other party is the tonnage of a ship, as well as the approximate arrival time and course, etc., which are very concise.So it took me less than two minutes to send out the information.Combined with the fact that the other party works in a Chinese company called Xinghuo Trading Company, that ship must be loaded with something that could threaten the country's military plan.

He is confident in his sending technology, and it is impossible for Chinese agents to find him in such a short time.But what about Fukuzawa Kenshin?Will he show any tell?
Thinking about these situations, Ono Matsunari got up and left the house, and went to the market two streets away.He usually buys vegetables at this time, and he can't let his life pattern be different from the past.

About half an hour later, after he got home with his things, he started cooking.He knew that he was calm on the surface, but he was a little flustered in his heart.

It's a bad feeling, pretty bad.So after finishing dinner, Ono Sancheng immediately opened the hidden compartment on the floor of the living room again, looked at his spare documents one by one, and put them on the top, so that he could access them at any time.

But after waiting for a day, there was no news, and Ono Mitsunari's uneasiness dissipated a lot.But after another day, when he finished his shift at the newspaper office according to the usual rules, and when he was walking back, he encountered a road card. The ID he was using now was fine, so he went back smoothly. When I got home, this feeling of uneasiness lingered in my heart again.

Ono Sancheng understood that this was by no means a routine road inspection, it was definitely related to the telegram he sent to the base camp.Although there was a gap of two days, it was definitely not a coincidence.

Therefore, he deliberately broke his own life rules, went out shopping at night, and did some shopping.It was found that there are road cards set up by Chinese agents at all critical intersections, roads and other places.Anyone who passes by must undergo a strict body search.

When he got home, Ono Misun guessed that Fukuzawa Kenshin was going to be over.The identity of the other party is too sensitive. As long as the Chinese agents report that there is a ghost inside, they will definitely investigate. Fukuzawa Kenshin may also have some protective measures, but they will never stand up to in-depth investigation.The ship information must be known only to a few people. Once the area is delineated, Fukuzawa Kenshin will be found sooner or later. How will the other party respond?No, I can't sit still.

Thinking of this, Ono Matsunari immediately found out the scissors, came to face the mirror in the bathroom, and cut his hair shorter and fluffy.Then he took a good shower and poured the water from the sink into the hand basin.Putting on a set of black robes, he took out another set of documents and some banknotes from the dark room.After thinking about it, he put the pistol inside.Without any further hesitation, he turned and walked out the door.

On the way to get into the cart and go to the pier by the sea, Ono Matsunari went through the trap three times and was strictly searched before he was released.

Ono Sancheng felt a little complacent, sometimes giving up something is the best way.Radio stations, guns, these seemingly important things will become a drag now.I arrived at the pier without any risk, but it was already late, so I found a small shop to stay first.Wait until tomorrow, buy a boat ticket to Shanghai on the latest date, and when you get on the boat, you will be safe...

"Accountant Pu is here?"

"Hey! Good morning." Fukuzawa Kenshin greeted a colleague in the sales department with a smile, and walked quickly to his office.

One of the items in my own file is British students, graduation certificates, etc., which are very authentic. As long as I don’t go to the UK to investigate the previous student files in detail, no one can tell whether it is true or not.Coupled with his fluent English, there is no flaw in the slightest.

It is precisely because of this that in the application two months ago, I successfully defeated the other two competitors.He was directly hired by the company's boss, Song Danxin.And because of my status as a top student, although I am a newcomer to the company, I have a separate office and manage four subordinates.

After arriving at the office and sitting down, Fukuzawa Kenshin checked the accounts reported by his subordinates according to his usual habit.After finishing it quickly, he still looked at the ledger as a cover, but he was really thinking about his actions a few days ago.

It can only be said that the opportunity is great. From the company's previous accounts, I found that every two months or so, there is a relatively large income, but not long after that, the accounts were quickly withdrawn.This is very suspicious, so Fukuzawa Kenshin began to investigate the cargo ledger in detail, and sure enough, he discovered some secrets in it.

Every two months or so, the number of goods entering the warehouse will suddenly increase, but the name only says wood, cloth, etc.Hidden among the rest of the various titles.But isn't this quantity a little too big, and these woods and cloths are so big, how can the prices of things on the market be the same?Looking at what took over, it was a company called Fahrenheit.

After investigation, Fukuzawa Kenshin soon discovered that this Chinese-style company was nothing more than a shell company, because there was no warehouse of this company in the whole city, which was almost impossible.So it can only be used to deceive people.

The goods are huge, and the quantity of incoming and outgoing inventory cannot be faked, and the time can also be consistent with the financial books.So Fukuzawa Kenshin knew that this must be the target he was looking for.

That's right, Fukuzawa Kenshin is the Japanese headquarters, one of the many agents specially dispatched to the Kuomintang-controlled area to investigate the transportation of Chinese materials.Their purpose is to cut off China's external materials from flowing into the Kuomintang-controlled area.So in the war, occupy more advantages.

Judging from the situation in the past two days, my actions were successful. Otherwise, why would there be several waves of new faces entering the company, chatting with the boss, general manager and others for a long time?
Fukuzawa Kenshin understands that his current situation is very dangerous, but he speculates from the accounts, and nothing is clearly written in the accounts.In this case, will the other party doubt himself?Even if you doubt yourself, you just have to bite to death and do the normal accounting.No one can see anything from the ledger.Because I was just guessing, the base camp could actually dispatch the navy to intercept, which even I am not sure about, plus my financial department has four subordinates, and they all have access to the ledger, Boss, sometimes other departments will borrow one or two accounts to check. As long as I don't move, hold my breath, and insist that I don't know, then there will be no problem.

Just as he was thinking of this, there was a knock on the door, and Fukuzawa said: "Come in!" Without looking up, he signed his name at the bottom of the report with a pen, then closed the folder, and put the pen in the Turning aside, he looked up at the two people who came in.Asked: "Who are you? Who are you looking for?"

A man in a black tunic on the left looked him up and down and said, "You are Pu Jianchen? The chief accountant of Xinghuo Company?"

(End of this chapter)

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