spy ace

Chapter 2397 Discovery

Chapter 2397 Discovery
Somewhere, I drew a shape with broken bricks.Then I went back to the rental house.That's right, Ding Xinyuan is summoning his companions to meet up.

At noon the next day, Ding Xinyuan took the other four people back to the courtyard he rented at the pre-arranged meeting place.

First of all, Ding Xinyuan conveyed the content of Ning Yuanzhong's letter to the other four people.It also stated some of my speculations after reading the letter.For example, the printing house should be the currency printing factory on this side, etc.

After he finished speaking, a special agent named Xi Maodian next to him said, "These security forces are very strict, and hard attack is definitely not acceptable."

"Yes." Another spy named Zu Jing said, "We can sacrifice our lives for the sake of the empire, but attacking so many people with so many guns will only cost lives in vain, but it will not be effective. And it is equivalent to Remind the other party."

"If we can't attack hard, we can actually retaliate against him!" Seeing that several other people also agreed with Xi Maodian and Zu Jing, Ding Xinyuan said, "We must not take it rashly." Hands-on, brute force will definitely not work. In addition, I personally feel that this information is not specific. We still need to conduct on-the-spot investigations."

Several people agreed with these words, and Ding Xinyuan immediately assigned tasks.First of all, I learned about the registration status of the other four accomplices and the valid time of the certificate.In fact, although they all came here scattered, they basically entered the local area together, so they are all in the same situation as Ding Xinyuan.

After understanding, Ding Xinyuan was relieved and said: "Well, Qiu Tiancheng and Jing Wende, you two should contact the equipment. For the rest, let's go outside the city to investigate in the afternoon. Let's talk about the specific situation. Tonight It's eight o'clock, and we're still talking here." After he finished speaking, the spies immediately took action.

Just after their action, an agent of the Security Bureau also reported the letter to Huazhang and Shi Chuande by phone.In fact, Huazhang and Shi Chuande hardly rest these days.Has been watching the whole operation in the Security Bureau.

Some time ago, Ning Yuanzhong was silent, but through some of his subordinates, using seemingly normal work, to secretly investigate the financial system and some things in the banking system.This of course also includes the situation of the Security Bureau.But his actions, still the same sentence, are different from others. Without evidence, there is really nothing to do with him.

So Huazhang and Shi Chuande can't do anything to him.But one night.Huazhang and Shi Chuande were rewarded.Said that Ning Yuanzhong returned home today, about [-] minutes later than usual.

Now Ning Yuanzhong is the main target of their high suspicion. Although they have arranged orders not to disturb the other party, as long as they can observe some situations, they must be reported immediately.And in order not to alarm the other party, Ning Yuanzhong basically didn't follow the whole way in the field of vision when he was on the road.But Ning Yuanzhong used to be very disciplined in commuting to and from get off work every day, but this day after he got off work suddenly, it took nearly [-] minutes longer than usual, which immediately aroused the vigilance of the surveillance point and immediately reported it to Huazhang and Shi Chuande.

And Huazhang and Shi Chuande also attached great importance to it. Without further ado, they immediately called the following agents and asked them in detail.Due to the order not to alarm, the agent did not follow so closely.Although he wasn't following closely, he definitely knew the general course of action.

Then, comparing Ning Yuanzhong's course of action with those of the past days, he immediately knew that Shi Chuande was delayed for a long time on a certain street.In addition, the agents at the monitoring point stared at Ning Yuanzhong with binoculars after he got off the car and went home, still holding the roast chicken he bought in his hand.Therefore, Huazhang asked one of his team leaders to secretly lead someone to investigate, and soon found the shop that bought roast chicken.

So Ning Yuanzhong's roast chicken is exposed outside?Of course not, it was wrapped in oiled paper.But the outline, the size of the oil paper package, can be seen.Furthermore, the things packaged in oil paper must not be vegetables.That must be a meat dish.So when I came to this street, I checked the details and compared them. It must be this roast chicken shop.

Then the team leader followed the line and did a little investigation. This store is definitely a time-honored brand.Ning Yuanzhong may also value this point, so it seems that he deliberately took a detour to sell a roast chicken, which is also a normal phenomenon.Just like some people, if they are hungry, they are willing to take a bite of the water in the south of the city.But his family lives in the west of the city, but he is still willing to take a longer detour. It is the same reason to go to this restaurant and go home after eating.From this point of view, Ning Yuanzhong is still very careful.

But there is also one point, Ning Yuanzhong conceals it very cleverly, but it is a time-honored brand, and it is a time-honored brand passed down from father to son.In the eyes of the team leader of the Security Bureau, the possibility of it being a Japanese puppet stronghold is also very unlikely.Because this store is very early, it was there decades ago.Or how to say it is a time-honored brand.And the boss inside was originally the father of the current boss.The current boss has followed his father since he was very young and is running the roast chicken shop.Everyone around here knows it.

Therefore, the possibility of this store being a Japanese puppet stronghold was ruled out, so the team leader made a bold move, took the photo, and gave the boss a lot of rewards for his recognition.

This boss's memory can only be said to be at the level of ordinary people, but he still has the luck of a time-honored brand.Because most of the old and regular customers who come to buy his roast chicken are in the majority.So Ning Yuanzhong had never been here before in his memory, at least not a regular visitor.

This time, the team leader of the Security Bureau was completely sure.It is impossible for Ning Yuanzhong to come here to buy a roast chicken for no reason.He must have done something.

Therefore, I called Huazhang and Shi Chuande and told them what I found.Huazhang and Shi Chuande immediately sent people to pretend to be people from the police station to visit the street where the roast chicken shop is located and its surroundings in the name of a census.

After all, Ning Yuanzhong is the director of the director's office, his dress, no matter how low-key it is, is different from ordinary people these days.After the visit, I found out that Ning Yuanzhong had wandered in that area.

But this is not enough to explain the problem, because after all, some time has passed.At that time, those who set up stalls and pedestrians who walked have changed a lot.But at this time, Huazhang and Shi Chuande, after a collision of ideas, had a new idea.

(End of this chapter)

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