spy ace

Chapter 2680

Zhou Xiaoliu was like this, thinking about something in his head, to make himself more motivated, while shaking his arms and paddling the water. High and low can be distinguished, it may have been mid-afternoon, and I don't know how long I will have to swim.It is best to be able to reach the coastline before the sun goes down, otherwise, if I come another night, I guess I must be late.

Just as he was thinking about it, when his hands were circling the water, his eyesight also fluctuated, but in this state, Zhou Xiaoliu suddenly found a ship in the far end of his sight, as if there was a ship?

Zhou Xiaoliu immediately stopped and looked closely. It was indeed a boat, but it was a little far away, almost on the sea level.Okay, since it's not an illusion, what else can I say?Keep paddling.

Feeling full of strength again, Zhou Xiaoliu continued to swim quickly.This energy can't be unloaded, from a relatively fast swimming to a relatively slow swimming, I don't know how long it took for this process, but Zhou Xiaoliu held his breath and just kept going.Fortunately, I was wearing a life jacket and a life buoy around my waist.There is almost no need to consider whether it is sinkable or not, as long as you kick your legs and swing your arms.

In this way, I don't know how long it has passed, and it is already evening when I look at the sun.No way, let’s continue swimming. After confirming the direction is correct, the arms continue to swing, and the small body pushes away the waves. The evening sun is reflected on the water surface, surrounded by sea breeze and seabirds.The small body floats lightly in the water...

In fact, the ship that I saw before did not know where it went.It is also impossible to expect the other party to find him. In fact, the probability is quite low.Unless it's that kind of big ship, there are watchmen looking around [-] hours a day, and they have to search carefully on purpose.Otherwise, it would be extremely difficult to find a small figure of a person in such a vast ocean.

How to do?Continue to swim.Grit your teeth and hold on.Persevere until I no longer have any ability to paddle... As time slips away, the sun has stopped on the horizon.Before long, it will sink into the sea.

Not to mention, the scenery is really nice.It's just that Zhou Xiaoliu doesn't have the heart to appreciate it, and the direction of swimming is different from his own. You need to turn your head to see it, which will affect your own paddling.Water paddling is really addictive. Once you start watching it, you really can't stop.

Zhou Xiaoliu, thinking of this, couldn't help but smile.But at this moment, he vaguely saw a line directly in front of his swimming direction, at the sea level, which was different from other appearances of the sea line.Um?

Zhou Xiaoliu didn't dare to stop, but he slowed down his paddling speed and continued to swim, so that he could see clearly.Fuck me!coastline!It's the coastline.

Come on, buddy, I'm just that good, my abilities are so superb, and my physical fitness is just so awesome.There was a surge of heat in my heart.Power filled his body again.Continue to paddle, as long as I persist, I will be invincible.

All kinds of unrealistic chicken soup in my mind are the same as the real thing.The smile on Zhou Xiaoliu's face remained for a long time, and he also paddled for an unknown amount of time.As the saying goes, Wangshan runs dead horses.The same is true at sea. When you see the coastline, you also need to swim very, very old.

It was so old that the sun had already set on the water, and the sky was completely dark.The icy night fell, wrapping Zhou Xiaoliu's body again, trying to sink him in the end, just before he was about to succeed.

However, Zhou Xiaoliu did not give in, he still moved forward bravely.At the moment when the stars in the sky are very bright and the moon is also extremely beautiful, I finally came to the shore.

It's okay, he's been optimistic about it before, even though it's a beach.But it is also undeveloped, but as long as it is a beach, if it is a group of reefs, I have to swim sideways to avoid being shot to death on the reef by the waves.Now there is no need to choose another location.

In the end, Zhou Xiaoliu pushed herself onto the beach almost by relying on the waves.No, let me tell you about my own body, I know you want to rest, but during this rest, the beach will absorb all the remaining heat in your body, and when the time comes, this rest will be permanent up.Let's hold on for the last time!
Zhou Xiaoliu muttered silently, propped his limbs on the beach, and got up flickeringly just like the waves pushing him ashore.Don't tell me, after staying in the water for such a long time, once you get ashore, you still can't walk.

There is a small forest in front of the beach, there is no way, I drag my body to the front of the small forest, and I am not afraid of anything.Facing the sea, we have all broken through, right? It's just a forest.continue!
Fortunately, the woods are really not that big. Zhou Xiaoliu estimated that he had already worn out after walking for a short time, and there was still no road outside.He looked around and took a look, not to mention, when he looked this way, he seemed to see something in the front left, when his line of sight was about to end.It's just too dark to be sure.It seems to be that kind of field, but it's not the season yet, so it's a barren field.

It is necessary to confirm that if there is a field here, it means that there must be someone.As long as you find someone else, then you are fine.You can also confirm that this is that.

Dragging his tired body, Zhou Xiaoliu walked over.When I came to the front, I was very happy in my heart, it was indeed a field.It was easy to find a field, and soon, he followed the field to find the dirt road that farmers used when farming.Then he walked along the dirt road for another half an hour, vaguely, in front of a dirt hill in front of him, by moonlight, he saw a few houses...

In other words, after Zhou Xiaoliu disappeared on the boat, he didn't immediately arouse any ideas.The workers thought that he had diarrhea or something, and that he would take longer to defecate.

But the longer you wait, the worse it feels.No one takes shit for such a long time, so how much inventory does it have?The foreman immediately sent two people to look for him, but he searched all the public toilets on the boat, but he could only see his feces, but not his person.

Then the foreman went to his boss, and it turned out that there was no such person as Zhou Xiaoliu.This made him a little strange, but after he came back, although he told all the workers, he didn't take it seriously.

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