spy ace

Chapter 2694

Chapter 2694
The subconscious reaction was different, very fast.He heard the footsteps of the other party, or caught a glimpse of the other party's footsteps when they passed by from the corner of his eye. He knew this subconsciously, but his subjective consciousness might not be able to react.In addition, I believed that the other party "already knew".

So after putting it all together, the subconscious made Tong Pengyi step up in an instant, and took a step forward sideways.And while fleeing, he turned around directly, raised his hands, and made a posture that could be attacked or defended.

It was also because of this leaping step that the devil's agent swung back and missed.This is tantamount to giving Tong Pengyi a gap. Seeing that the opponent really pounced on him and missed the air, taking advantage of this pause, Tong Pengyi made a small swing of his right hand and turned towards the opponent's head.

The devil's second reaction was quick. He lowered his head, left his hand to parry, and punched forward with his right hand.The two sides moved too fast these few times, and it may not take a second.There was a muffled sound, but both sides were almost punched.Originally, Tong Pengyi's swinging fist was more powerful, but after all, it was slightly blocked by the left hand of the devil's spy, and a lot of strength was relieved.

But the devil rushed forward with his right hand eagerly, his force was not complete at all, and the distance was also shorter.The strength wasn't enough, so even though both sides were punched in the face, it was only pain, but they didn't feel any dizziness.

The devil's agent became ruthless, screamed loudly, and swooped forward again.It turned out that this kid had practiced judo.At the very beginning, he wanted to use judo's catching and wrestling techniques to win Tong Pengyi, but he was reacted by Tong Pengyi's god and dodged it.And judo itself is very practical when it comes to close combat.All kinds of joint skills and wrestling techniques, when close to the body, even close to the body, can stand at a great advantage.

In addition, he even let out a ghostly howl when he pounced. Although this meant to overwhelm the opponent in terms of momentum, it would be better to scare the opponent, so that he could stand up and take the lead in the fight.Of course, it is basically impossible for this thing to have any effect on people with good psychological quality, even middle-to-upper people, or people who have already killed red eyes.Needless to say, the psychological quality is good.And the red-eyed person is full of killing intent in his heart, so I'm afraid of you even if you call him?Whoever comes, I will fight desperately!
But the real meaning of this devil's ghostly cry is to remind himself that his companions are following behind: I've already made a move, so hurry up and support me!
As soon as his hands clasped his open arms, the devil's agent suddenly twisted his waist, thinking of a judo throw, that is, while twisting his body, use his legs, hips, and push against the opponent's torso. In this way, you can Let the opponent's upper body lean forward, while the waist and abdomen are bent, and the center of gravity is also pushed up.

With the strength of the twisted waist and arms, the opponent is thrown to the ground.Then there is the combo technique: After falling to the ground, do not let go of the opponent's arm, and it is two-handed against one-handed, forming an advantage.So, twist again, giving this arm an anti-joint.Or just fall to the ground by yourself, hold the opponent's single arm with both hands, clamp it with your legs, then press the opponent's chest and abdomen, straighten your body, form a cross, and abolish the opponent's arm, etc. , are all possible.

But just as the devil's secret agent hit it up and twisted his waist.Tong Pengyi's first reaction was a little slow. He wanted to sink his center of gravity and spread his legs apart. This is a very good posture to prevent falling.The devil's body-fitting movement was very violent, so before he could prevent the fall, he had already let the opponent put his hands on him and began to twist his body.

But Tong Pengyi's second reaction was quick and accurate.Feeling that his center of gravity had just been moved up by the hips of the Devil's spy's legs, he simply tapped his toes to the ground, jumped up and pinched his legs forward.

This clip is very knowledgeable, the left calf is horizontal to the right, while the right leg is bent down and tightened, clamping the ankle of your left leg.That's right, people who know how to do it will understand immediately if they see it.This is exactly what Fan Keqin taught them, a martial art from South America called Barou.In fact, Barou is also derived from judo, but it has its own particularities, moves and other developments.So it really cannot be said that it is the same as judo.

This trick is called a leg lock in the vernacular, but it is officially called a triangle lock, or a triangle twist.It has a wide range of uses, such as body lock, shoulder neck lock, and leg lock are all possible.Especially when falling to the ground, falling to the ground itself means falling into a big disadvantage.But if you know how to use the triangle lock skillfully, it is one of the great skills to turn defeat into victory.

At this time, after Tong Pengyi used it, he directly landed on the opponent's waist.And because the little devil himself wanted to twist his body, basically, let Tong Pengyi directly take the dominant back position.

The little devil also knew it was not good at this moment, the opponent's close-fitting skills are so good!So he tightened his hands and wanted to grab Tong Pengyi's arm.But how can Tong Pengyi make his wish come true.The left hand is not easy to draw out.But when the right hand resisted vigorously at the very beginning, the little devil's spy couldn't hold it tightly.As soon as he pulled it out, he threw it at the back of the little devil's head.

This is not a game, there are rules and restrictions that do not allow hitting the back of the head.Because of how fierce it came, the little devil's head was a little buzzing, but because Tong Pengyi wanted to break free quickly, he hit it for speed, so the strength was slightly weaker, so the little devil didn't lose it all at once. fighting power.

The little devil shrank his head in desperation, and supported the back of his head with his right hand to prevent Tong Pengyi from hitting him on the back of the head again.But with his right hand blocking like this, Tong Pengyi's left hand is no longer one-on-two, but one-on-one.In the case of one arm against one arm, unless the difference in arm strength and hand strength between the two parties is too great, it is too difficult to completely control the opponent.

So this time, Tong Pengyi's left hand was given a chance to twitch suddenly, breaking away from the opponent's control.He pointed the back of the devil's head with both hands, and beat him violently.

The little devil had already fallen to the ground because of his center of gravity.This fall was on his back, and Tong Pengyi was on his back, so this fall shortened the distance, allowing Tong Pengyi to punch twice with both hands before he fell.But because the little devil shrank his head and covered the back of his head with both hands to protect him, nothing happened to him.

But the next moment, it was completely different. After falling to the ground, Tong Pengyi's right hand suddenly passed through the gap on the side of the little devil's spy's neck, and then bent back and retracted violently.The left hand is backward, but the elbow is bent forward...

(End of this chapter)

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