spy ace

Chapter 2332 Take it all down

Chapter 2332 Take it all down

"I had to buy some Xiaolongbao and Shengjian."

"Well, it's already very rich." After his wife took it, she placed the food on the table one by one.The two began to eat and drink.

At around [-]:[-], people from the Little Devils Consulate drove to pick up Akikura Daxiang...

Fan Keqin received the news at noon.Bai Fengtai held a document in his hand, and saw that Miss Tong and Fan Keqin were hugging a picture album and choosing a wedding dress.

This album is very advanced and is in color.However, it can also be seen that it is completely made on the spot.It was developed in a stack, relatively large, about the size of octavo paper, and the color photos were stapled together.

No need to ask, it must have been done by the Tong family.But it's normal. Miss Tong's engagement is a top priority for the Tong family.In the early stage of choosing a wedding dress, Miss Tong went to each house in person.They all sent people over to ask for patterns, or simply spent money to take photos and get them back.

When women encounter this, they always have unlimited energy.All morning, Miss Tong and Fan Keqin kept discussing which style is good-looking, which is ugly, what accessories to wear, and what kind of shoes they are wearing.What about Fan Keqin?stay with me.

At this time, Bai Fengtai came in and was saved by Fan Keqin.Fan Keqin said, "Is there something wrong?"

"Yes." Bai Fengtai smiled and said, "Didn't I bother you and the eldest lady?"

"It's all right." Fan Keqin said, "Go ahead."

"This is a new camera to be purchased." Bai Fengtai said, "It's the one we talked about two days ago. It's already settled. You have to sign it."

"Well, good." Fan Keqin said, took the document, signed Wan Heng's name, and returned it to Bai Fengtai.But he felt it when he signed it, and there was a note under the document.When Fan Keqin held it in his left hand, it was already in the palm of his hand.

Bai Fengtai said with a smile: "Then I'll go back and ask someone to put the cameras in place immediately. Isn't it the engagement day next month. It just so happens that these cameras can be used."

Hearing something related to her engagement, Miss Tong finally raised her head.Said: "Color film?"

"Yes." Bai Fengtai said: "I purchased a lot, and it is definitely enough. The rest is probably enough to make another three or five films."

"That's fine." Fan Keqin said: "It's done, you go, I'm looking for you if I have something to do."

"Okay." Bai Fengtai replied, then turned around and walked out of the office.

After he went out, Fan Keqin and Miss Tong continued to study the wedding dress.In the end five were selected.Miss Tong, that's a tangle.But it's also normal. At this time, a woman will get herself without the difficulty of choosing.After all, I don't want to leave regrets, I have to appear in the most beautiful state.

"Honey, which one should I choose?" After the selection, Miss Tong said emphatically, "These wedding dresses are all so beautiful, I want them all."

"Is there any entanglement here?" Fan Keqin put his arms around her, and said amusedly: "On our terms, isn't it just these five wedding dresses? Even if it's ten, it's okay. If you take them all, you'll be fine." Is it okay?"

"Take them all?" Miss Tong was a little moved, but she still said, "Five pieces, you need so much."

"Well, let's buy it first." Fan Keqin said: "When you get engaged, you listen to me. At the engagement banquet, do you have to wear a suit during the official ceremony? After the ceremony is over, you can change it You see, the hem of this skirt has no tail, which is very suitable for toasting or something. This is already two sets. And the remaining three are spare, in case there is a wedding dress sprinkled with red wine... or something. You'd better have a new one ready.

What's more, we are engaged now, what about when we get married in the future?What if I couldn't come across the wedding dress that suits me at that time?It's better to use unworn ones, which ones are brand new.right? "

"Yes." Miss Tong immediately felt that it made sense.Therefore, after the matter was settled, he got up immediately and said: "Then I will tell them to send all five wedding dresses, or customize five new sets. Well, that's it. Honey, then I'll go first."

"Okay." Fan Keqin said, "You go."

When Miss Tong walked to the door with the album in her arms, she stopped again and said, "Husband, you have to hurry up on your dress, and let me take a look at it later. There is still enough time, if you are not satisfied, we can go back to it again." Do."

"Okay." Fan Keqin said: "I'll take a look later, I'll show you as soon as I make it."

"Yes." Miss Tong agreed again, opened the door and walked out.

Fan Keqin had closed the door and came out from the back of the office.Lie at the door and listened, and then there was no need to lock the door, otherwise, if Miss Tong turned back and saw that the door was locked, she would be suspicious.

So Fan Keqin turned around and walked into the lounge on the side of the office.In this way, once someone broke in without even knocking on the door, they would not see him immediately.As for him, he could hear the door opening.

Fan Keqin took out the note he had hidden, it was very short and he read it within a few seconds.After lighting it, he lit another cigarette.After watching the note turn into ashes, Fan Keqin called Bai Fengtai from his internal phone.Let the other party do it again.

After a while, Bai Fengtai came back again.When he was sitting opposite him, Fan Keqin asked, "Have you read the information?"

"I read it." Bai Fengtai said, "I read it when I got it back."

"Yeah." Fan Keqin said: "The little devil may have a big man coming from his own country. That person is called Gu Gu. I remember it seems to be a noble surname of the little devil."

"I don't know about this humble job." Bai Fengtai said: "I really don't have any research on these."

"It doesn't matter." Fan Keqin said: "It doesn't matter what his surname is, whether he is a nobleman or not. We know that he is coming. I just read an idea. I'm afraid it will be very difficult to kill this Gu Gu or destroy this Gu Gu team." Difficult. But, if this goal is really achieved in advance, the little devil will definitely be even more sad. They came here to quell the chaos of the puppet. And the longer this chaos must be, the greater the harm to the little devil, saying It doesn't sound good, it's like a three-legged stand. Now that one leg is broken, the little devils will be very struggling. Their various materials, manpower, etc. will be lost more and more like a snowball, until the devils can no longer hold on. until."

Bai Fengtai nodded and said, "I agree. But..."

(End of this chapter)

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