spy ace

Chapter 2411 Quick Response

Chapter 2411 Quick Response

If there are any suspicious actions such as his running away at this time, it will be [-]% set on fire!And if you don't move, there is a certain chance that you will be fine!

Ning Yuanzhong did have a few tricks, although the men in their middle-aged opposite seemed to be normal passers-by.However, when there were still a few steps left, Ning Yuanzhong still noticed: These people must not be simple.And it seems to be directed at yourself.

It is actually very difficult for a person to have such a clear judgment in just a few puffs.Because this is not a blind guess out of thin air, but observation and judgment.Although Ning Yuanzhong didn't pay much attention to these people because of their clothes and walking posture.

But Ning Yuanzhong is facing forward after all, he can still see the situation ahead.Therefore, the positions of these few people were relatively scattered among each other.But as they got closer and closer to him, the positions of these people changed accordingly.

Although there is still no problem with the walking posture and expression of these people.However, in this case, if two people are getting closer to themselves and they are getting closer to each other, there is nothing wrong with it.But all four of them are in this situation, Ning Yuanzhong is almost certain in his heart that these people are definitely not simple.

And the pedestrians next to him didn't see any problems.Then these men in their prime can basically be sure that they are here for themselves.

There is nothing wrong with the way these people walk, dress, or even look in the direction of their eyes.But this just shows that the other party is a very professional person.

So Ning Yuanzhong's heart sank a little.No matter how good he is and how capable he is, it's not bad to be able to think of these things in such a short moment.I was thinking that if it was really coming towards me, if the other party made a move, should I resist?
You know, if you resist, it will also be a result.Rebelling means you are also a professional.Can you resist?If you don't resist, there are some opportunities, but how much does the other party know about the situation?I usually pay attention to it very much. If I ask myself, I probably haven't made any mistakes in the past.

Then there is only one possibility left, the other party must be here for today's matter.And if it was aimed at today's matter, then there is still a slight possibility that the other party is his accomplices of the dead.But another, bigger possibility is that all his accomplices have been arrested, and they were secretly arrested, so I haven't heard any news during this time.If so, it's really over.

In such a short period of time, Ning Yuanzhong certainly wouldn't think about it in such a specific way.But the judgment in the subconscious probably meant this, but there was no difference.

And being able to make this kind of judgment can fully explain that Ning Yuanzhong is indeed very capable. If you were a different person, you might not even be able to find those middle-aged men, let alone be able to think so much in a short period of time.

But time waits for no one after all.The men in their prime of life on the other side are not easy to be with.Just like what Ning Yuanzhong saw, there was nothing wrong with them whether it was the way they dressed, the way they walked, or even their eyes.This is also the reason why Ning Yuanzhong didn't think there was any problem with them before they approached.

And these middle-aged men and Ning Yuanzhong walked towards each other face to face.After Ning Yuanzhong found out that something was wrong, they had only been together for about ten steps.And walking towards each other, in fact, the two sides only need to take five or six steps each, and they will be able to reach the meeting point.

The distance of five or six steps, walking at a normal pace, how long does it take in total?two seconds?three seconds?four seconds?Just a few seconds.Don't tell me that you only take one step in a second. This is talking about the normal stride of a normal person, not what you look like when you are walking.

Before Ning Yuanzhong could think of the final countermeasure, several middle-aged men had already arrived in front of him.And when they came to the front, they changed their posture almost instantly.Like a hungry tiger pouncing on its food, they all rushed straight at Ning Yuanzhong.

This time there is no need to think any more, Ning Yuanzhong didn't move, but following him he knew that he couldn't stay still for a while.Because ordinary people will have a reaction when they encounter this kind of thing.It is impossible to say that standing there motionless like this wooden stake.If so, doesn't that mean that I already knew in my heart that the other party wanted to arrest me?Didn't you just admit indirectly that you have a problem?

So although Ning Yuanzhong didn't take the action of resistance, he still struggled with his arms, with a surprised and bewildered expression on his face, and shouted: "Hey! What are you going to do... come here... help...! "

Before finishing a sentence, Ning Yuanzhong couldn't speak.The few middle-aged men in front pulled their arms.Hugging his waist, he was completely locked in an instant.But it wasn't these people who made him speechless.

It was behind him, a few other middle-aged men that Ning Yuanzhong didn't find.In the same way, directly lock the four, the torso.And the person in the middle of the back, with both arms, tightly locked Ning Yuanzhong's neck.When Ning Yuanzhong first shouted "Hey, what are you doing?", he actually already exhaled more and breathed less.Except for the initial shout, hey, the rest of the words are already vague.Even the words "Come on, help..." were stuck in my throat and I didn't shout out at all.

A person's main artery is completely suppressed, and it doesn't take much, and he will definitely faint in a few seconds.It doesn't matter how strong you are.You said that you have persisted for more than ten seconds, it is because the other party did not really press down and lock the main arteries on both sides of your neck.Or not fully formed.Otherwise, if the movements are completely in place and the main arteries on both sides are truly locked, it will be useless for anyone.Will definitely faint.

Ning Yuanzhong was like this, he didn't want to resist at first.Because the matter has come to this point, he already knows that resistance is actually useless, and now there is only one thing left, that is, the other party has no definite evidence for him.Otherwise, if you resist, you will push things in a worse direction.

But what if you behaved normally?And if the other party has no evidence.Or even if he found out that he sent the letter, who could prove that he sent it?You just rely on talking?That won't work.Even if it is a powerful department like the military command, it may not need evidence to run others, but if you want to run yourself, it is still close!
(End of this chapter)

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