spy ace

Chapter 2385 Very unlucky

Chapter 2385 Very unlucky
Although Huazhang also belongs to the information science class, he is a talented person.But it is still a bit difficult to learn.Until now, it is finally considered that theory is combined with practice, and it can be regarded as reaching the point where learning has been achieved.

In fact, Huazhang had always had a contradiction in his heart. She admired Fan Keqin, and instinctively, she definitely didn't want Fan Keqin to be the opposite of herself and the organization.But she was in it, and she could see some things clearly.Although the old Jiang Zhengfu is still open to the outside world at gunpoint, but in recent years, they have even used little devils to attack the organization.What will happen after this?
Therefore, although Huazhang was really unwilling to stand against Fan Keqin in her heart, she had to make preparations early.Therefore, when she felt that she had learned something about these informatics, she began to sort them out by herself.

Although it is said that several notebooks of Fan Keqin have already been completed.But it's just notes after all.Therefore, Huazhang himself definitely needs to tidy up.

Then put some of her own experience on paper.Then every time a part is written, these things are handed over to the organization.She believes that the knowledge of these systematic informatics is also very important.It is even more important than general important information in the long run.

It allows the organization to truly train a large number of professional agents. At the very least, it can theoretically make up for the experiential teaching of the old and the new.

So Huazhang naturally didn't dare to delay, and every time he wrote a part, he handed in a part.Up to now, it has probably been sorted out by nearly half.Li Ye finally graduated from the training base and entered the Security Bureau.In this case, Huazhang can relax a bit.

The next day, Huazhang came out of the house early in the morning.After arriving at the Security Bureau according to the agreed time, I met Schneider.Since everything was almost arranged last night, it is basically enough to go directly.

Bringing a few subordinates in civilian clothes, the group quickly arrived at the Ministry of National Defense building.After entering it, Huazhang asked several of his subordinates to go to the relevant departments to handle normal affairs with the procedures of applying for operational funds.

Huazhang and several other subordinates came directly to the archives room under the leadership of Schneider.This place can be said to be a very confidential place, and the files of some military leaders are even stored here.Therefore, the guard is very strict.

After Schneider and Huazhang arrived here, they went directly to the person in charge inside.There was no direct access to any files.After finding the person in charge, Schneider showed the top warrant in a private space.

Although the person in charge of the archives room was not of a high rank, he belonged to a key department, so he immediately contacted Lao Jiang's attendant room.After waiting for a while to verify, they immediately began to cooperate.

I personally brought Schneider and Huazhang to the archives room and began to fully cooperate.

In other words, I have given orders before coming here.Therefore, Huazhang and the others also knew what kind of files to look for.Basically all of them are personal data files above the director level.Of course, in order not to attract attention, the files they consulted were very complicated.Therefore, even the person in charge of this archive room does not know which file they consulted.

In addition, Schneider directly warned the person in charge that if someone asked them, the person in charge would fool them first, and then unconditionally, immediately tell the person who asked the question to himself.And everything that happened today must be kept secret.Otherwise the consequences will be quite serious.

Now that he has Lao Jiang's warrant, of course the person in charge would not dare to assassinate him.He immediately agreed with a serious face.As for what to do if the secret was leaked in the end?Sorry, you must be out of luck.And sometimes leaks are not entirely a bad thing.For example, I just let a few of you know today, so how did the leak happen?It must be among these few people, someone leaked the secret.So, maybe the scope is directly delineated.

That's it, after assigning tasks to each of them, they still looked up various materials.First of all, those who have not worked in Changsha are not in the eyes of the law.Just this one can almost wipe out the vast majority of people.

Moreover, there are even fewer people who have worked in Changsha and whose positions are not low after being transferred.From this point of view, the age of Saturn is definitely not young, so people before the age of forty don't need to think about it.

In fact, this information is already relatively accurate.Think about it for yourself, even if there are a lot of people working in the unit you work in now, how many people can meet these pieces of information?
Huazhang and the others selected all the people who met these conditions from the entire Ministry of National Defense, but there were only four people.It's not that there are few people coming from Changsha, but that there are not many people who are of the right age and level.There are also people who have been working in other places for a long time. Although they are still in the Ministry of National Defense, they are on long-term business trips.Some of these people have worked in Changsha, but they definitely don't meet the requirements.If Saturn is on a business trip for a long time, how could he feel that he has the confidence to find out who the ghost is, a god, by pinching his fingers?
So Huazhang and Schneider temporarily expanded the scope a lot in order not to miss anything.The level was lowered to the first level of the department.It's not the section chief, it's the section level.So the scope has indeed expanded a lot.

This is to prevent Saturn, maybe in case the level is not so high, but the official is small, know people!Or is it an official junior, but can access key information?It's all possible.

Although it is true that there are not many people who meet the conditions.But after all, it is to check the data. You can only see if the character meets the conditions by looking through it one by one.Who knows if it fits or not before opening it again.So the workload is really quite big.Therefore, Huazhang Schneider, and the few agents they brought, can be said to have turned from morning to eight o'clock in the evening.This is the end.

In the end, a total of seven eligible people were found.That's right, even if they expand the scope to the department level, there are not many qualified people in total.

After transcribing and copying all the information of these seven people, Schneider repeatedly emphasized the confidentiality matters with the person in charge of the archives, and then left a dedicated line. As long as someone inquires, no matter who it is, it is positive To inquire, or to inquire from the side, as long as there is any connection, they must be notified immediately.Otherwise, as long as something goes wrong, you will be the first one to be [-]% unlucky.And this bad luck is very, very bad luck.

(End of this chapter)

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