spy ace

Chapter 2654 American Spy

Chapter 2654 American Spy
Fan Angran didn't go anywhere else, he just stood at the door and looked into the locked room of Li Tianye with his hands behind his back.The people in the infirmary in No. [-] are treating Li Tianye inside.In fact, it was just a bandage. His hands, feet, and body were all wounded.Therefore, the hygienists in the infirmary need to take a lot of trouble to deal with it.

Fan Angran looked at it for a while, then turned around and came to the door of another room, looking inside to see the situation.This is the room where Wang Liben was detained. He received electric shocks and a tiger bench. His injuries were more serious, and he passed out.At this time, a doctor was examining him.

After watching for a while, out of the corner of his eye, Fan Angran caught a glimpse to the left, separated by two torture rooms, the door suddenly opened.Fan Angran didn't move, pretending not to see, still watching the doctor's operation inside.

It seemed that two people came out of that door, it was Jin Deshui, the captain of the first team, and a clerk he brought during the interrogation.After Jin Deshui came out, he saw Fan Angran. He turned his head and said, "Go back and sort out your confession. I'll be back later."

"Yes." The clerk agreed and left.And Jin Deshui came to Fan Angran, glanced into the room, and said, "Is this a severe punishment? Broken leg?"

"Ah." Fan Angran turned his head to look at him, and said: "Electric torture, and a tiger stool. But this old boy is the toughest, see, this time, he passed out three times, and he couldn't even say a word." Do not say."

"The Red Party, right?" Jin Deshui said, "This group of people has the hardest bones. Brother, your luck is a bit unlucky."

"Huh?" Fan Angran said: "I hear what you mean, you are not arresting the Red Party?"

Jin Deshui smiled and said, "Yankee."

"I'm stupid, big fish." Fan Angran said differently: "Yankees are not common, what's the matter?"

Jin Deshui was indeed very proud.At the beginning of last year, before Wang Zhaohai died, he asked for a lot of benefits from the little devil.Declared war on countries such as the United States, Britain, etc. Therefore, the Wang puppet and the United States are in a hostile relationship.However, it was also because the war had just been declared for more than a year, so the progress of the crackdown on the spies of the Meidi family had just begun, so the captured spies of the Meidi family were still relatively small.

Another reason is that there are indeed very few spies in the Meidi family.After all, there are more whites and blacks in the Meidi family, and whites account for the majority of high-level people and special industries such as espionage.Not to mention Asians.After the little devils attacked Pearl Harbor, they urgently trained some Asian spies.Therefore, summing it up, there are so few spies from the Meidi family captured.

Jin Deshui said: "I just finished the trial, and I haven't reported it to the director yet. Anyway, this time, I did catch a big fish as you said."

It is said that they have all been taken down now, so there is no need to keep them secret.But Jin Deshui still didn't elaborate.After answering a sentence, he continued: "I won't tell you now, I'll go to the director."

"Well, go quickly." Fan Angran said: "If it's really a big fish, let me tell you, it's your treat."

"Hahaha." Jin Deshui turned his head while walking and said, "Okay, I will treat you later."

After Jin Deshui left, Fan Angran remained still.Looking at the doctor's busy work, the injury is indeed not serious, especially after the leg is broken, it is very troublesome to treat.So after watching it for a while, Fan Angran did the same thing as before, playing with the words of the third captain, Lan Jianyong, and learned that the other party had arrested someone from the military command.

So Fan Angran looked at it for a while, and told the guards to watch closely, and he turned around and went upstairs without waiting for the second captain.I didn't smoke a few cigarettes.

The director of the first office asked Fan Angran to go to the conference room for a meeting.After entering, Fan Angran saw that Lan Jianyong and Jin Deshui had come, except for the second chief, Wang Gang.

Fan Angran said: "Hey, do you know what's going on?" Then he took out a pack of cigarettes and took out one by himself, then threw the cigarette case on the table.

Jin Deshui took the cigarette case and lit one, handed it to Lan Jianyong who was next to him and said, "What else can it be, it must be the few people arrested yesterday, let's touch each other and see if there is any progress."

Lan Jianyong also took one, lit it and took a puff, then threw the cigarette case to Fan Angran, and said, "I guess it's the same thing. Why hasn't Old Wang come yet?"

Fan Angran said: "It's not over yet. The two mouths I interrogated were so fucking hard. You all watched how they were beaten. They couldn't speak. So I saw a doctor to treat their injuries. , I wanted to ask how it was, but it took too long, so I went upstairs. Anyway, I didn’t see Pharaoh when I went upstairs. Maybe it’s because I’ve made significant progress.”

Jin Deshui curled his lips slightly, but quickly took a puff of cigarette, which was very well concealed.Said: "Old Wang is not only capable, but luck also looks good. The longer the time, the more information will be spewed out. Our brothers are not as lucky as Old Wang."

Lan Jianyong sneered, and said: "Well, sometimes it's like this, life is more important than anything else. Luck is really unacceptable, how much effort we have made, how much effort others have made, I heard yesterday that you He must be the first to come back." He pointed at Fan Angran, and continued: "But if you meet the toughest two, it's useless to come back early. But look at Lao Wang, he came back later than you After a while, the interrogation has not ended until now, so you don’t need to ask, you must have made significant progress. It’s luck to keep quiet.”

"Hey, hey." Fan Angran said with a smile, "I haven't made any progress, and I'm not so sour. You are more energetic than me. Haven't you also made progress?"

"Yeah." Lan Jianyong said: "There is progress, but I met a cunning guy and asked me for conditions. It's like squeezing toothpaste, squeeze some out, and tell me some treatment requirements. Fuck it, people I haven’t said anything yet, so I haven’t sent the sentence yet. Before I came out, I just figured out the basic information of this B’s raising.”

With that said, Lan Jianyong turned his head to look at Jin Deshui and said, "Old Jin, are you doing well?"

"Success." Jin Deshui said: "It's not that you don't know that Yankees don't have the concept of preferring death to surrender. So when the torture equipment was placed, they said everything, but there was one boy who was not worth much and didn't know much."

Just as he was talking, the door slammed, and three people walked in from the outside.The one in the middle is Jia Xingjue, the director of the First Division, and on his left is a man in his mid-thirties with a dark face. Just by looking at his face, he seems to be quite fat.But in fact, this person only has a round face and a strong body, but he doesn't mean to be bloated at all. He is also quite tall...

(End of this chapter)

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