spy ace

2663 Jailbreak

2663 Jailbreak
After remembering, I swallowed the paper.In other words, Shan Haiyang is basically the same as Zuoqiuwang, and he has received basically the same things, except that in his blueprints, and the key, there is no door to the prison area and the last door, all of them are to open the door of the labeled cell the key.But the meaning, Single Ocean is perfectly clear.

In addition, in the several rooms marked, Wu Cong took advantage of his position.For example, when patrolling the prison area.They also handed over a small note, and the words written on the note were also very simple: wait for someone to open the door at night, just follow along.

Wu Cong was also observing them at work these days, especially when he was out, he was observing the few prisoners who had handed over the note.But they obviously chose to keep quiet.After all, they themselves knew best why they were locked up here, so in their hearts, they definitely hoped to escape from here.

Also, Wu Cong is also creating opportunities these days.He took advantage of the time when others were not paying attention, and unscrewed very critical light bulbs in several places during his commute.Don't unscrew it all the way, but unscrew it so that the bulb is free from the electrode contacts inside the socket.Wu Cong is also very smart, he didn't unscrew several light bulbs at once.

Instead, unscrew one today and two tomorrow.And every place is different.In addition, nothing else happened, so his behavior did not attract anyone's attention at all.

In other words, every department in the later generations must have a unit called the maintenance team.But these days, electricians are senior technical talents.What is the national literacy rate, let alone electromechanical maintenance, or the knowledge of electricity for low-voltage operation.So, the lightbulb in the prison went out, or there was a fault in that wiring or something.The prison guards don't care about it, at most they will report to the higher authorities when the electricians will be called in and when they will be repaired.Anyway, we are just prison guards. If we don't earn that money, who the hell would like to work more!
Therefore, for several days in a row, it was a very simple one, the light bulb was unscrewed, and no one cared.But it's normal, after all, the walls of Tiger Bridge Prison No. [-] are very high.Just one door on the side, and one door on the front.The front gate and two posts are guarded [-] hours a day, and there must be relevant procedures for getting in and out of the car.

As for the door on the side, it is said that when it was being built, during the Westernization Movement, it deliberately learned from foreigners and built a trendy fire escape.Moreover, the gates of the prison are all opposite to each other, and they are very tall iron gates.Under the big iron door on the left is a door-in-door, that is, there is a single iron door that can pass through.

But only the prison guards on duty that day can have the key to the iron gate.And it won't be used for many years.After all, although the side also leads to a road, but this road, further away from the narration, is a train line, and after passing the train line, it is the home.There is no normal path.But if you go here to get off work, you have to go around in a circle, so no one has passed by.The most important thing is, if it is in the hands of the prison guards on duty, who would like to run extra errands, open this door for you, and then walk back after closing it by yourself.It is impossible for anyone with a little brain to be willing to bother the prison guards on duty.

In this way, Wu Cong observed for several days and felt that there was no problem.On this day, he finally received a notice to go online and act tonight.

This escape plan was naturally made by Fan Keqin.Although Wu Cong was in prison, he passed notes, handed homemade wooden keys, and twisted light bulbs to test things out.But Wu Cong was almost at a very low level of danger.

After all, for handing notes and the like, just hide them in the bowl.There is only one sliding window above each cell, and there is an opening the size of a palm. As long as he does not step back a certain distance, or deliberately brings his face to a position parallel to the opening, the prisoners in the cell can't even see what he looks like, at most Just to be able to see him wearing a police uniform.

The implementation of the plan is also divided into two parts. Wu Cong is responsible for working in the prison.But for the escape routes outside and the preparations, Fan Keqin and the others needed to provide them.It's impossible for Wu Cong, a small prison guard, to do it together.It was too much work, and he couldn't handle it.

For example, the prepared car.Responding to manual screening.It is also safer to go out of Shanghai through those routes, which require a lot of people to investigate in detail, or even walk around in person before choosing a good one.

And after listening to Wu Cong's report for several days, and Fan Keqin asked Bai Fengtai to send manpower, and after confirming the prepared vehicles, the investigation route and so on.On this day, Fan Keqin, after repeated evaluation several times, made sure that there was nothing wrong with it, so he told Bai Fengtai to send Wu Cong's upline to contact Wu Cong and act tonight.

Wu Cong still goes to work normally, but he is on the night shift and is on duty at night.If something goes wrong, you are really responsible.However, Fan Keqin has also evaluated that Wu Cong himself has never shown himself, and the chopsticks and keys he made are the kind used by prisoners in prisons. If you really want to pursue responsibility, it is also a matter of the food side. Who made you sloppy? Yes, some chopsticks are short by a section and I didn't find it.Therefore, although Wu Cong is responsible, the relationship should not be significant.At that time, it will be no problem to ask Wu Cong to give them the money.

From this incident, Fan Keqin felt that the inside line of the prison was still a little underdeveloped.And it's just a prison guard. Although this prison guard, let alone, his ability makes him feel a little amazing.But if the power of the prison is greater, it will definitely be able to do more things.Furthermore, as the war has reached the present, although the little devil has shown signs of decline, his madness is getting stronger and stronger.Therefore, I am afraid that more and more people will be thrown into this Tiger Bridge Prison in the future.

Therefore, Fan Keqin also pondered, after this incident, in the second prison, he will need to develop a few more insiders.It would be the best effect if the high-level officials of the prison were also taken down.

Wu Cong came to the class. Since he was on duty at night, he came to take over at three o'clock in the afternoon.After taking over, it is basically necessary to prepare dinner. Although the cook is responsible for serving the meal, it is impossible for the cook to go by himself, and the prison guards must follow him.Therefore, Wu Cong started having dinner with the food again.

Chatting with the food person, distracting his attention.At the same time, Wu Cong was also busy with work, passing a bowl, helping the cook to spoon rice and so on.Therefore, very easily, he put the corresponding...

(End of this chapter)

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