spy ace

Chapter 2366 The agent who suffered

Chapter 2366 The agent who suffered

Fan Keqin has been with Miss Tong for several days, and he has irrigated this flower.So I finally got free.This is even better, allowing him to start focusing all his energies on the task.

Now Fan Keqin wants to find bad luck for Gu Gu's team, it's best to be able to do it all.But this depends on the intelligence of Akura Daxiang. After all, the security work is so strict, so Fan Keqin didn't even send out his "eyes".Just put it in case the other party finds out.

In the morning, Fan Keqin got the dead mailbox placed by Zhao Cang Daxiang from the mailbox in a community.The head of the Tsuruta Agency, Tsuruta Ichiro also came out of the house.

This old devil has been busy going around recently. First, he went to the garrison headquarters for a meeting in person, and worked with other secret service agencies to study how to ensure the safety of Furuya's team after their arrival. After deciding how to proceed, Tsuruta Ichiro felt that he was indeed a little I'm exhausted.

Under such circumstances, Shinoda Toshizo, his most valued subordinate, performed better and better.This made Tsuruta Ichiro very pleased.Therefore, Tsuruta Ichiro naturally sent a promotion report to Shinoda Suizo, wanting to promote him as his legitimate deputy.Thus, you can also let the other party share some of your pressure.

The house of Tsuruta Ichiro, in theory, is only known to a few people.Therefore, after Tsuruta Ichiro came out of the house, he was very relaxed and bought some food on the street with a few bodyguards, then got in the car, and ate while driving to the Tsuruta organ.

Eating in the morning is a moment for him to relax, so Tsuruta Ichiro enjoys it very much.But he enjoyed it, but the few subordinates of Bai Fengtai who were on mission today suffered a little.

Because of the continuous rotation, last night, one of the agents needed to act overnight.He has to prepare the vehicle for the mission the next day.Under normal circumstances, he only needs to steal a car.But the current situation is different from the past. There are many little devil patrols on the street. If you do it as usual, after stealing the car, drive the car away. At night, although there is night cover, the car will drive in the dark On the road, it is almost certain to be bumped into by a patrol.

But in this period, devils patrol the streets very strictly, so seeing a car strolling back and forth at night is almost sure to be noticed.If you are not sure, you will be questioned.

But a stolen car is unlikely to stand up to interrogation.As long as the other party checks the name of the driving license, he can tell that the car is not his own.

It's not like daytime. It's very normal for a car to walk on the street.After all, there are many cars on the street during the day, especially for the metropolis of Shanghai.

One of Bai Fengtai's men, Qing Ruofeng, is like this.When it was just dark last night, I walked into a bar.After ordering a bottle of spirits, I drank a few glasses slowly.Then I was killing time, I estimated that the time was almost up, I took a toilet, and then sprayed the rest of the wine on my body.Just came out of this bar.

Yes, at any given time, the city is full of rich people.Even in the current chaotic situation, the same is true.Therefore, Qing Ruofeng can be said to be well integrated into it.

After leaving the bar, Qing Ruofeng walked along the street in a daze.It's not that he really feels in a daze, but that it makes others feel.After walking about six or seven blocks, I ran into a patrol of little devils.Although the devil who led the team saw Qing Ruofeng vigilantly, he was the elder brother alone.I am not afraid to check, and there is nothing wrong with the previous routes such as drinking in bars.

I came to the community I was optimistic about during the day and walked into the courtyard.After a while, he arrived at a car parked downstairs.Seeing no one on the left and right, after confirming the car, he dodged into the corridor next to him.Followed directly to the top of the building and onto the rooftop.Found the license plate hidden here during the day.

Then Qing Ruofeng stayed on the rooftop, almost until the next morning.Seeing that the time was almost up, pedestrians also came out.He glanced at the car downstairs.It's fine, it's still there.If that car has been driven away by its owner, then after getting down, he can only choose another one, the selected spare car.

Taking the license plate and screwdriver, he went downstairs.First of all, change the license plate of the car when there are few people in the community.In fact, in normal times, he should steal the car first, then find another place with fewer people, and then change the car brand.Now change the car before stealing it, and the time will be longer.And as time goes on, the possibility of being discovered by the original owner or even the neighbors to steal the car will increase.

But Qing Ruofeng has his own understanding and reasons for doing so.That is, if you do not change the license plate yourself, you must carry the two license plates to be changed with you.And after he went out, if he really encountered the little devil's patrol team to interrogate him, then there was a high probability that he would not be able to escape.The other party looked at it, yo, there are two plates on the car, and the plate on your driving certificate is the two plates, not the current one on the car.Then you are obviously going to do something "bad".You don't have a problem. Who the hell has a problem.

But if you change it in advance, it will be different.If a devil stops the car to check, and sees that there are no contraband items on the car, and the brand on the driving certificate matches the brand on the current car, he will have a preconceived notion in his mind: "Oh, this is his car" .

Once the brand is changed again, it is actually not a big problem to be discovered by the original owner.Because the other party thought you were just a car thief.It is impossible to doubt one step further, even if the original owner of the car was so brave and caught the professional agent Qing Ruofeng with his own hands, he could only beat him up with the concept of a car thief, and then turn him over to the police station or something like that.Impossible to say: no!You stole my car, you are an agent in Chongqing.I will not send you to the police station, I will send you to No. [-], or hand you over to the devil directly.

Therefore, after weighing the matter twice, Qing Ruofeng thought that changing the car plate now would be the best choice.

It doesn't matter if you change the car or not, it doesn't matter whether you have done it or not.As long as you have hands and a heart.Anyone can change it, even a child, it's not a technical job.It's nothing more than unscrewing the original inlaid screws, then changing the brand and screwing the screws back on.

To put it bluntly, it is just a job of screwing a few screws, how long can it be delayed?So it didn't take long, Qing Ruofeng quickly replaced the original brand, and then prepared the...

(End of this chapter)

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