spy ace

Chapter 2416 Finding Someone

Chapter 2416 Finding Someone
All the confessions, photos and the like were also shown to Sun Guoxin.Finally, Shi Chuande expressed his thoughts.Huazhang also analyzed the pros and cons of Ning Yuanzhong's existence or death.

Huazhang said: "If he is alive, if he is under our noses, he can be controlled. Judging from his current performance, he is very knowledgeable about current affairs."

After Sun Guoxin listened, he weighed it in his heart and said, "I agree, but it is necessary to put a curse on him. His wife and children must always be under our noses. In addition, the original Chief Inspector cannot Even if he doesn't do anything when he gets here with us, he just plans to give the little devil a hard time at a critical time in the future, and he can't be allowed to be too free.

As for how to leave in the General Inspection Office of the Ministry of National Defense, I believe Ning Yuanzhong himself has the answer.Resign, resign.Whatever, but it's fast.Moreover, this guy Ning Yuanzhong has a very high analytical ability. After a long time, he will have his own judgment on the essence of many things. That is to say, there may be many things that cannot be hidden from him.It's time for an insurance policy, understand what I mean?As long as there is anything wrong...we must have the ability to kill him anytime, anywhere. "

Huazhang nodded and said, "Understood, I will arrange it."

The three of them started discussing again in Sun Guoxin's office, how to secure Ning Yuanzhong's insurance, and if it was too troublesome, or if it was too much effort, but the return might be too little, it would be better to just throw Ning Yuanzhong's materials directly to Shangfeng , and then kill as soon as it is time to kill.

Just when Sun Guoxin, Huazhang and Shi Chuande were discussing.The elder brother Qian Jinxun is quite comfortable.He is now the deputy director of the military command. To put it bluntly, for ordinary people, he is quite a big shot.But when Qian Jinxun first came here, he felt a little awkward.

Because Qian Jinxun knew why Dai Yunong brought him here.Although it seems that he has been promoted, but in fact?It was done so that Boss Dai could hold down the Security Bureau.

But speaking of it, Boss Dai didn't make things difficult for him.Of course, it is very likely that Qian Jinxun himself has many friends and a wide range of contacts, although Boss Dai can play tricks in name.But in the position of Dai Yunong, there is no real meaning for just playing tricks on the other party.And it can also increase the negative views of the people below, thinking that you have a small nose, small eyes, and narrow-mindedness, which is not worth the candle.

Therefore, although Qian Jinxun is currently in charge of the office and the general logistics business.But after passing the initial stage, now Qian Jinxun has found fun on his own.

Fish farming... is real fish farming, not outside.After all, his wife Guo Meng is a beautiful woman and an artist.Therefore, his aesthetic ability has been improved a lot. To put it bluntly, most of the girls outside, Qian Jinxun, don't like it.So... he just raised two outer rooms.

Hey, that's right, this year is really like this.It's not uncommon to marry a concubine of more than ten years old. Brother Qian Jinxun is already a clean man.

One of them, in fact, can not be said to be the outer room.Is it... a sleeping partner?It was Miss Ying Si who was doing business with Qian Jinxun.It is also impossible for the other party to accept and become an outside room, so each takes what he needs.

In fact, Qian Jinxun is very opposed to doing business, or working relationships, friendships, and doing this.But then again.Because, if they broke up unhappy in the end, I am afraid that the business cooperation will also be seriously affected.Fortunately, they are not lovers at all, so they don't talk about love or love at all.

At this time, Qian Jinxun just made a phone call, which was for Ying Si.After all, this woman's family conditions are very good, and her way is very wild.But for some things, it's useless for you to find too big Shangfeng. As the saying goes, the county magistrate is not as good as the current one. Therefore, there are always a few hooligans looking for trouble on the road recently.Qian Jinxun did a little favor, made a few phone calls, and it was done straight away.You may not even need to ask later.

After talking to Miss Ying Si, Qian Jinxun picked up the fish food and sprinkled it into the bathtub.The fish tank is not big, and the fish is not too big. It is the one he raised when he was in the Intelligence Department, and it is not dead yet.Feed him well.

Mainly, Qian Jinxun is very important.If you build a big fish tank with a lot of fish, the impact will be very bad.But if there is only one fish in a fish tank as big as two bowls, then there is nothing wrong with it.After all, it was the same as having two pots of flowers in Boss Dai's office.

Qian Jinxun is really more relaxed now, but when he just finished feeding the fish, he heard the buzzer and Kong Xinran's voice came out.That's right, under normal circumstances it is impossible to change the secretary, so Kong Xinran naturally followed.

Kong Xinran said: "Senior seat, Boss Dai asked you to go to his office."

Every time Qian Jinxun put the fish food aside, walked out of the back room, and asked, "Xin Ran, didn't Boss Dai go out?"

"It should have just come back." Kong Xinran said, "Secretary Liu came to tell me."

"Yes." Qian Jinxun said, "Okay, I'll go."

After speaking, he came to the corridor, turned a corner after a while, and came to Dai Yunong's office.After meeting Boss Dai, Qian Jinxun still had his usual appearance. He first said hello, and then said, "Secretary? What do you want from me?"

Dai Yunong did not sit behind his desk, but went around and sat on the single sofa next to him, so Qian Jinxun came to sit.Then he said: "Jin Xun, do you know a man named Li Dongxu who is from Hong Kong?"

"Li Dongxu, are you Li Dongxu who is in the smuggling business?" Qian Jinxun asked.

"Yes." Dai Yunong smiled and said, "Don't call him a smuggler. The other party smuggled a lot of medicines, and that helped us a lot."

"I know that." Qian Jinxun said: "Boss, I know a little bit about this person. After all, when I was in the intelligence department, I asked him to get some medicines, some things from the Eagle Countryman, he There is a way to get it. It turns out that the eagle countrymen on the other side of South Asia have sold a lot of arms. Like bullets, guns and so on. Report the damage, how much ammunition was used for training, they fill it up casually, and then withhold it, directly..."

(End of this chapter)

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