spy ace

Chapter 2414 Benefits

Chapter 2414 Benefits
But I still have to be steady now, what if the other party doesn't capture it?The time I really had to stuff that letter into the gap under the door was actually very short.It only takes a few seconds to take a picture.The difficulty of this capture is actually not low.And when I wrote letters, I used another handwriting, which no one could find fault with.

Schneider said: "You really don't know anything? Are you still saying you don't know?"

Ning Yuanzhong thought to himself: "Yes, I really can't say I don't know now." It's not that Ning Yuanzhong was controlled by Shi Chuande's mind, psychological hints, or hypnosis are not so suspenseful.Rather, Ning Yuanzhong feels that now, if he says he doesn't know, or because of some other circumstances, it will only aggravate his situation.

So Ning Yuanzhong frowned and said, "What did you take?"

Shi Chuande didn't speak, but in action, this time was like answering Ning Yuanzhong's question for the first time.He flipped one of the photos over, pointed it at Ning Yuanzhong, and put it away.Picked up another one, lit it up again, and put it away again.So a total of three times, then stopped.

In fact, there were more than a dozen photos that the agent handed him just now.In fact, a dozen or so photos are only part of the shot.And Shi Chuande only showed Ning Yuanzhong three photos.

But after Ning Yuanzhong finished reading, he closed his eyes and frowned, took a breath, and said: "I understand. I just ask one thing, if I can cooperate with you, and can inflict...the Japanese at any time. What benefits do I have? "

After Shi Chuande heard it, he immediately understood in his heart that the other party was a smart person, and a smart person with egoism.Or he is also for his wife and children, this is possible.So he said: "Isn't it good to live?"

Ning Yuanzhong nodded and said, "Okay, I hope you can do what you say."

It turned out that after Ning Yuanzhong saw the photo, he knew in his heart that he must be doomed.The first photo was taken when I got off work from the General Inspectorate of the Ministry of National Defense.The second photo was taken when I bent down to stuff a letter under the crack of the door.The third photo was taken when I left the alley next to the residential buildings after delivering the letter.

In these three photos, from the very beginning when I leave work, to the time when the letter is delivered and I leave.It has become a chain, not to mention, there are other photos, those that I did not show myself.

With these photos and the audio recorded for him now, with such a combination, Ning Yuanzhong knew that it was [-]% impossible for him to pass the test.

For the above reasons, Ning Yuanzhong thought about it quickly, since he could no longer escape, he might as well protect himself first.That's why he asked the previous question.That is: what benefits do I have?
And Shi Chuande's answer obviously satisfied Ning Yuanzhong, so he nodded and said, "That's fine, you don't have to go around in circles and set up language traps for me. You can ask me directly, and I will definitely answer."

"Very good." Shi Chuande said: "Who are your local upline and downline? Where are they?"

Ning Yuanzhong said: "I'm not in the local area and I don't go online or offline. There is only a special telecommunications team, and those who usually contact me are basically one-way. I write the information and put it in the No. [-] Theater of the Cultural Station. The fourth row Under the No. [-] chair. Then there is a rockery in the middle of the cultural park, and there is a bench in front of the rockery. I just need to draw an agreed symbol on the support on the side of the bench, and they will know that I have put the information on it. Theater No. [-] of the cultural station. They will go there to get information, return to their station, and use the radio to send out the information I want to pass on."

When Ning Yuanzhong said this, he paused, and then said: "Their location is a shipping company at No. [-] Shannan Street. They are really in the shipping business. The person in charge, Hua Zimo, Diao Jiayan, the dispatch manager, and Cai Junwu, the business team leader, are members of my exclusive telecommunications team. They have normal registered commercial radio stations, but they should be used as cover for espionage radio stations. I don’t know the specific situation, because I But they don't have much contact, I think more contact will bring danger to themselves."

Seeing him say so much in one breath, Shi Chuande was still very satisfied.Seeing that the clerk finished taking quick notes, he asked again: "You don't usually contact each other? Then how do you make sure that each other is safe?"

Ning Yuanzhong said: "I know what you mean. You want to ask if the other party will find out after my accident. I can tell you, no. At least, they won't know. Unless you arrest me I happened to be seen by them. But I can know if something happened to them. Because, although they know that I have to exist, but who am I, what occupation do I cover up my identity, how do I get information, where do I live, etc., they don’t know I don’t know. But I know their identities are concealed, so I must know that something happened to them. But if something happened to me, they don’t have any possibility of verification.”

After hearing this, Shi Chuande asked again: "Very well, what about you and the headquarters? How long will it take for them to know that something happened to you?"

Ning Yuanzhong was silent for a moment, and said: "It's been a long time. This is also the agreement I made with the headquarters before lurking here. There is no regular contact. If I don't contact for a long time, it means something happened to me. Not at all! The reason is the same Yeah, the less contact you have, the less chance I'll be exposed. In fact, I still don't understand how you guys caught me. I mean, you guys even know I exist. I don't think I Showed any tell."

After Shi Chuande listened, he had to admit in his heart that what this kid said was true.If he didn't contact the little devil's consul general, and was pushed back from the source by the big ghost in Shanghai, I'm afraid that kid Ning Yuanzhong could really continue to lurk.It is really very difficult to find him from this side.

However, Shi Chuande did not answer his doubts this time, but asked again: "Now that you have a wife and children, you must have delivered a lot of information in such a long time, right? Let's talk about it."

In fact, Shi Chuande was giving Ning Yuanzhong psychological guidance again.If he asks this, it is tantamount to concealing the source of the news.Because they themselves knew that Ning Yuanzhong didn't pass much information because of the big ghost's information, but every time it was very important.

(End of this chapter)

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