spy ace

Chapter 2395 Letter

Chapter 2395 Letter

After seeing the name Xin Yuan, Ning Yuanzhong instantly understood in his mind that the person sent by the Consulate General had arrived, and according to his agreement, he sent a contact signal to himself.

Then Ning Yuanzhong looked at the specific content.The specific content is nothing more than looking for big brother Ding Ning.This Ding Ning is Ning Yuanzhong himself.Then there is a contact information, this is how these people give themselves, how to contact them.

After putting down the newspaper, Ning Yuanzhong became vigilant again.That's not to say he found anything.But because of his cautious character.

I can have secret signs with these people, after all, no one knows that I am Saturn.Therefore, looking at it this way, I don't have to actually meet these people, as long as I can make them listen to me and destroy Lao Jiang's coin printing factory.Especially the factory that I summed up, that's fine.The main purpose is to destroy the ability of Chiang Kai-shek's government to manufacture Wang Zhaohai's currency.

A wolf destroys the sheepfold and takes away a sheep. After the owner finds out, it is impossible not to repair it. He will not because since the sheepfold is broken, let it be that way.This is the story of the past.Now that Lao Jiang and the others have the ability to print Wang Zhaohai's currency, it's the same reason, so it really doesn't matter?Of course we have to take care of it.Otherwise, the depreciation will be more serious.

After Ning Yuanzhong got off work, he still didn't contact that group of people.He returned home as usual, spending time with his wife and children.When the day turns around, I still go to work normally.When it was almost time to get off work, I put a piece of paper I wrote today in the cigarette case.Then go out to get off work.

After get off work, Ning Yuanzhong passed by a street and went here specially to buy roasted chicken.Then, with this effort, he came to a hotel.Of course, he didn't go in, but while the receptionist inside was distracted, he put the envelope directly on his desk.

Following him, he immediately came out, diagonally across the street, pretending to buy cigarettes, haggling with street stalls, but actually observing the receptionist in the hotel.

The receptionist was distracted because he wanted to make himself a cup of tea, but he came back quickly.Seeing that he had just left for a short time, it might be that someone came to deliver the letter just now, and seeing that he was not there, he put it in a conspicuous place at the counter.I looked at the room number and the recipient's name.He picked up the internal phone, dialed a number, and said, "Why, is this Mr. Ding Xinyuan? Here is a letter from you... No, someone left it on the counter just now... I don't know, I didn't see it, I I just went to the toilet, maybe I left it at that time... Okay, then I'll wait for you here."

After hanging up the phone, only one call came, and the guest named Ding Xinyuan went downstairs.Seeing this, the front desk immediately took out the letter, handed it forward, and said, "Hello, Mr. Ding, this is your letter."

"Thank you." After Ding Xinyuan said something, he took the letter, looked at the words on the cover, and asked, "Did you see the person who delivered the letter?"

"Yes." The front desk said: "Not before going to the toilet. When I come back, I will put this letter here."

"Okay. Thank you." Ding Xinyuan nodded, turned around and left with the letter.

Ning Yuanzhong, who was diagonally across the street, was a certain distance from the hotel after all, so he couldn't see the specific situation clearly.Can't even hear their conversation.However, it can still be seen that a person came down, and he should have taken the letter from the front desk, and asked a few words, and then left with the letter openly.

Very good, at least the other party's psychological quality, in Ning Yuanzhong's heart, has a relatively good impression.There is no need to look any further.So I paid the money, bought another beautiful handkerchief at the roadside stall, and sent it back to my daughter.Then started going home.

And the guy named Ding Xinyuan went upstairs with the letter and entered his room.It is impossible to be careless in this business without reading the content of the letter immediately.He had already thought in his heart that this letter might be the content sent to him by his contact person after he arrived here. After all, in the revelation of missing persons, he and his contact person were equivalent to giving his address.It is not surprising that the other party can find it.

But what if.So Ding Xinyuan's defense now is just in case.So he hid by the window and carefully observed the situation on the street. He believed every small businessman and passer-by, so he observed it with critical eyes.Finally, after finding out that there was no problem, he sat down on the chair, took the letter, opened it, took out the letter, and opened it to read.

The new content is neither short nor long.Appreciation wrote an approximate address, to be exact, a geographical range.But this range is relatively small, it should be easy to find.In addition, the letter also stated that this is a factory, which may appear to be an ordinary printing factory on the surface.But the guards inside are very strict.The approximate number of guards, and even the guards inside, what kind of equipment they may use, and how many people there are are also written.

The content of the letter, and finally emphasized that the printed version is very important!
The meaning of very important is actually not difficult to understand. For example, there is a letter with a high level of confidentiality, which tells you that this letter is very, very important.So the following words must be: Even if you can't deliver the destination, you must ensure that the enemy will not have any chance to peek at the contents of the letter.That is to say, to destroy.

Throughout this letter, there is not a single word that is extremely clear.For example, destruction!Destroy, kill, attack and so on.I just wrote the address directly, it might be some kind of factory, and then I guessed it, saying that it is a printing factory, and the printing plate is very important.Ding Xinyuan could understand the reason for this, because what if the letter didn't fall into his hands?If ordinary people saw it, they would not immediately think of attack methods such as sabotage, blasting, arson, etc.Because there is no such vocabulary in it.

However, after reading the letter, Ding Xinyuan understood that this was the target of his group after trying to enter Chongqing.Therefore, Ding Xinyuan wrote down all the contents of the letter.Just burn it and throw it in the trash.Then he went through the night normally, it was time to wash up, and it was time to go to bed.It was around ten o'clock in the morning the next day before he came out of the room and checked out.

It is definitely not possible to stay here, but if you want to contact Ning Yuanzhong, there is still no problem.You can still use the old method of publishing newspapers to contact the other party again.

(End of this chapter)

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