spy ace

Chapter 2420 Awareness

Chapter 2420 Awareness
When the market is bad, many people even jump off the building.However, there are some masters who can maintain the momentum of making money. Although they don't make a lot of money, they can make a small profit.

But Fan Keqin felt that this opportunity was not too great.But if you do nothing, you may miss something.At the very least, through investigation, we can learn more about it again.

So when Fan Keqin went to work during the day, he found Bai Fengtai to arrange it.Normal scouting, but be careful.Bai Fengtai is familiar with these things, so he doesn't need to order them specially.

If a few more days passed like this, then Mengze came over.As soon as Fan Keqin saw him, he knew that the goods might have arrived, so he immediately asked.

Na Mengze said: "Yes, the goods have just arrived and have already been put into storage. Boss, start contacting the buyer now?"

Fan Keqin didn't convene to make a decision, but asked: "When you pass the customs, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Na Mengze said: "This time the loss is about [-]%, which is relatively lower than last time. The little devil was attracted to that side, and this batch of goods followed the luggage in the passenger ship. It came. Everyone left, and then we mixed with our people at the dock management office into the cargo area that has been inspected, and then it was shipped out. On the road, there are our brothers, taking care of each intersection , There is no Japanese patrol team, so I came here."

"Okay." Fan Keqin said: "Then follow the old rules and contact Ai Chengshan. We can't be a seller who has a buyer and doesn't need a middleman. We should give Ai Chengshan two points according to the ratio last time."

"Understood." After Mengze replied, he hesitated.Seeing him like this, Fan Keqin immediately asked, "What's the matter? Is there anything else?"

"Well, something is up." Na Mengze said: "Ai Chengshan came to me last night, and he introduced me to another buyer. But after seeing him yesterday, he has been busy preparing to pick up the goods today, so he didn't find him. You. Ai Chengshan said that this person has a lot of money, and asked if he could make a batch of goods, and how much he wanted. We don’t need to lower the money, but let us open it. As long as it’s not too much, we can do as much as we say.”

Fan Keqin said: "Who? Didn't Ai Chengshan say anything?"

"No." That Mengze said: "But I think Ai Chengshan looks like he didn't take away the other party's benefits. But Ai Chengshan, you also know that he is quite accurate in judging people, and the person he introduced should be No problem. It's just that the people he introduced seem to have something to do with the people in the south. This new person has such a generous shot. Who has the strength to say that he will eat all our goods at once? I guess this newcomer People, do they also have something to do with the ones in the south?"

"Boss." When Mengze said this, he paused, and said, "The rumors are quite tight now, should we avoid it temporarily?"

Fan Keqin thought for a while, then asked again: "Is it necessary to avoid it... Tell me what you mean."

Mengze thought about his choice of words, and said, "Look, the market is already very strict now, and the Xinzheng Mansion is in such a mess. I heard that the Japanese have even come to clean up this mess. In this case , a person wants to eat all our goods. If this person has nothing to do with Nanmian, then I don't believe it. But what does this person mean by being so high-profile? He looks like he is not bad at money. This is too ostentatious, and there may be accidents what."

Fan Keqin nodded and said: "Well, in this way, you are looking for Ai Chengshan to ask what is the situation of this person. But this time, no matter how much he pays for the goods, it is impossible to give him all. Last time The shares are set and cannot be changed. No matter how much he pays, it will have to wait until the next time.”

"Okay." Mengze said, "Then I'll go back first."

After Mengze went out, Fan Keqin felt something was wrong.He thought about Mengze's words carefully. The other party's meaning was a bit like persuading him to be careful of the Japanese, but it was also a bit like testing himself, telling him not to go against the Japanese.If it's the former, there's nothing wrong with it, because he's doing it for the good of the company, but he just reminded himself to be careful, and don't let the little devils catch the company and people because of these drugs.

But if it's the latter, then why did Mengze say these words?From another perspective, the other party is suspected of helping the little devil.But right now it's a little uncertain.

Also, what's going on with Ai Chengshan, he was able to enjoy a few percent of the share, but now he has introduced someone when the rumors are so serious.And the person I introduced was about to make a package even if he opened his mouth.

If these things are ordinary people, they may really not pay attention to them.But Fan Keqin is different, so after thinking about it.Call and ask Bai Fengtai to come over again.

Bai Fengtai was also busy with what Fan Keqin had told him before, so it took nearly half an hour before he found him again.After sitting down, Bai Fengtai asked, "Brother Heng, what do you need from me?"

Fan Keqin said: "Does Ai Chengshan know?"

"I know." Bai Fengtai said: "Isn't it the boss of the local gang who introduced the drug buyers? I heard that he is very particular about his personality."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, it's one thing to hear about it, but another thing to know about it. Judging from his previous performance, those medicines and the people who introduced them are no problem, and they should be quite reliable. But the Mengze just now Tell me, last night, Ai Chengshan came to him and introduced a new buyer. This buyer wanted to cover our goods, and said that as long as it is not too much, he will quote us..."

Immediately, Fan Keqin repeated the situation when he met Mengze just now.Then he said: "So I feel something is wrong. This matter can't be a problem now. Those medicines are wanted by all parties at this time. It is indeed divided by all parties, so each party actually does not want us accident.

But now suddenly there is such a person who wants to make a package, he is from that side.We have to figure it out.In addition, what Mengze said, it would be fine if he had good intentions, but if he tried to test me, there must be something wrong with him.You send your brother to find out who Mengze has been there recently and who he has contacted.I hope I'm thinking too much. "

Bai Fengtai took a puff of cigarette, and said: "I did feel a little bit when I heard what you said just now. But he didn't have this kind of situation before, right?"

Fan Keqin said: "In the past, he followed Miss Tong, and we didn't have much contact with each other. So we can't say what the situation is now. But there are only two situations. The first one is that Mengze has this kind of personality. Style. Then it’s fine. But if it’s not, it’s the situation we’re worried about...the side of Miss Tong..."

(End of this chapter)

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