spy ace

Chapter 2649 Surrounding

After receiving the notification from Bai Fengtai, Bi Liang hung up the phone, picked up the submachine gun he had prepared, got up and said: "Shangfeng ordered, at the intersection of the residential area west of Busheng Alley, North District, request, [-] Within minutes, lay an ambush at the intersection without being noticed." He glanced at his watch and continued: "At [-]:[-] on time, attack vertically towards Busheng Alley. The purpose is to meet the four trapped in Busheng Alley. My brother. Are you clear?"

"Clear!" All twelve people in the room except Bi Liang answered in unison.

Bi Liang said: "Then let's go, each get in the car! Hurry up! Time is running out!"

Everyone left the house immediately, Bi Liang grabbed one of them, and said, "Xiao Guan, you lead a team. This mission is very dangerous. I don't know the number of enemies and the condition of their weapons. And we've finished it." The task of rescuing people will definitely face the pursuit of the Japanese puppets, so first, let me tell you the addresses of the two safe houses. Once the brothers cannot return to their own camps, these two safe houses will become very difficult. It's crucial."

As he said that, Bi Liang told the address of the two safe houses to the person named Xiao Guan, and then said: "I asked you to prepare the bomb set by TNT and the Molotov cocktail, have you prepared it?"

"Ready." Xiao Guan said: "There are not many TNT bombs left, about ten in total. There are quite a lot of Molotov cocktails, thirty in total, and they have been distributed to the brothers according to your instructions."

"Okay." In the time of speaking, even a person has already left the room, and got into the car on the left rear and the car in the middle.

Soon, the convoy of three cars started heading towards the destination.Originally, their team was sent by Bai Fengtai, the closest support team to Busheng Alley.

However, they are definitely not as fast as the support of the devils and puppet Wang.After Mishiro Kaoru made the call, only six or seven minutes later, the first batch of support arrived.

There are a total of [-] people in charge of the Wang Puppet Patrol Office in this area.These people are the chiefs of Kaoru Sanjo, contacted.After all, this place is quite out of the way. After all, is it leading to the airport? It must be a little bit out of the way.Fortunately, I didn't go out of the city. If someone came from the devil's side, it must be slower. Is there a distance?

Based on the principle of proximity, first send those who can support them over.But now the twenty city patrollers are not doing much good.The number of people is definitely not enough.Sancheng Kaoru pondered for a while, and said to the leader of the twenty people: "This area is relatively large, so there are many entrances and exits. Although I have asked our people to guard in several directions to prevent these counterattacks The Japanese #恐怖#恐怖# fled, but there are too few people, which may cause negligence. Therefore, your characters are divided into two teams, one on the left and one on the right, and walk up along the edge of this residential area. Every time someone meets me, just leave some people behind and just follow their command. Do you understand?"

"Don't worry, Taijun, I'll take my brothers there." The little boss immediately began to follow what Kaoru Sanjo said.But his twenty people are not enough for this place.That is, there are a few more eyes in all directions.The encirclement is still very weak.

About six or seven minutes later, the second batch of support came, still from the puppet Wang, a group of police officers from the North District Bureau.The number of people is not very large, there are only sixteen people in total.It's not that they don't want to come.It's just that the North District Bureau itself doesn't have so many cars, and before that, their branch office also received a call to the police, that is, in a residential area not far from the branch office, underground party activities were found.A large number of police forces have been dispatched to catch the so-called underground party.So this time, only sixteen people came.

In fact, this is the strategy that Chai Shuyi and the others discussed before.After they reported to Bai Fengtai, they immediately made several consecutive phone calls.They are Wang Puppet's North District Police Bureau, the report phone number of the Little Devils Gendarmerie, the report phone number of the City Defense Battalion, and the security report phone number of the patrol team.

The purpose is very simple. They know that they will not be able to hide here for a long time, but it is good to be able to divert the power that the little devil and the puppet Wang may support, even a little bit.Because of Chai Shuyi's continuous phone calls, it can be said to be full of nonsense, nonsense comes as soon as you open your mouth, come quickly, I seem to see someone with an underground party, sneaking around.Yes, I saw it on the original arrest warrant. Oh, it seems that there are quite a few people following him.I also saw them carrying several long things, covered with cloth, are they guns...

Anyway, it's similar, if you say it seriously, you have a nose and eyes, the details are sufficient, and your emotions are reasonable.Just to make the Japanese puppet feel, huh?There are big fish.The purpose is to let the Japanese and puppets deploy more manpower to catch big fish.

And the manpower of the Japanese puppets is abundant.But if there are more people catching big fish, there will definitely be fewer people who will take care of themselves.

It has to be said that this crooked trick of Chai Shuyi and others has seen results.The third wave of people supporting Kaoru Sanjo was also not many, and they were sent by the gendarmerie stronghold on the devil's side, because it was not the gendarmerie headquarters or the pioneer battalion.It's just a stronghold of manpower, not much in itself.In addition, they received a mission and said that there was an underground party meeting in the shopping mall on Linsen Avenue to the east of them.Therefore, the person in charge of this stronghold immediately sent a large number of people there to surround the shopping malls on Linsen Street first.

In one stronghold, there is a small team of devil gendarmes, a total of about [-] people.As a result, it went down for more than [-] days, and there were only twelve people who came here to support.In fact, they could come here faster, but mainly because when they went to Linsen Street, the vehicles in the stronghold were all used up.They came running, therefore, the third wave arrived.

Sancheng Xun and the military police leader drew a circle on the ground and said, "This is this residential area. Our purpose is to seal off the first perimeter of this area and make them caged birds. In this way, it is only a matter of time before we catch them. Please deploy your manpower to the east side, where there are the most entrances and exits, please."

"Hi one." Juncao agreed, and immediately led the team to the east side of this area.

And just when the devil's military police arrived, Chai Shuyi and others who were hiding in the rich man's house looked at their watches and said, "There are still two minutes. We have already done what we should do now." ..."

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