spy ace

Chapter 2337 Acting

Chapter 2337 Acting
Fan Keqin went on to say: "So, that German sniper master is really an ace sniper. Jon is still very clever, and he was able to capture this kind of firearm."

Hearing what he said, Bai Fengtai asked curiously: "What's the matter? Brother Heng, what's the point here?"

"Well." Fan Keqin nodded and said, "I have stayed in Germany, you know that. So I still understand the way of the German army. Their sniper training is relatively advanced, but there are some problems. Wrong. For example, they emphasize camouflage, but they ignore the position selection of snipers when they are attacked by the enemy.

For example, disguise as a stone, disguise as a tree, etc.Although the camouflage is very good, the existence of a sniper depends on the circumstances under which the shot is fired.

It would be fine if it was the Asian battlefield, but in the European battlefield, there are many artillery groups, especially now that Da Laomei has also left the field. Their fighting method is that they can't wait to plow the whole ground with artillery fire.If the sniper fires, they don't even see where the sniper is.But it will also call the artillery group and bomb all suspicious places several times.Therefore, in this case, those unreasonable disguises would be a serious mistake.

Of course, but in general, it is still relatively advanced.I would say that the German sniper status was different.The more expert and the higher the status, the higher the priority will be given to the sophistication of firearms, the choice of advanced sniper scopes, etc.

That's why I heard you say that this is a sniper rifle with a six-fold mirror, so I said that the German sniper master should be an elite sniper, maybe even an ace sniper.It seems that their snipers use quadruple mirrors, but they are already elite.Of course, I've been back for several years now, so I'm really not sure if anything has changed now. "

Bai Fengtai nodded, and said: "I mean, the Germans are really particular. But this should also show that the gun is still good. Then Brother Heng, I will pick up the gun tomorrow. But where are you going to do the calibration?"

"Calibration..." Fan Keqin said: "Well, I'll go pick up the gun with you tomorrow. There are a lot of inspections along the way now. I drive Tong's car, so it should be more convenient. Let's go to the suburbs, the southwest suburbs. Let's go Go far away, Qingxi, there are lakes and forests on the side of Beicai. Let's go to the gun, first go to investigate, and then get the gun."

"Okay." Bai Fengtai said: "Then I will wait for you at the company tomorrow?"

"No." Fan Keqin said: "Do you still have a few venues that invite our artists to perform?"

"Yes." Bai Fengtai said: "There are five or six more. Some of them offer inappropriate prices, and two of them just contacted us."

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "In this way, create a reasonable illusion of going out. I will come to the company first, and then you pretend to ask me for instructions, and we will go out to handle this business together. Then hurry up, while I go to investigate, you go Negotiate with several places. Then we agreed at noon, on the west side of the road out of the city, there is a local restaurant there, so we will meet there. Then we go to pick up the gun, type the gun. Try to finish it as soon as possible."

"Okay." Bai Fengtai said: "I have written it all down, and I will do as you said tomorrow."

The two of them discussed the details of tomorrow's itinerary and found that it was almost done.Fan Keqin didn't stay any longer, went out, and returned to the house he bought.In other words, he and Huazhang bought this house, but the deed and other things are not here, but in the capital.If the little devil runs away in the future, the house will probably be preserved.

After eating some food bought on the way back, after washing up, she was about to go to bed and fell asleep when Miss Tong's call came again.No way, just stay with me.Miss Tong, who tried on the wedding dress today, obviously couldn't sleep.Very chatty.Telephone bills are really not cheap these days. Compared with later generations, they are much more expensive than roaming charges.

But Miss Tong is really not short of money, expensive is expensive, if we have money and willfulness, we are willing to spend it like this.Therefore, Fan Keqin chatted with this prodigal woman until midnight, and talked on the phone for several hours before coaxing Miss Tong to sleep.

The next morning, after eating and drinking, Fan Keqin put on his most expensive suit.This dress was given by Miss Tong. No bragging, this suit can support a quarter of a Buick sedan.It's not much different from the dress that I'm engaged to and still making by hand.

This is because Fan Keqin understands.I am afraid he will carry a gun today.Although it is said that Tong's car is being driven, there are basically no people who don't show face in this place in Shanghai.But if you wear it like this, it looks like an expensive suit.Then from a psychological point of view, it will be easier to convince people.For example, when passing by a clip, the other party may look at the car he is driving, coupled with the high-end clothes, subconsciously, he will not feel that he is carrying any dangerous goods.

What's more, the car I drive now is the Tong family's car, and the more high-end I wear, the more I will give people the core figure of the Tong family, not the executives of any company. Just work at home.Furthermore, many of Tong's father's old friends and those important people know about the matter between himself and Miss Tong.Therefore, there should be no problem with such a multi-pronged approach.

After the preparations were completed, Fan Keqin drove to the company.First of all, according to the previous situation, wandered around the recording studio downstairs.It didn't take long for Bai Fengtai to come over and said, "Boss, there are several nightclubs and dance halls contacting us. I screened out and five of them should be quite suitable. However, some of them are newly opened. Let's see." They may be a bit cautious about inviting our artistes over, look... During the negotiation, do you want to go over and have a chat with their boss in person?"

"Careful?" Fan Keqin said: "Didn't let them inquire about our artist's other performance venues? Our reputation has always been very good."

"I've said it." Bai Fengtai said: "Look at what they mean, maybe they want to follow what they said, and they are asking about it."

"Ah." Fan Keqin nodded, and said, "That's all right, let's go there in a while." Then, he turned to the sound engineer's band and the artist who recorded the song, and the vocal teacher he invited said: "You guys Practice first, Mr. Li's train of thought is good just now, you should practice according to this first. Mr. Li, help check it out."

(End of this chapter)

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