spy ace

Chapter 2348 Life or Death

Chapter 2348 Life or Death

But... At the same time, I also noticed that when this person walked out, his pace was not fast.Yes, the man was deliberately controlling his pace.

If he didn't run away, this person must be Masaki Inuyang.

After confirming the target, Fan Keqin moved the sight lightly, and even glanced at the plaster flag hanging at the entrance of the main building of the consulate.Then he took a breath, and when Masaki Inuyang took the third step from the entrance of the main building, Fan Keqin had already fully calculated the amount ahead, and gently pulled the trigger.

"Touch!" There was a gunshot, and the bullet flew out of the muzzle in an instant, passing a distance of [-] meters in the middle, and drilled right into the middle of Inuyang Masaki's torso.

You know, the penetration of bullets is sometimes not a good thing.Because if the penetrating power is too strong, it will cause the effect of one shot and two eyes. If it does not hit the vital point, the damage is not too great.So there is a word called braking.

Now this German Mauser Type [-] sniper rifle has a long enough range and good accuracy.After crossing a distance of [-] meters... You must know that the bullet's flying speed gradually decreases with the flying distance, so when it got into the middle of Inuyang Masaki's torso, it happened to have very good braking performance.In this way, after the bullet enters the body, it is likely to hit hard objects such as bones, causing an extremely terrifying rolling effect.Together with the internal organs torn to pieces.

This is the case now, and Akikura Daxiang is completely unclear about the timing of the attack.He didn't even know whether the information he reported was useful or not.You know, Akura Dasho was waiting for the call of the dog Yang Masaki in the morning just like the previous two days.

First of all, after calling to prepare the car, Akikura Daisho went to the office of Inuyang Masaki, who was already dressed, so he bowed and said: "Consul, I have called and prepared the car, we can leave at any time. "

"Okay." Masaki Inuyang said, "Then let's go now." After finishing speaking, he glanced at his watch.

The two came down from upstairs, and Akikura Daxiang, as usual, took a few steps ahead, walked out first, and held the door.Little devils are very respectful up and down, so this kind of behavior is completely normal.In fact, Akikura Daisho didn't even know what it meant for him to do so.

And when Inuyang Masaki came out from the main entrance, he took a few steps, when Akura Daisho was about to keep up.It was found that Inuyang Masaki's body jerked for a while.At this moment, Akura Daisho still didn't know what happened, maybe subconsciously felt that Masaki Inuyang had suffered from rheumatism, so the leg pain caused this.

But immediately after he heard a "touch" gunshot, Inuyang Masaki covered his chest with both hands, but his body lost too much strength, and his hands were about to touch the wound on his chest, and his body collapsed Unable to control it, he fell straight down.

Akikura Daisho could see very clearly this time, a large area of ​​blood was completely uncontrollable, flowing out from Inuyang Masaki's body.Hastily yelled: "Enemy attack!!!" He wanted to squat down and go to pull the dog Yang Masaki.

In fact, at this time, he already knew very well that it must have been done by people from the Security Bureau.But Akikura Daisho also understands that the more he cares about Inuyang Masaki at this time, the more he has nothing to do with this matter afterwards.

However, after Akikura Daisho was about to squat down, Inuyang Masaki's body made a "poof" again, and blood burst out.Then "touched" was another gunshot.

It turned out that after Fan Keqin finished watching a shot, the muzzle of the gun fluttered. At this time, the scope also could not see the target clearly because of the vibration of the gun muzzle.

But Fan Keqin didn't care about this, but pulled the bolt again in an instant, and loaded the second bullet.After loading the gun, Fan Keqin quickly looked at the target Inuyang Masaki through the scope again.Well, the first bullet hit the bullseye.Inuyang Masaki had already been knocked down to the ground. Judging from the part where the other party still had some strength and was holding his hand, the wound should be in the very center of the torso, that is, the position of the heart.

So Fan Keqin fine-tuned the aiming position, regardless of whether there was wind or not, he pulled the trigger again and fired a shot.He believed that although this shot could not be as accurate as the first shot, it would definitely hit the opponent's body... in order to increase the death rate of the target Inuyang Masaki.If only one shot is not safe, then after two shots, the opponent's hope of survival will be very low, even infinitely close to zero.Or die instantly.

In fact, it was true. Although Fan Keqin did not observe the shooting through the scope after the second shot.But Akikura Daisho, who was in front of him, could see clearly, because Masaki Inuyang had already fallen.Therefore, the second bullet penetrated from the opponent's stomach slightly lower.

But it is also because the second shot that Inuyang Masaki took was after he fell down, so the bullet naturally entered the body obliquely. In this way, the bullet rolled obliquely in the body, causing even no damage. No smaller than the first shot.Because the passage through the body is longer, the probability of damage to organs naturally increases.

When Akura Daisho almost heard the sound of the second gunshot, he pulled the clothes on Masaki Inuyang's shoulders.While roaring in his mouth, he dragged the body of Inuyang Masaki back hard.At this time, their positions were not too far from the gate of the main building of the consulate behind them.Therefore, in just a few seconds, Akura Dasho had already pulled Inuyang Masaki's body closer to the inside of the main building.

"Doctor!! Tell the doctor to come here quickly!" Daxiang Zhaocura let go of his hand, and he yelled loudly, regardless of who was in the lobby of the main building.Then, regardless of the two guards in the main building, he ran in this direction, lowered his head, and seemed to be still looking at his immediate superior in shock.Then he pressed the bleeding point.

In fact, he was observing whether Inuyang Masaki would die or not.But just by looking at it, Akikura Daxiang knew it in his heart.Because the parts of the two shots are quite deadly, one shot is in the heart, and the other is a little lower in the stomach.Akikura Daisho judged that even if Inuyang Masaki was lucky enough to survive, it is absolutely impossible to have a job.In other words, no matter what, he had to give up the consul's seat.

And this is to take a step back, in fact, Masaki Inuyang, his eyes were slack, his mouth opened unintentionally, but he couldn't seem to breathe.And he stretched out his hand to cover the wound of the other party, although it is not where the heart is, but the distance is not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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