spy ace

Chapter 2685

Chapter 2685
They have time clues, so after checking, they can be found very easily.There were several people in the cargo distribution area of ​​the wharf. Not long after the Bibo Maru left the port, no one has seen them again until now.And they disappeared directly. Since several people are just workers, and in general, it is really not difficult to recruit workers on the dock.Therefore, no one cared about it at first.

Hiroyuki Mizugaki finally got the information of these three people. Of course, the information and identities of these three people must not be their real identities, but they still have to get them.

In the name of the military investigation team, Hiroyuki Mizugaki directly confiscated the two suites on the top floor of the Lusheng Hotel, not far from the Gendarmerie in the Central District, as the core command post of the investigation team.

After getting the information, Hiroyuki Mizugaki led his men downstairs immediately, got in the car, and didn't go to the addresses of these three people, because it was definitely impossible for these three people to live at these addresses, so there was no need to worry.Therefore, first of all, I went to the police sub-bureau to which these people belonged, and asked them to cooperate with their own investigation to find out who the landlords of the three houses were.

After seeing the warrant presented by Hiroyuki Mizugaki, the police sub-bureau dared not to be negligent. In fact, there was no need to show the warrant. Some of Hiroyuki Mizugaki and his group spoke with a strange accent. I dare not not cooperate.If you want to be a dog for people, you must have this awareness.

With the specific address, it is not difficult to find the landlord. It didn't take long for the landlord to be brought here. When he heard that the devil was looking for him, his legs trembled in fright.What should I do?Ask what you say, and these landlords are not hard bones.It feels like life is yours if people say it is yours, and if you take it away, there is really no room for resistance.

After Mizugaki Hiroyuki and others asked about the situation in detail, they went to the specific address.Check again in detail in the room.Then I found many neighbors in the neighborhood and conducted a lot of investigations.

In the end, they still got some clues. For example, the time when these three people entered the dock was basically the same, which can show that these people had a planned action.But the time to enter the dock was very early, but Hiroyuki Mizugaki understood after careful consideration that the time they entered was when Shunichi Terauchi came to Shanghai for the first time.In other words, since then, he has been watched.

But fortunately, later on the walking route customized by myself and others, I played a trick of "biting the tail".It can be regarded as destroying the other party's actions.And it was the airport to go to at that time.If something happened, everyone would have no chance of surviving.

Um?Mizugaki Hiroyuki suddenly thought, no.It was the first time that I came here with Shunichi Terauchi.These few people entered the dock.In other words, the other party actually didn't know how he and others were going to leave.That's why someone entered the dock.

Moreover, these people have been working at the dock and have not left until the explosion of the Bibo Maru.Then think about it the other way around, is there such a lurker in the airport?The same is useless, but they are still lurking in the airport?
Thinking of this, Hiroyuki Mizugaki felt that he should have caught something, waved and called one of his subordinates, and said, "Shangbei-kun, do you remember that the one who contacted the airport was the supervisor. Can you still find him?" ?”

"Yes." Shangbei Jiyou said: "At the beginning, it was the local government, who helped to contact. I contacted the airport twice, and I was looking for him. His name is Lin Yulong. He is the supervisor of the airport command center."

"Hmm." Hiroyuki Mizugaki nodded, and said, "Do you know his home? It's best to come and ask directly. Don't disturb the inside of the airport."

Shangbei Jiyou said: "I don't know about this, but I can contact the people in the local government..."

"No." Hiroyuki Mizugaki interrupted him immediately by raising his hand, and then told him what he had just guessed, and then said: "If my judgment is correct, then the lurker at the airport must still be there. If we go to investigate If it is, it will definitely alarm them, so it is best to find this Lin Yulong in private. As long as he can provide it, has anyone entered the airport to work before and after our first visit to Shanghai? If so... Then We will stare at them, follow the clues, and we will definitely be able to find the mastermind behind the Bibo Maru shipwreck."

Shangbei Jiyou nodded and said: "The team leader is Gao Ming, I believe this plan is feasible. So... how about this, I will go to the aircraft factory in person, and I can even wait a little patiently until Lin Yulong gets off work, and then get off work with him Show up when you're there and get in touch with him."

Mizugaki Hiroyuki agreed: "It's feasible, so that other than Lin Yulong, other people at the airport will not know your presence. But, is Lin Yulong reliable?"

Shangbei Jiyou said: "This person has long been the supervisor of the airport. It should be no problem, and the time is not right."

Mizugaki Hiroyuki thought for a while, and said: "Be safe. You can bring a few more people there. After getting in touch with Lin Yulong, it is actually not difficult to ask him to help with the investigation. After all, we have specific time clues. He It is also the director of the airport command center. It is very easy to read the personnel information, and it does not take long. Therefore, after you contact him, ask the people who follow you to keep an eye on Lin Yulong secretly. Once he has a problem, Just take him down. If he hasn't figured it out in two days, it means he has the same problem. Take him down as well. Got it?"

"Hi one." Shangbei Jiyou said, "I'll do it right away. Do you have any orders?"

"Not for the time being." Hiroyuki Mizugaki said, "You go."

In other words, Lin Yulong is the director of the airport command center, and indeed one of the top executives of the airport.So the house he lives in is quite high-end, and he lives with his wife and children.How should I put it, Lin Yulong is the type of person whose wife and children are hot on the kang.

He didn't want to be in trouble for him, especially if his family was involved, let alone.It can be regarded as one of the types of good men defined by later generations.

Now that he was directly followed by Shangbei Jiyou to the house, how could he not cooperate?Naturally, it was a full-mouthed promise, and when it was time to go to work, it was useless for the two days that Hiroyuki Mizugaki said, but in fact it was only one morning. With his status as an airport executive, it was easy to know who was in Shangbei. I entered the airport around the time provided.Then, after working absent-mindedly for a day, after work...

(End of this chapter)

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