spy ace

Chapter 2401 Prepare for Action

Chapter 2401 Prepare for Action
It is also very likely that this little devil's group of five will not go to get the equipment together.It may be picked up by several of them, then transported to some agreed meeting place, and the equipment will be distributed.

However, it is normal for Huazhang and the others to achieve synchronization. As long as someone in the five-member group is found to be in the past, they will separate.As long as they are separated, Huazhang and the others can use another group of people to hold down the few devils and spies who did not go.

As for why they are not caught now, it is very simple, that is, there is no evidence from Ning Yuanzhong. If five people exist during this period, they may contact Ning Yuanzhong, and the evidence may be "delivered to the door." up.This is better, and saves trouble.

Although it is said that Ning Yuanzhong's behavior pattern is unlikely to let him take the initiative to expose the evidence, but it is possible after all.Huazhang and Shi Chuande were able to keep an eye on the group of five at this time. If they contacted Ning Yuanzhong again, they would have a chance of discovering it in advance. If they had prepared early and grasped the evidence of Ning Yuanzhong, it would become possible.

For example, if Huazhang and Shi Chuande knew which hotel Ning Yuanzhong sent the letter to, even if Ning Yuanzhong was keeping it a secret, they would not be able to hide it from the "wishful people" of the Security Bureau.You have to go in, even if you don't go in, you can throw the letter on the counter with incomparable accuracy, just like throwing darts at the door.You always have to stand at the door, or pass by the door of the hotel and throw it with your hands!In this case, these "careful people" from the Security Bureau are waiting with several cameras. As long as you do this, I will take pictures directly, and the evidence will be in hand.

Another point is that those five people are dead soldiers.What do you mean, that is, when they do things, they probably have the intention of dying.People with this mentality, even if they are taken down, are likely to become diehards.Then the Security Bureau may not be able to get Ning Yuanzhong's contact information, so they will not be able to use this to crucify Ning Yuanzhong.

But Sun Guoxin indicated this.If you can't break through from the front in the end, then you can only use another method.Because the existence of ghosts must never be exposed.Even if they couldn't crucify Ning Yuanzhong from the front.However, be sure to remove this threat to ghosts as well.

Schneider said that he is very familiar with this matter.Just give him a few people who he absolutely believes in.Of course, it's definitely not there yet.

After receiving Sun Guoxin's instructions, Huazhang and Shi Chuande began to set up traps.During Fan Keqin's absence, Huazhang showed her ingenuity. She worked with the medical department of the Security Bureau to get a new device.Tranquility gun!

Of course, this tranquilizer gun is actually a crossbow!Don't pay too much attention to it, and the arrow part doesn't have to be so fine.It doesn't need to be as advanced as later generations, as long as it can be used.In fact, if you don't pay attention to it, you don't have to care too much about the thickness. In some factories, you can use a turning tool and a skilled mechanic to make arrows for you.

When in use, the anesthetic is contained in the tapered arrowhead.After launching, hitting the target itself has a powerful braking effect.But the medicine inside and the booster behind will not move together, and will continue to move forward according to inertia.In this way, the anesthetic will enter the body.This thing really has no technical content.

As for how to quickly lose the ability to move?It's not that simple, even if it's beating an animal or something in later generations, it's all about personalization.But big brother, in this day and age, is it still humanized to little devils?If you want to instantly make the other party lose their ability to respond, wouldn't it be over if you put more anesthetics on it?If it doesn't work, several anesthetic crossbows can be launched together.People in this era don't have any drug resistance, just like penicillin, and tens of thousands of units in this era can have a very good effect.But for the people of later generations, hundreds of thousands of units, or even millions, may not be effective.

Fifteen anesthetic crossbows were prepared for the group of five, and each person could distribute three equally.Special arresting agents are always with them, and they obey orders at any time. As long as they get the order, they will rush to the arresting scene immediately, and arrest people according to the situation at the time.

What Huazhang and Shi Chuande have to do is to keep an eye on the situation of these five people to judge whether they are suitable for arrest.

Ding Xinyuan's five-member team has carefully investigated the coin printing factory three times.In fact, in real actual combat, the number of investigations is not really the more the better.It is best to be able to detect only once, and the goal has been achieved.But Ding Xinyuan's five-member team wanted to find the loopholes in the coin printing factory from the first investigation, so that they could customize a more reliable action plan for themselves and others.

But up to now, three investigations have not yielded a good result.In fact, it really cannot be said that their abilities are low.Rather, this is Chiang Kai-shek's home field, and it was the banknote printing board that Fan Keqin got back, so he fully listened to the opinions of Sun Guoxin and several professionals in the military command on where to print counterfeit currency.Therefore, it is normal that Ding Xinyuan's group of five did not find any obvious loopholes for a while.

But they felt that they couldn't wait any longer.Because the immigrant population registration plan that makes people feel constrained is really annoying.Where do you live, you can't make it up at all, it is tantamount to letting others know where you and others are stationed at any time.This may not feel much to ordinary people.But if you put it on the spy, you will feel uneasy in your heart, and if there is a situation, the other party will be able to find you in an instant.That was a real pain in the ass.

And an action, especially this kind of action, actually takes longer, although you may be more prepared.However, the opportunities for you to expose your feet may also increase as time goes on.

So Ding Xinyuan thought of a way, you know, the printing plate is still very fine.So as long as there is a little flaw, the coins may be completely different after they are printed.So sometimes, even a little bit of damage may render the whole banknote printing plate useless.

It was also because of this that when Ding Xinyuan and the others couldn't find any obvious loopholes.An action plan was devised.A seemingly stupid, but more practical approach.That is to increase the power.

Since they are sneaking into the capital very secretly, there must be no follow-up support. After all, they are death squads.So I can only find a way to get equipment by myself.Ding Xinyuan let them...

(End of this chapter)

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