spy ace

Chapter 2687 Too messy

Chapter 2687 Too messy

For example, there is nothing under the bed, which is very clean.And in the kitchen, there are only a few sets of bowls and chopsticks at the stove below, so there is no need to toss.Therefore, it was very convenient for these devils to focus on a wardrobe in the bedroom, a table with drawers, and a small chest of drawers and bookcase next to it.

Each of these devils came in wearing gloves, and carefully began to rummage through them.And before rummaging, I will carefully record the original location of the item.

At this time they had plenty of time, the gambler was still gambling in the casino, while Xiao Boda was at the airport.In this case, unless a thief suddenly appears, otherwise, these devils and spies theoretically have an afternoon to search.

The books were packed and brought out one by one, and every piece of clothing in the cabinet was groped, not just groping the pockets, the outside, lining, corners, sleeves, collars, etc. all had to be checked in place.Basically, every book is flipped through. Of course, it is impossible to flip through the pages one by one, but to flip through them quickly to see if there is something stuck inside.And whether these books have traces of frequent reading and so on.

And Shangbei Jiyou is on the ground in the house, in the corner of the wall, etc., to see if there are any hidden spaces.As long as any one is found, it shows that the owner of the house is not simple.

But it's a pity that these ghosts searched for nearly an hour, but they still didn't find any problems.Shangbei Jiyou felt that the house was no longer worth looking for, so he immediately waved his hands and said, "Stop it all, recover!"

The ghost agents began to return to the original place, returning the found items one by one.Shangbei Jiyou ordered again: "Retreat." Finally, he looked up, down, left, and right in the house, then turned around and walked out.

When they got outside and everyone was walking towards the monitoring point, Shangbei Jiyou said: "I won't go back, you continue to monitor. If there is any situation, report it to the headquarters immediately."

"Yes." Several people answered in a low voice.Shangbei Jiyou passed through an alley, and then separated from them.After walking through several intersections, I found the car parked here, and arrived at the second monitoring point, Xie Hairong's house, without stopping.

After entering the monitoring point, Shangbei Jiyou immediately asked about the situation, and the devil spies here immediately reported the situation.After hearing this, Shangbei Jiyou felt that he could do something, so he led the people again to Zhizhi Hairong's house, unlocked it technically, opened the door, and began to rummage after entering.

Similarly, there are no hidden signs in the house.Shangbei Jiyou was indeed very careful in finding and observing, but he did not find any secret marks.For example, gently blowing a layer of soot on the ground at the door.Or maybe there was a hair on the door or something, but there was nothing.

This house also has a layout of one room and one kitchen, but it is much bigger than Xiao Boda's house before.But the surrounding neighbors are also relatively clean.After all, the geographical location is slightly off, which is also normal.

Xie Hairong's home is much messier than Xiao Boda's, but it's still okay.Clothes are also hung in the closet, but the clothes folded under the closet are a bit unsightly, one ball and one egg, it can't be said that it is not folded, it can only be said that it is done by throwing it in.

So if it was an agent, it wouldn't be so messy, right?This is not necessarily the case.It depends on the cover status of the agent.If you just judge from the chaos at home, there is no way to know the answer.

But the messy things have a difficulty for these devil's spies.That is, you don't know whether these things are marks made by the other party, and if so, it is difficult for you to find out.In this way, it will be difficult for you to recover naturally.

Therefore, these devils can be said to be careful, but there are still some things that cannot be remembered in full.No matter how good the memory is.For example, there are a lot of sundries in a cabinet, and these sundries are piled up in an irregular manner. Do you search or not?Why are you here without searching?But if you search, do you know that the debris, the corresponding angle of the thing below, or a small dot is a secret mark made by others?And so many things, you want to write them all down?I can't remember how awesome my memory is.

The devils looked at Shangbei Jiyou with some difficulty, and the latter was also a little difficult.But he remembered what Mizugaki Hiroyuki told him, and he would rather give up than let the other party find out.Therefore, he only hesitated for a few seconds, then waved his hand and said in a low voice: "Search other places, search for places where you are sure to recover."

"Hi one." Several ghosts also answered in a low voice, gave up this cabinet, and started searching other places.

But after doing this, the result is that there are not many places in the house to search.The search will be exhausted soon.Shangbei Jiyou had no other choice, but instead, he paid attention to this man named Xie Hairong. After all, he didn't find anything, and it was a different concept from a thorough search.If there is no way to search, then you will naturally be suspected.

Of course, it's just a suspicion. After all, it's normal for a bachelor to have a mess in the house.

After going out, Shangbei Jiyou said again: "You guys go back. Continue to monitor, don't let anyone find out." Then he walked a few streets away again, got into his own car, and started to drive to Lu Kaiyu's house .

He had to hurry up, after all, the search started at noon, and two of them had already been completed.It was almost four o'clock.In fact, there is a woman in Lu Kaiyu's house, so there is no need for him to worry too much.However, it was almost time for dinner. If this woman went out to buy food for dinner, she might go out at any time.Therefore, he has to spend some time with plenty of time to come out.

When they arrived at the monitoring point of Lu Kaiyu's house, Shangbei Jiyou listened to the report and found nothing suspicious.The woman came out to get some firewood, and then took it into the house. At other times, she stayed at home and didn't come out.

Shangbeiji Yuzheng felt that because of time, that woman might not go out.But when he was thinking of this, he was looking at a devil spy outside with a telescope by the window, and suddenly said: "The woman came out with a basket on her shoulder."

When Shangbei Jiyou heard this, he ran to the window in two steps and looked out from the gap on the side of the curtain.Sure enough, a woman came out of Kaiyu's house on the road about [-] meters diagonally opposite.This woman is wearing a dark suit...

(End of this chapter)

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