spy ace

Chapter 2388

Chapter 2388
Yes, Ning Feihong is more knowledgeable, but.After the death of the older generation in the family, he will not be able to manage some of the businesses left behind.It stands to reason that the town where they live in their hometown has good conditions and there are many schools.With Ning Feihong's knowledge, even if he is a teacher, he can still live.But he couldn't save face, or how could he be too old-fashioned.I feel that doing this is tantamount to losing my family's face, and I can't live or die.

So at home, because of this reason, it is getting more and more difficult.So when Ning Yuanzhong was twelve or thirteen years old, Ning Feihong sold off the last bit of his family foundation, took the money, and led Ning Yuanzhong away, saying that he was going to find Ning Yuanzhong's aunt who married far away.

It is said that his eldest aunt married a good man, and these days she pays attention to being well-matched, and the Ning family was originally considered a wealthy family.When I was in my aunt's family, the family hadn't been ruined yet.Therefore, the family to marry is also a rich family.So Ning Feihong took Ning Yuanzhong to join his aunt. As far as this matter is concerned, it is considered to be going in a good direction.

Unfortunately, from Ning Yuanzhong's point of view, the good times don't last long.An unexpected situation occurred halfway, and Ning Feihong died.Encountered bandits and ransacked them.Ning Feihong already had this little property left, otherwise, he would not have been able to leave his hometown.So when encountering this kind of thing, I really couldn't bear it in my heart, collapsed on the spot, and immediately fought for my life with the bandits.

Among the bandits, there were two young men. They worked together and carried a large lifting pole on their shoulders.To be honest, this gun doesn't work well.But it is not easy to use in general, and it is not easy to use compared with current weapons.These two young men may also be newbies among the bandits, and they were very nervous when they were doing "business" for the first time.In addition, it has not been long since I have just touched a gun in this life, and my psychological quality is not good.

Therefore, seeing Ning Feihong's howling voice, he started desperately, and the little guy behind who controlled the fire was also a little frightened.Under such circumstances, the body's stress response was activated instantly, and with a movement of the hand, what "touched" Ning Feihong was a shot.

Although this big lifting rod is not easy to use, it is extremely difficult to aim, very inflexible, heavy and clumsy, not very accurate, and the shot is not far away.In short, there are shortcomings everywhere, and even laymen can tell a lot of shortcomings.However, when the big lift rod really hits a person, the power is still quite powerful.

A few taels of black powder, the gun is iron sand or steel balls. To be honest, apart from being too big and stupid, you just pay attention to power. One shot is stronger than many modern shotguns.Within fifty meters, the lethality is still very scary.

Today, these two novices are very lucky, and maybe even novices have better luck, so they hit Ning Feihong with a single shot.
After a gunshot, Ning Feihong was thrown out in the form of a shotgun, and the scattered guns were almost shattered.He died instantly.

Originally, Ning Yuanzhong was also very dangerous in this situation.But the gang of bandits didn't kill him either.Maybe seeing him as a child?No big threat either.Furthermore, killing a child will not establish any prestige.Therefore, instead, he ignored him and left with the looted property.

At this time, Ning Yuanzhong was a child of twelve or thirteen years old.Still on the road, to be honest, the probability of death is greater than the probability of life.But along the way, he survived by eating tree bark, drinking dew and so on.He also inquired all the way, and miraculously found his aunt's house.

Because of his aunt, she is well married, although her husband also has a few friends outside.But his aunt turned a blind eye to her husband's "playing flowers" outside.Furthermore, his aunt had already given birth to a son and a daughter for the other party, and the eldest son was about the same age as Ning Yuanzhong.Therefore, the status of the family is very stable, especially the favor of the parents-in-law.The most important thing is that when his aunt married over, she was a married woman, and she helped their family survive a lot of difficulties in business.Furthermore, when his aunt married, she was quite young, but her aunt's husband was already in his thirties.

At the age of thirties, in this era, no matter men or women, they are very old people.Therefore, his aunt's husband and his parents were extremely worried because they were afraid that their family would lose their descendants.And after marrying his aunt, soon his aunt got over the difficulties in business for her family, not to mention, she also gave birth to a son and a daughter.

This time, the two old men liked his aunt no matter what.To put it bluntly, more than half of the family has been handed over to his aunt to be the master since then.

As for his aunt, she doesn't care if she sees her husband spending time and drinking outside, but there is one thing, as long as he doesn't bring it home.So this time, it happened to scratch her husband's itch, and he was also satisfied with his daughter-in-law in his heart.And what should his aunt's husband say, except for the possibility of being flirty outside, the other things are really good.

This will definitely not work in future generations, and this is a violation of principle.But in this day and age, it is quite normal.Therefore, Ning Yuanzhong's aunt has a higher status in the family.

And after Ning Yuanzhong came to her, her aunt herself was kind-hearted. Although Ning Yuanzhong might have just been conceived by Ning's mother when she got married, and she hadn't even met her face, but his aunt felt that it was all wrong no matter what. The blood of his own brother may be the only blood of the Ning family, so why not ignore it?
After recuperating for a few days, the aunt sent Ning Yuanzhong to the school, and he has been living in his aunt's house since then.Later, the little devils invaded in an all-round way. The territory where Aunt Ning Yuanzhong's house was located was quite bloody, and he formed a guard team.But in the final analysis, they have few people and have little combat experience.In addition, the devils were very rampant at that time, and they carried out a massacre here, killing almost all the people here.

Ning Yuanzhong was lucky to be outside at this time, so he was saved from death.Later, after he started working, he himself went to school, and he did well.Then I worked in Changsha for a period of time. Later, because my boss admired him more, when his boss was transferred to Nanjing, he also took him with him.

Later, relying on his own ability and the appreciation of his superiors, he gradually climbed up the ladder, and now he has become the director of the General Inspection Office of the Ministry of National Defense...

After Huazhang and Shi Chuande read the results of the investigation, they put down the investigation report.Of course, this investigation report is not only about Ning Yuanzhong's past and growth experience.There are also some performances at work, as well as who are friends with and always deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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