spy ace

Chapter 2358

Chapter 2358
The specific ambush location is the middle section of this road, on the side close to the Tsuruta Office, that is, a little bit to the east.This place is a crossroads.Although it is said that if the car gets here, it may turn or something.But basically it doesn't matter, because if the car is really going to turn at the intersection, the car will definitely slow down when turning.

A car with reduced speed is more likely to be shot and focused.What if Tsuruta Ichiro's car goes straight?It's okay to go straight.Because the triangular ambush formation is adopted, it can be said that no matter how the car is driven, there is at least one gun, or even multiple guns, with acute angles or vertical shooting angles.

This plan was quickly arranged, and Bai Fengtai was in charge of the details.Because Fan Keqin has other things to do, it is about the little devil who came here from the mainland to quell the chaos in Wang Zhaohai's puppet government after the death of Wang Zhaohai's Gu Gu team.

Just yesterday, Toshizo Shinoda, Daxiang Akura, and the insiders working at the dock reported a clue almost at the same time.There is a seagoing ship coming today, and it is very likely that Gu Gu's team is on board.

But as for the ship, several insiders didn't explain it.Apparently because they didn't know either.As for the specific time, several insiders also don't know.But judging from the work they have come into contact with, it should be today.

So Fan Keqin is now personally responsible for keeping an eye on the Gugu team.The devil's team came here to restore the chaotic Wang puppet to the original situation.Although even if they succeed, the devils will pay a huge price.But what if Fan Keqin can destroy it?Will this confusion last longer?So that the losses of the devils and puppet Wang will be even greater?
Therefore, it is impossible for Fan Keqin to watch Gu Gu's team come and do nothing.But he certainly can't investigate it himself, so he mainly waits to collect information from all parties.For example, the informant on the pier, feedback information.

In fact, there were not only informants Fan Keqin absorbed into his intelligence network on the pier.There are also some agents from the Security Bureau who came with Fan Keqin. The dock needs a lot of workers.

Moreover, there are still a lot of very mobile temporary workers on the wharf. There is nothing the Japanese and puppets can do about this.Even they use a lot of temporary workers.For example, when a ship arrives, there are many things in it, and there are not enough organized workers on the pier, so it is impossible to let the ship wait there.So at this time, a large number of temporary workers are needed to help with the work.

Fan Keqin saw this situation as an opportunity, so when he learned that Gugu's team might be coming, he dispatched agents from the Security Bureau to the dock where several temporary workers were waiting for work.

Lu Shuwen was an agent sent by Fan Keqin to the dock. He was one of the agents who followed Fan Keqin to Shanghai and was always on call.It's just that when he came, it was naturally impossible to tell him that you came to accept Fan Keqin's command.Just tell him that you are going to sneak into Shanghai, and when someone summons you according to the agreement, you can just obey the other party's orders.

After Lu Shuwen infiltrated into Shanghai, his cover identity was a part-time job.Today I help the newspaper office to deliver some newspapers, and tomorrow I will be a temporary waiter in a certain place or something.There are many such people in Shanghai, so it is easy to hide themselves.Another point is that the working hours can be freely arranged.Once he receives an order to go online, he can act at any time.

Just last night, from a hidden place in a residential area, he found a new order in the dead mailbox that hadn't moved.So Lu Shuwen got up early today, and came to the temporary worker gathering place on the pier to wait for work.

When it's time to live, he doesn't have to be too active, just behave normally.After all, the order he got was to pay attention to whether there was anything different about a certain ship arriving today.

In this way, whenever someone came to recruit them to help with work, Lu Shuwen followed the flow of temporary workers, but he did not squeeze in like others.But it also looks like they are scrambling to earn a penny of living money, just because sometimes the reaction is a bit slow, and they can't always grab it.Not to mention, actor-level.In fact, he did it on purpose. Anyway, he didn't miss the two money, as long as he was on the pier and could detect the situation.

In this way, Mr. Lu Shuwen stayed in the morning until noon, just like many workers next to him.Find a flat place and take out the food you brought with you.He brought two pancakes and a piece of pickled mustard greens.While he was eating, a worker next to him who was also having lunch accosted him and said, "Hey, brother. I seem to have a lot of work today. How is it? How much money did you make in the morning? Do you have three?"

Quick money, is spontaneous jargon for temp workers.It’s short, flat and fast. Generally, it’s some private individuals, or some small companies in Shanghai. After the ship arrives, there are some goods, not many, but it’s hard to carry them by yourself, so just spend a little money, please. Several workers helped to move the car and so on.

This kind of quick money, in most cases, is not heavy work.Although you may earn less at one time, the time is also short.If you are lucky, and several of them are short and fast in a day, then the money is not bad, and it is not very tiring.Therefore, these temporary workers waiting for work on the dock prefer this kind of work that makes quick money.

Although Lu Shuwen is not a temporary worker who always makes a living on the dock, he must not know some jargon among the workers.But quick money, this thing can be guessed literally.Therefore, after swallowing the food in his mouth, he drank some water from the water bottle and said, "No, I didn't force myself to do it this morning anyway."

"Oh?" The worker next to him snorted and took two mouthfuls of coarse grains, nodded, and said, "Then I'm lucky, I snatched one. It may be something that the rich family transported by themselves, so I will I helped transfer a few large bags of luggage to the car, and there was not much time. And the young master was quite generous. If there is such a job in the afternoon, I will basically take it today."

As he spoke, he took two more bites into his mouth, but he ate in a hurry, apparently choking.This guy didn't have a water container with him. Usually, he would go to the water room on the pier to drink water, and he would be done with two sips of cold water.

But he is still a little hesitant to run to the water room now.Although the choking is uncomfortable, it should not feel serious.Yes, I am hesitating.

(End of this chapter)

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