spy ace

Chapter 2678

Go out through a door here, then go up to another floor, pass through a corridor, and then enter the cafeteria.

This is where the workers on the ship, some sailors, etc. eat.As for the place where passengers eat, it is on the upper level of Class A, and there is a special restaurant.

After entering, everyone took a plate and said, this Bibo Maru is the boat of the little devil.The little devil can be said to be a country that worships foreign countries extremely and has always wanted to leave Asia and enter Europe, so it is learning from Europe in all aspects.The canteen of Bibomaru is also the same as the canteen in European countries.

There are several vats of ready-made food in front of you. Each person distributes a plate and lines up. Every time you pass a vat, the people behind will give you a spoon with a big spoon.If you don't have enough to eat, you can come again after finishing this time.

Not to mention, today's food is really good.There is a little canned food in it, which can be regarded as meaty.Zhou Xiaoliu came to a table with two workers and started eating and drinking with the plate.

His original plan was to find a place to place the bomb as soon as possible, and then find a chance to jump into the water from the boat.In this way, taking advantage of not being too far away, and my good water quality, there is no problem in swimming to the shore.

But it seems that it can't do it now, let's talk about it when we find a chance.Zhou Xiaoliu and a few workers finished eating, so they didn't go down immediately, but went out from this side, went up the stairs, and came to the deck.The main deck is actually in the middle and front of the ship, they are in the back.The place is relatively small, but maybe after lunch, there are many sailors who have nothing to do, and they are all active here and basking in the sun.

After a few people came to the deck, they took out their cigarettes and lit them up.In fact, there is still sunshine outside, so even with the sea breeze blowing, it is not too cold.Several people started chatting with each other.Even though Zhou Xiaoliu deliberately catered to them, the atmosphere of their chat was quite good.

When they finished smoking, everyone threw their cigarette butts into the sea, and one of the workers said, "Okay, let's go down, the foreman hasn't eaten yet." After hearing this, several people turned around and went downstairs.

Zhou Xiaoliu also went down with them. In fact, he just observed it and felt that it was still not good.He did see life buoys or life jackets in some places.On the side of the ship's side, there is also a lifesaving boat.

But now is definitely not an opportunity. On this rear deck, many sailors may be basking on the deck after eating.If he jumped down now, he might be seen and "saved" himself.Isn't that fucked up?

I can only continue to mix with these people, go down to the bottom, and replace the foreman up.A few people started to fill in coal... That's it. After the foreman came back from dinner, they filled in a few more trucks of coal. The agent named Zhou Xiaoliu found that some of these workers also went to the toilet from time to time. What.

He felt that the time was almost up, and the upper deck, the wind and the sun should have been finished.So after filling a new load of coal, he put the shovel aside, waited for a while, and after seeing that no one wanted to go to the toilet, he said, "I'm going to the toilet."

Sure enough, no one wanted to go with him.In order to extend the time, Zhou Xiaoliu also asked the foreman for a few pieces of paper.Going along the previous road, when the tool eucalyptus was narrating, he saw that the foreman and the few workers did not look over, so he reached out and took a short-handled chisel in his hand.Then he went up to the platform, took back the clothes he had hidden, put on his coat, put the chisel in his pocket, and put his hand in the pocket, so that no one could see anything wrong from the outside.

After going up the stairs from the back to the deck, sure enough, there were no people there at this time, and they should have all returned to their jobs.So I came to the side, still did not see anyone, then took out the chisel, pointed at the bottom of the lifeboat, swung it round and bang twice, and directly chiseled the bottom of the wooden lifeboat.

Immediately put away the chisel, and walked forward along the side of the boat.Another lifeboat was seen.It may be that the ship has been sailing for a long time, and there are really few people watching the scenery on the deck. After all, the weather is getting warmer and colder now. When I first got on the ship, I could blow the sea breeze for a while and look at the sea view. It’s been a long time since I’ve been sailing, the water is all around, the scenery is actually quite the same, plus it’s cold, who the hell wants to stay on the deck.

Therefore, it made it easier for Zhou Xiaoliu to do things. When he saw the lifeboat, he took advantage of the fact that there was no one there, so he poked his eyes out a few times.The places chosen are relatively hidden places. As long as the passenger ship does not have an accident, who will care about these life-saving equipment.

After walking around for nearly a circle, Zhou Xiaoliu basically drilled out everything that could be seen, including the bottom of the lifeboat.Of course, there were people not far from two of the lifeboats, and he didn't force it.As for life jackets and buoys, there was nothing he could do. There were too many on board, and he had no time to destroy them, and he didn't have the time to do so.

Coming to the rear deck again, Zhou Xiaolou took off his outer coat and threw it into the water.Then he took a life jacket and put it on his body, and took another life buoy. Taking advantage of no one, he made a quick run-up two steps, jumped from the direction of the stern, and jumped directly into the sea.

It is said that the propeller is easy to win people in, but in fact, if it is outside the stern of the cong, the propeller has a thrust.If you jump from the middle and get closer to the boat, you may be "sucked" in.

In addition, Zhou Xiaolou is a run-up jump, and the distance itself is farther, so naturally it is fine.It's just that he slightly underestimated the temperature in the water.The moment he plunged into the water, he even shuddered.

But there is no way, let's swim.Looking back, I watched the passenger ship getting farther and farther away from me.Zhou Xiaoliu no longer hesitated, wearing a life jacket on his upper body and a life buoy around his waist, so he didn't have to worry about the possibility of sinking.Using hands and feet together, began to swim approximately in the direction of the shore.

In fact, Zhou Xiaoliu is not sure that this direction must be right.You can only wait until night, when the stars come out, and you can distinguish the position before you can be sure.But he jumped towards the stern of the boat, so he swam towards this side now, and he felt that there should be no problem in the general direction.

Besides, it would be colder if he didn't swim.It's not as good as being active, and it can generate some heat.It's just that Zhou Xiaoliu also knows.The speed of the boat is many times different from the speed of swimming.Don't look at that ship, it's just sailed for about seven hours, from morning to this afternoon...

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