spy ace

Chapter 2647 Dead End

The agent went on to say: "In this way, the slow progress will give the other party a chance to escape from other places. Therefore, we will wait here to report to you. Should we let other agencies send people over immediately?"

"Yeah." Kaoru Mishiro's usual job is to investigate and analyze some information.So he is not a reckless man himself, and he can listen to the truth.

Seeing that what my subordinates said is indeed in line with the situation I see now, the area in front of me should not be too small just by looking at it this way, and judging from the style of the building and the situation of the alley, it is also a very old-fashioned , very similar to the criss-cross courtyards and alleys I once saw in Beiping.Therefore, even if the enemy is hiding somewhere quietly, with my own people, even if I can find it, I don't know how long it will take.

In addition, the manpower on hand now is those around him.So there might be some omissions, and if the other party sneaks away from this area, the previous work will be in vain.

After a little thought, Sancheng Kaoru pointed back and said, "You, you, you, each of you in groups of two, drive the car, and immediately squat in different directions around the area to prevent the enemy from sneaking away. If there is a situation, call the police immediately."

"Hi one!" In two groups, a total of six groups of people immediately turned around and walked away.

Sancheng Kaoru said again: "The rest of you, come and have a look!" Then, he came to the corner, pointed with his hand, and said, "See the alley in the middle ahead? It's wider, so I judge , that alley should be the main alley that runs through this area. You, you, you, the eight of you, enter from that alley, and each of you squats at every intersection of this alley, so you can see each other. Pay attention to the left and right alleys, The situation on the trail. If you see someone, immediately use a gun to warn the police."

Immediately afterwards, he stretched out his hand to pat a person beside him, and said, "Except for Mr. Tanaka and I to contact the tactical guidance, the rest of the people are used as a mobile force. Wherever there is a gunshot, they will immediately drive to support. Is it clear?"

"Hey one!" Seeing everyone nodding their heads in unison, Sancheng Kaoru waved his hand violently and said, "Action!"

A special agent immediately began to act according to his separation.Sancheng Kaoru followed the devil named Tanaka, turned around and walked out of the alley, came outside, and said, "I remember that there is a hotel at the corner, and there should be a telephone there."

"Yes." Tanaka said: "The scale is not too small, there are probably some."

Sancheng Kaoru and the two of them trotted all the way back, and after a while, they found the hotel at the last turn on the regular road.

As soon as the two entered, Sancheng Kaoru immediately grabbed a waiter who came over and asked, "Where's the phone?"

In fact, he speaks Chinese very well, but he deliberately asked questions in half-baked words.The waiter felt something was wrong when he heard it, but when he looked at her appearance, he knew that it might be a little devil, so he didn't dare to resist, and immediately led him to the counter in front of him.Use the key to poke the phone locked in the wooden box.

Sancheng Kaoru immediately started calling, and quickly got him in touch with the command post of this operation, saying: "We have trapped them in an old-fashioned residential area...just here...please send troops over immediately to arrest them." This place is surrounded by...hey...team leader, don't worry, we will do our best."

After Sancheng Kaoru and the two devils contacted the leader of their security team, the devil's gendarmerie immediately began to assemble, boarded the troop truck, and drove towards this side.At the same time, Michikatsu Ozaki, the leader of Shunichi Terauchi's security team, also immediately called a police sub-station in this area of ​​the puppet government, and asked them to send people there immediately to help Kaoru Sanjo seal off the residential area.

And the agents of the four security bureaus of Chai Shuyi in the residential area were trotting all the way to that exit.As soon as we got to the exit, a car drove over.Ding Le at the front thought it was an ordinary car, so he wanted to go out immediately, through the passage, and go to another residential building opposite.

In the end, he was pulled back by Heng Yunze who was behind him, and said, "That's the secret agent's car."

Everyone shrank back immediately, Guan Hongshuo saw a coal shed here, the door was ajar.He stretched out his hand and pulled it away, letting everyone hide in.Then he closed the door and said: "It seems that these spies are very smart. They must have sent someone to drive and guard the periphery of this residential area. Let's run outside. After being seen by them, they only need to follow up and shoot , we have enough."

"Then what should we do?" Ding Le said, "They will definitely send people to search immediately. I'm afraid we won't be able to hide here for too long."

"It's not just that." Chai Shuyi said in a deep voice: "The spies have backup. When their reinforcements come, there will be more people, and after they surround us...it's only a matter of time before we are found by them."

Heng Yunze said: "Guys, I'm afraid we really won't be able to escape this meeting..." While talking, he used his eyes to look out through the cracks in the planks of the coal shed, so as to prevent people from outside from knowing that they were coming.

As a result, when he looked this way, he suddenly saw that about forty meters ahead, the end of an electric pole protruded from the junction of the roofs of a family's house in front.

Seeing that he stopped talking halfway through his speech, the others thought he had noticed someone approaching, so they all raised their guns.Chai Shuyi asked in a low voice: "Someone is here? Is it a spy?"

"No." Heng Yunze said: "I saw the phone line. Can we play with each other?"

"What do you mean?" Chai Shuyi asked.

Heng Yunze said: "Anyway, we have nothing else to do now, let's try it. Let's sneak into that family, and I saw that it should be a telephone line. So can we use the telephone line to give the police here The bureau said a home address, found a few sneaky people, and see if they can be transferred to these spies."

"En." Chai Shuyi glanced at everyone, and said, "There is really no other way now, just do it like this."

After Heng Yunze heard this, he immediately opened the door of the coal shed.Immediately lead everyone forward.Everyone came to the intersection, and just walked under the courtyard of the family he mentioned, and immediately began to climb over the wall.

That is, they had just climbed over the wall and entered, and at the intersection, a spy had already come here.It is also because the spy is cautious, and this intersection is the head of this intersection, the longest distance, and it is necessary to prevent black guns, so he has just come here at this time.But in fact, it didn't take much time in total...

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