spy ace

Chapter 2696 Simple Plan

Chapter 2696 Simple Plan

Speaking of the ghost who was strangled, his physical fitness is really good. Of course, he has not been strangled for a long time, so by now, he has recovered a bit.At the very least, consciousness has begun to return.

The second devil stretched out his accomplice to help him up, and the two walked while looking for the phone.In fact, not too far from the alley, they found a telephone in a clinic on the side of the street.They immediately began reporting the situation to Mizugaki Hiroyuki and Kamihoku Keiyu.

This is tantamount to showing his face. For the little devil, it can be said to be quite a bad thing.When Mizugaki Hiroyuki found out, he was furious, but he is a person who can control his emotions very well, so he suppressed his anger in an instant, and said: "Shangbei-jun, you immediately take people to kill all suspects at the airport. All of them will be arrested and brought back.”

"Hi one." Shangbei Jiyou also understood that if something like this happened suddenly, it would be like alarming the snake.At this time, decisive measures must be taken to arrest all these people, and then through surprise interrogation to obtain confessions, only then can a breakthrough be made.

So Shangbei Jiyou made some arrangements, and immediately set off with people.And Mizugaki Hiroyuki couldn't be idle, he had to catch several at once, and he personally led a team to participate in the arrest.

In other words, Tong Pengyi ran wildly all the way, continuously got into the alley left and right, changing the direction of travel.After a while, he was sure that he had completely shaken off his tail.Then he passed through this area and came to the street.

When he just came here, he had already thought about it.He had to call the upline immediately, because he knew it too.I must have been targeted when I was in that public toilet.Does this mean that Lei Zhemao and others have been targeted by the little devil?Or even has been caught, and a traitor has appeared?
Then I just had a face-to-face meeting with the devil's spies.This is tantamount to showing his face, and it is the same for devils.In this way, the devil will definitely take action.Therefore, he needs to contact the upline immediately.

So he didn't care about that much anymore, as soon as he came out to the street, he saw a grocery store with a sign saying there was a public phone inside.He went straight in, picked up the phone and started making calls.Speaking in code words, he briefly explained the situation he had just discovered.Soon, the news came to Fan Keqin.

Of course, it was Le Xichen who reported to Fan Keqin this time.He is a maintenance technician for the company, and sometimes does other things.Like stealing a phone line.But this time, Tong Pengyi couldn't call him directly, it was transferred.First call Tong Pengyi's own contact person, and then the contact person uses another phone to call other phones.Then the caretaker of this phone called Le Xichen who was in the maintenance room and could hear it, a public phone on the street outside.

In this way, even if the devil tried his best to investigate, he would not be able to find out.It's just that it takes some time to switch between layers. Therefore, Fan Keqin received the complete information ten minutes after Tong Pengyi finished calling.

Fan Keqin immediately brought Le Xichen to Baifengtai's office, and Le Xichen recounted the situation again.Fan Keqin said: "Now the devils have touched us without our knowledge. If it weren't for the friendship, the threat to us this time by the devils may be immeasurable."

"Brother Heng." Bai Fengtai said: "I asked for punishment. I guess the devil may have found the airport from the timeline. I was careless on this point."

"I can't blame you." Fan Keqin said: "I originally wanted them to continue lurking at the airport... Now let's solve the immediate problem. I feel that since the little devil has met Tong Pengyi face to face, then they should It is impossible to keep in the dark, but we will do it immediately. Tong Pengyi is a security observer at the airport, so the people at the airport will definitely be monitored, and we need to rescue them."

Bai Fengtai frowned and said: "Tong Pengyi saw the signal at the agreed place. Did the little devil have already captured Lei Zhemao and others, and they have already betrayed, so he explained the agreed signal place... This is a bit risky Nah."

"No." Fan Keqin said: "I'm sure, Lei Zhemao and others were not caught, but were just targeted."

Hearing his affirmative tone, Bai Fengtai seemed to understand.Because there is an inside line at the airport.This insider does not refer to the three of Lei Zhemao.If Lei Zhemao and the others really had a problem, then it was impossible for the insider to have no reaction at all, nothing at all.But now, there is really nothing on the inside line.In other words, Lei Zhemao could only be watched secretly by the little devil, and found out that he went to the agreed signal place.Only then did he monitor the agreed place, and finally caught up with Tong Pengyi.

After Bai Fengtai came to his senses, he said, "Understood, then Brother Heng, what should we do? Tell them to leave immediately? I'm afraid that the little devil is already on the way, and even on the way to arrest them."

Fan Keqin said: "We have made a rescue plan that is already very simple. First of all, send people immediately and notify them to evacuate. But you lead the team, lie in ambush secretly, bring guns and ammunition, and prepare the car, but don't move for the time being. Don't get caught.

At this time, after the person who notified them to evacuate has gone, two situations will happen. The first one is to evacuate safely and smoothly.The second type is that the little devils have already been arrested, or are about to be arrested soon, blocking them.Needless to say the first case.In the second case, the little devil has already captured them.Or they are running into them to evacuate and start to capture and attack.The team of you ambushing on the side rushed up immediately, because there was a person to notify them to evacuate, so the little devil must not have thought that there were other ambushes beside the person who had already been notified, so the devil would I was caught off guard by you.

These three people can all use this method.Commander Bai Fengtai prepared a separate mobile team for Dongyangde and Le Xichen. If there was a problem with the three of them, they would immediately deploy support. "

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin looked at Bai Fengtai and said, "Got it?"

Bai Fengtai said: "Understood, I asked Le Xichen to come over to inform you, but I led the people to ambush quietly in the narration. It would be fine if the two of you evacuated smoothly, but I met devils who were arresting you, or blocked you .I'll take someone out of nowhere...

(End of this chapter)

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