spy ace

Chapter 2682 Last Words

Shunichi Terauchi's team also noticed it, but now these ships are far away from them, and the shots fired before did make other ships afraid to approach them.

In addition, many people on board jumped down, so there were also many people in the water calling for help, and the few intact lifeboats rescued them all.No matter how big the lifeboat is, there can't be many people in it. After a while, it will be full of people, and it will be overloaded. However, some people who fell into the water wanted to grab the straw, and they were still actively approaching, wanting to get on the boat.

In this case, if people were to come up again, not only would they not be able to save people, but the whole lifeboat would be at risk of capsizing, so the people on the lifeboat shouted: "We can't put more people on, we will capsize ourselves." .Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up."

"What about these people in the water?" a man yelled.

"No way. Unless you want to give up your place to one of them."

Who can not understand these principles?Save yourself first, then save others.The few remaining boats rowed one after another and left this place.

Under such circumstances, Shunichi Terauchi's team had no choice but to grab the old devil and pick up a lifebuoy on the water.Before the water leaks and sinks completely, let the old devil have an extra insurance.

The old devil is now wearing an immersion suit and a life buoy.It's pretty sure it won't sink anymore, but the timing of the explosion is very special, just before eating.In other words, the old devil and his own team members had no food in their stomachs, so after all the lifesaving boats sank to the bottom of the sea, their bodies were soaked in the water. After a while, they lost too much heat .

Those who can only swim around, take Shunichi Terauchi to swim in the direction where there may be land.This tour is actually a bit better, after all, if there is an activity, it can generate heat.

But Shunichi Terauchi is not very good, he is in a high position, although he usually takes a walk or something.But that was on land, but the heat generated by his swimming at this time was not enough for the sea water to absorb.He had no choice but to risk his life, panting and swimming more violently.However, he can't do this kind of strenuous exercise.After swimming for a while, he couldn't swim anymore.

You can only rest for a while, but the cold sea water will not wait for you, it will absorb the heat from your body non-stop.Terauchi Shunichi felt that he had just stopped to take a few breaths, and his body became cold again. This kind of thing can't be done for others. What should I do? Swim forward by yourself.

But that is going forward, and it is impossible for others to do it for the generation of heat.So the old devil had no choice but to gather his strength, grit his teeth and swim fast.Not to mention, this old devil really has a lot of tenacity.In this way, Yu, who was almost desperate, persisted until the sun went down, and Shunichi Terauchi couldn't hold on after all.

He patted the arm of Hiroyuki Mizugaki, the person in charge of the security team who had been holding him, and said tremblingly, "Stop, Mizugaki-kun."

Hiroyuki Mizugaki turned his head to look at the old devil, and said, "Your Excellency, you... please persevere, believe me, I will definitely be able to take you to land."

The old devil forced a smile, and said: "Of course... I believe that Mizugaki-kun's character... and ability will definitely bring me to land, but... it's just that my body is failing...so... so I will betray Mizugaki-kun's trust."

Looking at Junichi Terauchi's face, he was completely bloodless from the cold.Hiroyuki Mizugaki didn't know that Shunichi Terauchi was really going to die, Hiroyuki Mizugaki said: "Your Excellency, what happened this time must be the enemy's purposeful action. I guess the explosion was also a bomb installed inside, because those lifeboats, Almost all of them are leaking, which is the damage done by the enemy."

Terauchi Shunichi couldn't even make a forced smile for a while, and said: "Mizugaki-kun, please... please tell the empire that the war in Southeast Asia is not enough...not to be feared, but... ...But India is different, the Yinggualan people will not give up...so...so, we must send more troops, strive to use thunder means to quickly...quickly seize the control of the mining area..."

Whoever came here, Terauchi Junyi shivered suddenly, and then his whole body began to twitch, and with his last breath, he said forcefully: "The troops in the Huaxia Theater...can't...move the troops...to the direction of the Pacific Ocean. We We can only rely on...relying on the land of China...otherwise...to face...the alliance..."

In the end, Shunichi Terauchi no longer had the strength to speak.But it seemed that at this moment, he felt warm on his body, and besides being speechless, he was actually very comfortable.

Mizugaki Hiroyuki said: "Don't worry, Your Excellency, I will definitely pass on your words to the military department..." At this point, he looked at Terauchi Shunichi's face that seemed to be smiling but had already entered a relaxed state, gritted his teeth and said fiercely: " In addition, I will return to Huaxia, and I will try my best to find out the cause of this incident and avenge the general."

After saying this, Hiroyuki Mizugaki saw Shunichi Terauchi completely motionless.There are several subordinates around him, one of them gently opened the closed eyelids of Toshiichi Terauchi, and said: "Tong Kong has begun to spread, team leader... Please be sorry, we still rely on you .”

Mizugaki Hiroyuki nodded, looked at the stars in the sky, found the position of the Big Dipper, then pointed in a direction, and said: "Everyone, the sea water is really too cold, especially at night. So, from now on, we cannot Stop for a moment, because as long as we stop, our body will lose heat quickly. Swimming in this direction will definitely reach the land."

"Hey one!" These little devils can still follow at this time, and they are also the best of the best.Yes, but mentally very firm.

Hiroyuki Mizugaki let go of Shunichi Terauchi lightly, and said: "Your Excellency, we have no way to take your body back, but please rest assured, we will live with your will from now on." After all, be firm He turned around and said, "Let's go!"

As he spoke, he led a few subordinates around him and began to swim in the direction of his finger.

Water and fire are ruthless, this is the experience summed up by the ancients.Faced with this situation, no matter who it is, it will be difficult.It is even more difficult for older people to face this kind of disaster.But Hiroyuki Mizugaki and others are not...

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