spy ace

Chapter 2362 Information Feedback

Chapter 2362 Information Feedback
That is also compared with the professional navy.Therefore, he can also tell that the two gunboats are the escort ships of this passenger ship.Of course, it may not be escorted all the way, or it may be escorted halfway at a certain point in the sea, which is also uncertain.But Lu Shuwen knew that there must be some important person on board a passenger ship with this kind of treatment.

Lu Shuwen and Lao Qi quickly finished the job and settled the bill with the employer who hired them.Walked out of the loading and unloading area inside, found Foreman Li, and asked about the time.Lu Shuwen turned his head and said, "Oh, it's all over now, I have to go back."

In fact, when Lu Shuwen paid the bill and came out, he basically had an overview.After all, the ferry where the ship stopped was not long after the ship docked, and soldiers one by one of the little devils had already set up a quarantine area.

But what Lu Shuwen can be sure of is that the kid who came to pick him up this time is really a big shot.And there are quite a lot of people, and they may have already boarded the car after exchanging greetings.Under the escort of the little devil soldiers, he quickly left the pier.Those little devils who stood guard before also left together.

That being the case, Lu Shuwen naturally didn't want to stay longer.And already at this point, I have a reason to leave.After all, they don't come here in the afternoon and like to do night work.

Lao Qi also asked him, will he come tomorrow?Lu Shuwen didn't say for sure, saying that he would see what happened tomorrow, and he didn't know if he could bring him with him for a moving job, and if he did, he wouldn't come.

This is really not a lie. After all, concealing one's identity also requires good management. Going out to work as a part-time job every now and then can better protect oneself.

After parting, and after Lu Shuwen went back, Lu Shuwen finished all what he had seen and heard today at home, and put it in the dead mailbox.Therefore, this information was quickly seen by Fan Keqin.

In fact, Fan Keqin also received information from insiders other than Lu Shuwen today.However, after he saw Lu Shuwen's information, it was still very useful.He can effectively assess the situation of Furuya's team.

After all, when the other party came, so many devils went to the pier, and several large carts of devil soldiers accompanied them, which shows how high the security level of the other party is.

So Fan Keqin immediately issued another investigation order, but it was still not an active investigation, but let the insider passively receive it.When you hear important information, just give feedback.

Then Fan Keqin stopped moving, but waited for the information.But he waited for a whole week before he received another message from Akikura Daxiang.

It turned out that although Akura Daxiang was the consul of the consulate, he was responsible for some foreign affairs activities, including contacting important figures from the devil's native land.It stands to reason that it should be very easy for him to obtain information about Gu Gu's team.But the little devil was really very careful this time. Wang Zhaohai's death definitely hit the little devil's most painful place.It can be said that they attached great importance to it, and that's why they sent Gu Gu, a very, very important person in the devil's land, to come here to make peace in person.

Furutani is not a relative of the devil emperor, or a nobleman like a prince.But his influence is even more noble than nobles.Because he is the teacher of many devil nobles, it can be said that he has trained a lot of important devils.Therefore, although his status is not a real nobleman, he is very respected, and he is also the general counsel of the devil royal family, and the minister of foreign affairs related to Asia.

Such a person led the team here, and there was something about Wang Zhaohai before, so after arriving in Shanghai.The first thing to do is not to contact the Wang puppet government immediately, but to start sorting out security issues.

The person responsible for the safety of Furuya's team is called Isamu Uesugi.He is the military attache in charge of security of the Devil's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He is also very high-ranking and extremely capable.Therefore, it took a week to catch all the security issues first.One of them is that if anyone wants to see the old devil Gu Gu, he must first go through the review of the security team led by Isamu Uesugi before seeing him.Before the review is over, it’s okay if you say you have something urgent.No face at all!And no matter how urgent it is, can there be any urgency to calm the chaos after Wang Zhaohai's death?

It is also because of this that Daisho Akikura, the consul in the consulate, has been reviewed by Isamu Uesugi during this period of time, and then he met Furuya Zonglin together with their consul general and deputy consul general.Then he gave Fan Keqin information.

Fan Keqin looked at the information sent by Zhao Cang Daxiang, and felt that it is really good to have an insider.Inside information is easy to get at your fingertips.But it is also a pity that Akura Dasho is not high enough after all. When the old devil Gu Gu Zonglin met with their consul general, Akura Dasho could only stay outside and didn't hear a word.

But even so, what Akura Daxiang saw and heard when he went there, and the information content can be said to be very important.First of all, Gu Gu Zonglin and his team lived directly in Hongkou District, which is actually controlled by the little devil and is also very tightly managed.The place is within the high-end residential area.Don't get me wrong, it's not Wang Zhaohai's high-end district before.It's the place where the little devil's senior officials in China all live.

There is a hot spring soup pool in that high-end area.Of course, there must be no natural hot springs.But this place was originally owned by a little devil.And this little devil is still very powerful, so he has a lot of space in the high-level area.Even the existing hot spring soup pool attracted more and more devils and high-ranking officials around to live in the past, forming the high-end residential area.

Akikura Daxiang responded that there were devil patrols around the entire hot spring soup pool.It doesn't mean the patrol team like the police station here, but the patrol team composed of devil soldiers.And the density is very high, there are three sides, military cards and so on.But what the patrol density is, it's not clear, and it's impossible for Akura Daxiang to stand there and count.

But after entering, Akura Daixiang went through a body search, even their consul general Takada Katsuya was no exception.Then Zhao Cang Daxiang also saw that outside a few houses in front of the courtyard of the hot spring soup pool, there were a few devil officers who were giving a lecture to two rows of devil soldiers.The content is that there are no dead ends in each inspection, and handover records must be made every time.

I probably heard this here, after all, Akikura Daxiang followed here.As he passed by, he followed Takada Katsuya and others, and heard so many things...

(End of this chapter)

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