spy ace

Chapter 2315

Chapter 2315
What to buy, it's not like this.Even if you buy a lot of gunpowder, you won't be able to negotiate a deal here.

Therefore, after these two points were ruled out, the people from the Tsuruta agency speculated that that person was really likely to be an anti-#日#恐怖#terrorist.Underground Party, Military Command, Security Bureau, Central Command?
But the biggest possibility here is the underground party.Because the style of the military command itself is different, although they will definitely have secret joints, some equipment, things, and other handovers are actually not handed over in this way.And what about the Security Bureau?The spies of the Hetian agency also knew that the security bureau was more secretive and almost had its own channels to obtain supplies.This is what the Hetian agency has been looking for, otherwise, Wang Zhaohai was bombed, and all the previous things, where did so many explosives come from?It is not realistic at all to rely on frequent handovers on a small scale.

The Zhongtong is a bit exaggerated. Of course, it doesn't mean that they don't have the energy to fight the little devils at all. It's just that compared with the previous forces, the Zhongtong is really not enough.Moreover, a large number of them have been eliminated before, and even many high-level officials of Wang Puppet No. [-] are composed of traitors from the original Central Committee.

Therefore, this is also the result of the unanimous research and judgment of the intelligence investigation team of the Hetian agency: "The people who appeared in Zhou's teahouse are highly suspected of being an underground party of the Red Party."

But that's all there is to it.After all, they were late at the time, and finally found out the approximate height and appearance of that person.For example, with a square face, thick eyebrows, and a height of about [-] meters.Wearing an ordinary black gown.But relying on these alone, it is impossible to directly select a person from Shanghai.

Of course, the Tsuruta agency has not made any progress.The reason for the judgment is that the other party is highly suspected that the underground party of the Red Party is passing things through the joint.Therefore, within Zhou's teahouse, the Tsuruta agency also conducted a very detailed investigation.

It was learned that the person who was highly suspected of being an underground party was indeed sitting alone on a tea table.When drinking tea, no one sat with him the whole time.But the business of this Zhou's teahouse is still very good.So there are more customers, but there are also people sitting next to me.

Among them, most of the people who came to drink tea regularly were excluded, and a few familiar faces were excluded, and only one was left, a new face that neither the teahouse waiter nor the regular tea drinkers around him knew.Of course, it also includes the person who is highly suspected of being an underground party.Normally, it's really not a big deal.What restaurants, teahouses, don't some new faces come here every day.But the situation is different now, so this is suspicious.It can already be a clue to judge that they are indeed connecting.

After all, there is a huge difference between the judgment of a spy and the police.They don't need full proof.Unless it is to investigate the suspicion of collusion with the chief executive within himself, then due to the identity of the other party, it may be necessary to produce some strong evidence.As it is now, really, one reason to doubt is enough, who the hell will tell you the evidence.

Shinoda Toshizo continued to look down. In this record, someone wrote a note at the end.It means that it may have something to do with a batch of medicine that was stolen on the train a month ago.

What the Tsuruta agency says is a professional agency of devils, and its research and judgment ability is still very good.They feel that the drugs stolen during the train transportation should also be made by the underground party of the Red Party or the guerrillas.The reason is the same as before, the Legion and the Security Bureau have their own channels, and on the transportation line, the Red Party guerrillas are very active.

Therefore, if it was really made by the underground party of the Red Party, where are these medicines now?Moreover, the Red Party is very secretive, and it is very possible to disperse medicines through small and clever handovers.After all, the current conditions of the Red Party are limited, and everyone knows that it is relatively difficult.Apart from this method, there seems to be no other way.

After reading this situation, Shinoda Toshizo himself didn't feel much.On the contrary, I was a little happy in my heart.why?He was not happy about anything else.Instead, Fan Keqin gave him an order in the dead mailbox.He couldn't say anything, so he just handed over the contents of this record.Although this kind of similar information cannot be said to be worthless, its value is indeed limited.

After all, they are all clues that cannot be checked, and it is useless to give them.So in this case, if you just handed in a record, it would be a bit out of shape.Not worth a thousand dollars at all.So like this kind of information, we need to get a few more.

And if he looked up some old files of the Red Party for nothing innocent, old records or something would be fine.After all, he himself is one of the major secret agents of the Tsuruta agency, so it is absolutely normal to investigate the underground party.But now that I have this remark, I can make myself more justified, isn't that even better.

For example, someone came to ask a question, like Ichiro Tsuruta, the director of the agency, saw it and asked him: Oh, Mr. Shinoda is investigating the case of the Red Party?
Then Shinoda Toshizo can say, yes.The leader of the intelligence analysis team was reporting to work today... Anyway, he has something to say.Even if Ichiro Tsuruta asks further, then he only needs to show the other party the notes on the case record.Not only is there no problem, but it can also show that he is serious and responsible in his work and extremely loyal to the empire.

Therefore, Shinoda Suisan put down the record, and generously called the confidential room a few times.Ask them to send someone to send all the files and records related to the train theft. In addition, they also ordered to send him all the records related to the Red Party in the past two months...all the suspected Red Party.

After a while, two confidential officers knocked on the door and came in holding the file records.Shinoda Toshizo signed what was supposed to be signed, and after handing over the borrowed disciplinary documents to them, he dismissed the two of them, and then buried himself in the reading again.

He is blatantly stealing information, and he is aboveboard, the kind that no one will suspect.So this time Shinoda Toshizo felt that the one thousand dollars this time was too easy to earn.Therefore, I am very happy in my heart, and the more I look at it, the more attentive I am.Remember the contents of several archives and the key information in them clearly.

Although he doesn't have Fan Keqin's image memory method, he is an old spy after all.It has its own way of remembering.It's like the text of the crow drinking water. Many people will definitely not remember what the original text was like.But if you want to retell the general content of it in your own words, it is still no problem...

(End of this chapter)

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